GOODBYE Sup Forums

I am leaving Sup Forums for good now. This board is cancerous and will eventually lead to my life being worse than it could have been if I never had visited it. I have dedicated too much of my life to making up lies and carrying around an irrational fear and hatred toward people I have never even talked to. Goodbye Sup Forums.

>Fight against white extremism
0/10 bait

Bye, see you soon

Bye achmed. We won't miss you.

You're here forever. Unfortunately for us


Nobody cares cumskin

Nice insult Pajeet



Really makes me think...

Now I understand the white womb is no place for white men...

I hope Jarrell has mercy on me after I wet his superior thug dominant member and guide it into my wife...

I was foolish before...


See you in a week.


>hatred toward people I have never even talked to
what kind of people are you talking about, abdul? whites?

His wife works for (((Google)))

Lmao we don't make up facts we don't have

A degenerate "neo-Nazi" and also looks like a turk is this a joke?

Thank you for this OP. I've wanted to leave this board for a long time now too, but never found the right moment. Goodbye Sup Forums.

The snozz on that woman...


Bye, Muhammad Abdul Eriksson.

If you hated people by virtue of the skin color alone, or even more laughably, were afraid of them for the same reason, you were bluepilled the entire time.

But the real story is you're a pathetic faggot trying to shill his shitty ass kike tube video as rage porn for shekels. Gas yourself you subversive piece of shit.


Damn, my skin is the color of creation, the color of starshine, the color of a comet's tail, the color of frothing Oceans' crashing on the shore, the color of snow and not the color of cum, which looks white, but when it is compared to a white surface has a Yellow hue to it.
Perhaps, if you spit a few times instead of swallowing, you would see this phenomenon.
And remember:
Your skin is the color of rot, the color of earth, the color of frothing diarrhea, the color of a shit pail, the color of digested curry hitting the designated shitting street, the color of a dead buffalo and the color of shit, which you should know so well as yours is an ancient line of those who pluck the shots from the streets.

>white extremist
>fails paper bag test
wew lad

>BASIC in grade 6 to her nest thermostat today
>BASIC in grade 6
>nest thermostat
jesus christ this is why google went so shit and leftyfag

>don't you all want to become a fat, bald piece of shit cuck like me guise
>let's exterminate racism together

I guess this faggot found out that he's a t*rk

Enjoy the Muslim cock.


this really triggers me :(

>Muh threats against jewish community centers (done by jews)
>muh hate
>muh violence

Normies will love it.

Not this goombah again. Obvious co-opt

"Last thing I remember I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
Relax said the night man we are programmed to receive
You can checkout any time you like but you can never leave"

>can never leave
>can never leave
>can never leave

The graveyard wasn't desecrated by Nazis though.

Also how can a part nigger part Mexican be a white nationalist?

LOL. This guy passes in USA as white. He's 100% not white.

>It's a conspiracy
Well that's that I guess. Nothing to see here.

fucking disgusting





What does he mean by this?

>mfw that shitskin is considered white in America

>when it is compared to a white surface has a Yellow hue to it.
I'd get that checked out buddy


>this is considered white in America

>I am leaving Sup Forums for good now.
See you tomorrow Sven
>You're here forever.

wtf, lol

He's right. I've had enough of lying to myself.
Bye Sup Forums I hope you all rot in hell

Fuck off we dont need weak links like you.
>checks flag.
Oh dont let the door hit you on the ass your way out.
Fucking normie.

Settle down Shia. Quit shit posting on your garbage cuck cabin Finnish broadband. Fuck off.

>everyone celebrating their skin colors
>niggers even have their own month
>whites do the same
>hateful extremism, hang the nazis!

wtf I hate white self-interests now

You've been hating that for 70 years hans

>toward people I have never even talked to.
And this is how we know you're a sheltered liberal


every time

Thank you so much for this eye opening document.

That brown-skinned ex-neonazi just admitted he personally created the lie that joos control the media and the financial system. 'Cause it's a lie, right?
I mean, this is solved then. I'm sure this video won't make a bunch of normie kids go and research who are the heads of media corporations, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve... right? It won't make them wonder about the CFR, Trilateral Commision, Bilderberg, Rothschilds... right?

