Hey pol i am a muslim iranian born and raised in Canada. Does pol want to know anything.
Hey pol i am a muslim iranian born and raised in Canada. Does pol want to know anything
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Why haven't you shot yourself yet for being a sandnigger and getting reincarnated as a white?
When are you going back?
Did you vote Trudeau? If not, would you now?
why won't you go back
why should i go back i was born here
no. and no he is not qualified
Why is Shia Islam superior to Sunni Islam?
rlly no difference from what i have seen. I think teh conflict has more to do with ethnicity over there
Shia background here. Shia Islam as an institution is more organised and centralised. It has leadership. Think of it as like Catholics vs Protestants. This helps the faith get moved in a common direction.
When do you think Iran will get MOAB'd, m8? Do you want it to? How about Canada?
That common direction seems to be towards Riyadh
>Does pol want to know anything.
I don't really believe you and I think your larping so can you prove you are Iranian Muslim?
Are you going to visit Iran and bring back and Iranian qt?
>That common direction seems to be towards Riyadh
iranians are bro tier.
>rlly no difference
Hold up boys its just an episode of a leaf larping as a non white for attention
>rape and kidnapping of children by mussies while british police do nothing.
But at least there streets are nice...AHAHAHAHAHA
Do you have family in Iran? My fiance is Iranian who was born in the UK. She says in Iran, people are really thin skinned and get easily upset by gossip. Also milleannials in Iran are super lazy and live off their parents, worse than those in the West.
Don't be a cuck. Islam is Arabic not Persian.
> ama
> fucks off after 1 hour
probably got to pray..