>USA killed many of these endangered Aryans during the MOAB strike on ISIS tunnels.
USA killed many of these endangered Aryans during the MOAB strike on ISIS tunnels
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They look white
If Trump killed them he did good
>muh 2 gorillion pound bomb
>just 36 goatfuckers dead
Why do Burgerfats suck at war so much?
Pashtun afghans aren't isis i dont think
WoW wE dOnT gIvE a FuCk!1! :^)
The US killed absolutely no one
The MOAB strike was just theatre for Trump to show North Korea what he can and will do
who cares
Get off the proxy, Rabbi.
>first they complain too many people die in US strikes
>theyre not happy either when they pick a target that doesn't cause extra casualties
the bomb was already paid for by some previous administration and they have running maintenance costs, blowing them up doesn't cost a dime.
Yeah because no one can actually visit japan
Im curious if you did a DNA test on them would it show as Pure European or middle eastern and European
>talk about sucking at war
>Straya shows up
> Talks about Aryans
> Shows pictures of rag heads
Take the rags off and they would look like pure Europeans
I don't know. But they surely have European Aryan ancestry. What's more, they are closely related to the Slavs.
did hitler accept the slavs
Just another dead white person. Thanks Trump.
autistic poo has appeared: commence leering at white girl he'll never had
Muslims are muslims, no matter what color their skin is. Missiles are coming for all followers of the false prophet muhammad
>the bomb was already paid for by some previous administration and they have running maintenance costs, blowing them up doesn't cost a dime.
Literally bought and paid for by George W. Bush in 2003.
Nah, because he had North African/Middle Eastern Ancestry, and was closely related to the Niggers.
>a descendant of lowly outcast convicts who were brought in chains and imprisoned in an island on the other end of the globe
Opinion. Discarded.
>Take the rags off and they would look like pure Europeans
Maybe they could be mistaken for other Eastern European rag heads like Bosnians or something.
If one of these cunts came into my pub without the turban and said I'm Aryan we'd just fucking laugh.
Just a bunch of pig-ignorant goat fuckers.
>afghanis now look more white than swedes
only thing i notice is their hair is thicker than the average white person, its more jewish
Holy shit who is the guy on the right, looks like an old pal of mine
>t. Ultimate self hating Jew
ugh, pure white people are too white
Well, The US and the eternal anglo's hate Aryans; That has been well documented during the last century.
They all look the same, don't get your hopes up.
why would they want to risk their pure white aryan genes?
You are mostly white too you dumb Kaya Mehmet Özgürüz modern Turks are slighty inbred anatolian greeks with with Levante people persians and seljuks you are 60-80% white dumb motherfucker.
No, ISIS killed the important Syrians already (the Christians), and who funded ISIS?
>only thing i notice is their hair is thicker than the average white person, its more jewish
> Aryan
> Jewish
Fukken Shiggy! Pick one.
Whites come from albinism, a disease. And holy molly are they ashamed of it.
Whites should have humbled themselves, before the humbling came to them.
Those boys have strong jaws. Give 'em an IQ test, then breed them with Italians to even out the skin.
This has been disproven numerous times in scientific literature. You are truly a jew.
Is it the CIA, Mossad and the crypto-Jew saudi royals and their child sale, murder and rape crew?
Just a guess. Bush created ISIS by releasing a whole wing of a Iraqi jail with a leader and his capos, but Bush is a puppet of the above.
Again, pure conjecture.
Why can't Pajeet poo in loo?
Right on brother, kill whitey crack them crackas.
>tfw this is the first of many plans the US generals were too afraid to ask Obama to approve over 8 years
Don't feed this nigger, whenever there's any thread about whiteness, he starts posting these albino poo in loo niggers, and starts talking about albinism and whatnot. Just general retardation. SO KEEP AWAY, THE GUY IS BAIT CENTRAL
Is he gonna be OK?
Pajeet, you better shut the fuck up you shitskinned currynigger, we all know that you curryniggers are filthy af subhuman beings.
i wonder if they are decedents of the ancient greek army
>being this assblasted
Why can't Burger use a bidet?
Yeah and all violent criminals where executed and the british monarchs where replaced by Germans.
We are political prisoners and royalty nigger.
The only aircarft that can carry the MOAB is the ac-130 , this shit can be taken down easily , what kind of show is that now?
I recognize ALL of the people in that photo from years ago looking at pics of civilians in Afghanistan by some European journalist.
Whoever made your OP image is a con artist.
Holy shit that little boy has beautiful eyes
>Why do Burgerfats suck at war so much?
because they care about human rights and stupid shit like that
Nice cherrypicking Pajeet but your literal shit country is much worse. You even throw your fucking corpses in the river holy shit
>Why can't Pajeet poo in loo?
> Flag
> Says Pajeet's country is shit compared to Pinoyland
Top fuggin Kek!
>worthless country
>worthless opinions
this. india should have launched their nuclear and show amerishart how real men wage war
Isis kills whites all of the time in Europe. They needed to die, and they did.
>this. india should have launched their nuclear and show amerishart how real men wage war
- Pajeet launches nuclear attack on US
- Get intercepted on route
- USA says fuck you Pajeet
- India wiped off the face of the Earth
- All Paki's die of fallout
- $$$ Profit $$$
'aryans' oh like these goys?
iirc the death toll of goatfuckers is not over 100
loos have been filled with poos
Meanwhile irl
I don't understand, how is that a con? there are natives that look like ops pic in Afghanistan
WTF did this happen 4?
holy shit pajeet I'd sooner hop on a gore thread than rewatch that abomination
Fuck trump and fuck white people.
meant for
What is the story behind these? What country?
>Cares about human rights
How much are they paying you?
Only Europeans are white.
You fucking retard, ISIS are attempting to genocide these Iranid tribes. They hate ISIS more than you can possibly imagine