How could we've been so wrong. I finally see the truth now. Thanks, brown-skinned neonazi. I think I'm going to sleep now.


>dumb neo nazi degenerate that became neo nazi because he was a degenerate and had emotional issues

>joins another ideology for emotional reasons

why am I not surprised, these retards thinking neo nazi degenerates are the same as ethnic nationalists

That goy isn't even white

>White person says mean things on the internet
>White extremism!

>Muslim person kills dozens
>Its not Islamic extremism!
>Terrorism has no religion!




>Brings up vandalism and threats that were false flags
>Brings up "desecration" deemed natural damage
>Brings up two cops being shot 3 years ago by white supremacists when most cops killed are killed by blacks including 5 officers who where killed and seven more injured by a sniper who wanted to "kill as many white people as possible" last year
>Claims he invented the "lie" that Jews run the media
>Not white

Underage anime fag...nobody cares what you think.

>the problem is that no one is trying to take that away from you
LMAO. I also like the part where he takes credit for blaming Jews and quite LITERALLY refers to "Jews own all the media" as "fake news"
FUCK. I'm actually a little angry now. This guy probably got caught with some drugs and the Feds gave him a deal, turned him into an informant, and made him take back his ways.

Gotta go prep the bull huh Sven?

Well if he was stupid enough to fall for the neo nazi meme then I have no doubt he's stupid enough to fall for the anti white supremacist meme.

>these fringe groups have widened their appeal by moderating their message and removing its racial components
>but this is still white extremism and anti-semitism because they still don't align with me politically
News organizations should not be allowed to peddle propaganda. They're far too stupid.

Don't forget
>calls it "fake news"
>says that white cultures aren't under threat.

88 confirm

>fallout fan

of course

Butt the guy in the vid has brown eyes.
(Brown eyes = not white)

Neo nazis must be pretty tolerant if they let that guy join

>muh jew community threats
was this not from kikes themselves?

Maple sucking dog fukr nobody cares what you think.

did nobody inform them that the jew threads were a false flag and an isrealian jew was behind it ?

Or was a fed the whole time infiltrating the movement only to 180 after he failed his assignment to get some ebil Nazis to commit crimes

sand niggers killing everyone and you're worried about white people?


Blacks committing "more crimes against whites" Is a conspiracy theory?

This kind of talk is the exact reason I turned to the right. Liberals just can not accept facts. I saw it fucking everywhere I brought up government crime statistics It's always "That's not true" or "It doesn't matter because *insert unrelated issue*" and "Well it can be explained away to a certain degree which means it's not an issue".

This guy was never any kind of nationalist.
He was a fucking kike controlled (((neo-nazi))) degenerate.
Once you have done some research and seen all the facts there is just no going back.

Yes, really makes the noggin joggin

i agree this jew jew jews jews 247 yet they ignore satanics shit and back shitty nazis

nazis are shitty


KEK a fucking snitch bitch turned government stooge.

kikes is a shitty name for jews come up with something better

Wow yeah those white people huh, isn't it incredible the number of beheadings, suicide bombings, acid attacks, etc, etc they're all committing in the name of whiteness.
Really turns the cog in the noggin


Cute. How much did ShareBlue pay you to post this?

Wait a second. Is this bloke actually considered white in America?


>I made up shit about Jews
Even fucking Martin Luther and Voltaire talked shit about and he now proclaims he made that crap. LMAO

Nazis areee eeeevil!! White people don't deserve a homeland, only G-ds chosen do!!



It has a nice ring to it.

He put on some weight from then the fucking cuck

>Cux Propaganda


Sweden you are a faggot and I hate you.

>see f(l)ag
Move along.

>Remember you are here forever


>lefties are against israel
>lefties are pro-islam
>lefties flood your country with anti-jew muslims
>muslims overrepresented in all violent crime statistics
>hatecrimes against jewish communities on the rise

But who could be behind the attacks against the jewish communities? Hmmm! Who? WHO?! HMMMMMM! Probably the fringe neo-nazi groups!

Poo poo ba doo
Dooky dooky doo
Ploppy ploppy ploppy
Poo doo dook