AUS/pol/ no bully edition

G'day cunts

The events of the past few days have proven to me that Melbourne is the only red pilled city in Australia. What other city in Australia is unafraid to btfo niggers?

Anyway, let's get to the news of the day:

>sudos btfo by brave gook shop owner sick of their nigging

>based png army shoots (((asylum seekers))) at manus island refugee centre on our behalf because looking after them is getting expensive

>fat autistic neet gets btfo at his work for the dole program, mum cries

>cucks in nsw are reopening rail line for some stupid reason as if anybody lives in nsw amirite

>regional vic wants to waste cash on commonwealth games

>tasmania apologizes to faggots for some reason

>crazy cunt drives through mall in wollongong, btfos bogans and iceheads, apparently a terrorist and not doing a public service

Anyway cunts, looks like that fat gook cunt in NK pussied out
Looks like WW3 has been averted. I think it's safe for me to join the army and enjoy getting a 61k per year salary as a rifleman. Fuck yes cunts.

Anyway, let the shit posting commence.

dumb cunt t b h

[citation needed]


Sorry have to post this because it seemed to piss people off, haha


Want to be physiotherapist in army or airforce. Do they get treated with any semblance of respect?

>semblance of respect
we're all just good goyims willing to die for that old cunt lizzy m8
if you wanted respect you would of done well in school
t. cunt whos considering joining in a trade

not him but don't complain about rent increases if it gets scapped

u wanna rub up some cunts dicks or something?

Why would it? Seems fairly accurate to me.

I did do well in school, hence why I am considering physiotherapy.


t. somali

property prices will drop which means i can buy instead

>Abolishing negative gearing will matter with the other inflationary pressures on accomodation

Are there any Aussies that are ambitious on here? Seems like every Australian on this site is a tradie or thinking about joining the army because they're a NEET with no other options.

yeah in the army they're gonna treat you like shit

hence why it's the army we're all there to get shot at and die potentially/get legs blown off then come home and larp as heroes to the normal fags

who's the most obnoxious Australian comedian?

nothing wrong with the army m8

I have always hated Wil Anderson.

medfag if that counts as ambitious

what is ambition to you?
running a big fucking biz? having a big family? making lots of money?
ambition is different from person to person

whats stopping chinese and immigration from keeping them high


get out

any comedian thats been on the project

damn it foiled by the gooks


might kill myself

Some people are. I agree there are a lot of army people though, too much considering less than 1% of the population are in the army.

so dave hughes

oh lord i honestly didn't see it
don't bully me please i'm too sensitive

Not completed, where is 'the project' ?

I drink new and watch NRL so this doesn't apply to me.

sorry to hurt your feelings sweetheart, but yeah ambition is wanting to do more than be a tradie or rifleman. without shitting on those people, that's pretty much as low as you can aim.

this guy has the right idea
he can meet god and tell us what he's like

Nah, let the gooks stay. Nothing too much wrong with them, their ladies love you long time. Get the blacks in control, they and Muslims cause trouble wherever they go.

How do these uneducated scum from primitive Africa get into your country anyway? I thought you had a point system you Australian cunt?

Well, at least you aren't Londistan yet. The English are getting their assholes spread really good right now to accommodate multicultural cock.

>ignores own thread title

I thought this was the welcoming aus/pol/ thread m8

>when Aussies are talking about that huge desert in the middle of their cunt

>he says on Sup Forums on a saturday night

Based Asian merchant

Thoughts on friendlyjordies?

you didn't answer my question: what is ambition, according to you?

loudest shill there ever was

He's our guy whether he likes it or not

Gay cunt, but makes some valid arguments.

i don't really find any Australian comedian funny. i think they're all kind of shit. no bully even. it's just objective fact.

How are we doing, convicts?

All of them are shit, name a good one

being a sick cunt, as usual, master.

I made that picture, that is to say I put the watermark at the bottom

lel you cunts can stop getting defensive, i'm a highschool dropout, not shitting on anyone.

>what is ambition
having a career path that takes years of study maybe, hoping to earn $150,000+, having ideas/plans on how to change or affect society in a broad way, something more than just finishing an apprenticeship and getting double time on sundays.

What's wrong with a clock?

You pomey cunts should pay us reparations for sending us here.

no i want a comfy simple life impregnating my missus over and over thanks

slightly better than you abdul, but not that great

What did you get up to today m8s?

>applied for a bunch of jobs in the mines
>went for a walk on the beach unironically
>watched the coachella stream
>watching the sigur ros stream now that was on at the same time as coachella
>about to go down to the bowlo for a few drinks

Its great to come home to visit the parents for easter but fucking hell its boring as shit

Fuck off elitist cunt. I make 6 figs and I have nothing but respect for people who work hard rather than leech Centrelink.

