
What is Sup Forums's idea of a utopia?

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utopia lays behind the horizon, once the solution is agreed upon

utopia is fake word and not fake word. Anything is utopia in CIA lemon party gestapo. So the problem with current state of affairs how to keep "hope" alive by keep replacing one utopia for another as goals to achieve, but never achieving anything except targeting those who believed in those goals. It's hard to understand why would they need it if they have all the power in their hands, not to mention entire activism, democracy, participation, involvement etc is simulated.

A scorching radioactive desert littered with the bones of the innocent


To be at peace.

peace can be only attained from within. that utopia is already within you, it's you who is not choosing to be at peace


What a faggot ass comment.

kys roach.

No shitskins.

A time and place that I don't need to worry that i'm getting fucked over. So never, basically.

utopia is where only the people who deserve to be killed are killed.

who deserves it you may ask?

well, thats up to me to decide :)

space opera
desert wasteland dystopia

Mao is that you?

Personally a society run on the ideas of 1984 is my utopia

good job on labeling the essence of thousands of ancient traditions and esoteric teachings as "faggot ass"

I wouldn't expect any less from an ameritard

Hyper intelligent AI leaders and a post-scarcity economy

I wish.

i'm fucking poor.

not letting a woman anywhere near those steaks for one

A world where problems still exist, but not the same problems we've had for hundreds or thousands of years--those have to go away. A society should NOT be based on a specific goal (i.e. a stateless/classless society, a libertarian capitalist world, an ethnostate, or a one world government without borders, to name just a few) but rather a SYSTEM that promotes happiness, well-being, and the ability for an individual to thrive and grow. A society dedicated to the thriving of the individual (so long as they don't try to deny others the same right), without an ever-present hand in their development. Ideologies are for autists and only end up as violence or oppression towards those who don't follow the script.

This from what I gather.


Was about to post it


You could always move to Canada.

nah, Justin Trudeau is not my Big brother

try everything

Charls in the wood is somber


A world where state exists only to prevent aggression and free market works everywhere. Because of automation everything will get cheaper and cheaper, until point where all basic needs are technically free.
All feminists, liberals, black and other problems would just disappear once they lose the power to force their agenda using government and stuff.

Completely free market.

Third party associations for testing and setting standards for products.

Abolish all taxes except property tax. You get to choose how your property tax is spent.

Every company becomes a worker co-op.

The state socializes nothing.

A world without jews is the utopia
Death, war and famine would still exist but without the jew it's all bearable

No place is Utopia.
Utopia is no place.


What good is inner peace in the individual if others are still suffering? Finding inner peace is for cowards looking for a non-invasive lobotomy. There is one consciousness and you have a duty to your "self" to ease the suffering of all souls. Because life has no value, that means killing a lot of people, low IQ subhumans first ofc.

Shoo roach

My utopia would be extermination of all conscious life in the universe. Barring that something like Brave New World or Teletubbies. Everyone is content with their social standing and never has to endure a moments suffering.

A Christian theocracy of course! Preferably centered in one of the Scandinavian countries.

>post globalist meme....

Taoist/Zen Buddhist Theocratic Dictatorship



>tfw Buddhism has freed my mind allowing me to destroy the negroid suffering machine with no remorse

A stalinist utopia based on racial purity


limited rights to niggers and mudslimes. Its not utopia but it will work.

The destruction of greed and materialism, and the embrace of living in harmony with God, on Earth.

Your retarded version of Christianity basicly spams the fucking graves all over the fucking country.
I would reconcile your statement.

Communism means poorfags, poorfags means decadence, decandence means primitivity, primitivity is today mainly in Africa.

>no niggers
>no Muslims
>no women
>all manual labour done by robots
>white men free to enjoy life, improve themselves and innovate

Why have I never seen this before?