>ate chocolate eggs
>cooked meme food from aldi
>drank cheap goon which made me feel a bit ill
>got bullied in my last thread
>getting bullied in this thread
i'm going to kms tonight

>highschool dropout
for a cunt making that much money you're pretty fucking illiterate mate

was going to go out for a ride on my motorbike, but remembered it's a long weekend and every cunt and his dog will be out on the road so stayed home and got on the scotch and watched some movies.

Sat in my room wanting to kill myself because gf left me after 4 years together and I have no friends that I want to hang out with.

>career path
finished my meme degree
>having ideas/plans on how to change or affect society in a broad way,
i'm shitposting here
>something more than just finishing an apprenticeship and getting double time on sundays

sounds quite comfy actually

You look down on people who make less money than you. You're an elitist piece of shit.

Only leftists hate negative gearing because they don't understand economics or investment losses.

are you biz owner from last bread?
what kinda biz are you running?

quote the post where i did that cunt

nah mate im just an underemployed cunt with no future

at least you didn't do a meme degree who works as a freelance writer who gets bullied by that guy in the last thread ;(

>Be a crook on a rainy shithole island
>Get 'punished' by being given a whole sunny continent

I'm the business owner. Online business, sole employee but it's a company not sole trader.


since i'm a freelance writer who has an abn and clients does that mean i'm a biz owner too?

Day of the Emu when?

Fuck boys i hope it better for you. Nothing worse than feeling down on a (((festive))) weekend like this one

My parents live in a small coastal tourist town. There are so many fucking baby boomers here with their brand new caravans, land cruisers and little annoying yipping dogs, it drives me up the fucking wall. The highway is fucked atm too, i just want to go into town but nah, a 15 min trip turns into 1 hr. I can definitely sympathise what you're dealing with

no wait i'm a sole trader
*waits for bullying to commence*

Saying that the liberals should not emulate LDP and ONP because that's "full autism" is either an appeal to the authority of intelligence or is ad hominum.

dw cunt i don't really want to kms i'm memeing.
everything else is true though.

That's not what we're going to bully you about

it's argument autist man

Technically yes. You can't call yourself a managing director though.

I'm not memeing. I can't even function without gf. We spent so much time together, everything is associated with her.

Btw is aldi any good? Theres one near where i live but ive nevrler done a full weeks worth of shopping there before. Im a little broke atm and looking for alternatives to woolies

staying at home to work is fucking comfy though and not being shackled to a set salary is good too i can work as much as i want and theoretically get over 100k if i work hard enough
i'm only good at writing and shit at everything else

>She used to be a functional adult

sounds like me man
we've been together just under 7 years still together
i knocked her up so she's not going anywhere unless she wants to be a single mom or if she finds a rich cuck

yeah it's got less brands but they're wayyyy better priced than cucksworlth or cucks (coles)

better price, good quality, less choice of brands (but who gives a fuck?)

Aldi is good for everything except meat. The prices aren't that great though. The big two beat them during half price sales. Stick to the half price foods. You can eat on less than $30pw.

If you work for Fairfax prepare the noose.

this guy can't stop BULLYING PEOPLE

nah cunt i just do commercial writing
aka copywriting

I do comm and science degree at GO8 if that counts as ambitious


>You can eat on less than $30pw

Thats frugal as fuck. What do you normall eat each week?

Ever do PR?

>tfw see her on snapchat being happy with friends and I'm here wanting to kms

I just want WW3 so I can be conscripted and die a hero.

About 45 minutes ago, didn't you see the pics?

You say this in every thread. Where should we meet up at?

Don't know how you're on $30p/w unless you're fucking anorexic. I fall into the anorexic weight range (not an ano though) and I spend minimum of $50 mostly about $55-60 a week.

Would love to break into the PR field. But I'm just a self taught copywriter. Have applied for PR jobs in a past life, but never landed anything.

>watching gay-fl
>drinking vaginal backwash
>listening to the abc

What kind of gay shit is this?

Or picked up a client that wants press releases written. Just comfy copywriting with a splash of SEO to drive sales for my valued clients.

I am fanatical about saving money. I never buy I want to eat I let the specials dictate what I eat. If you're serious about saving money you want to eat:

- Rice
- Spaghetti
- Chicken breast (buy in bulk and freeze)
- Soups
- Veggies (lots, they're cheap and good for you)

Just simple meals. I don't get bored and I save a fortune.

Veggies aren't cheap.