Greek soccer player gave /oursalute/ when he scored a goal some time ago

It ended his career.He was a pretty talented kid.I don't understand this obsession people have with censoring and attacking NatSoc but are a-okay with communism and its supporters are even marked as "rebels" and "good goys".(((They))) did it

Other urls found in this thread:

>anime tattoo

truly our guy, probably op


Something really sinister happened behind the scenes in order to paint Nazis as the worst guys ever and Stalin as the good communist that stopped Hitler>Jews have passed 10 laws in GREECE about how we are educated on history when it comes to WW2 and we have like 5k Jews in Greece.Really despicable people

Both natsoc and communism are historically disastrous and killed many, too.many. the difference is however that natsoc is hateful and murderous even as an idea, while communism is a noble idea that turned to shit. Natsox was never noble it was always about hating Jews. Even on paper

>banned for life
Well, what did the retard expect really?

>Both natsoc and communism are historically disastrous and killed many, too.many
Nazis didn't start the WW don't take the blue pill though

Also they didn't want to Genocide the Jews,even Netanyahu has admited that
NatSoc worked great on both a social and an economical spectrum along with Italian fascism


I expected soccer fans to not be so fucking cucked.Actually most fans came clean and supported him but the clubs and the cucked government intervened to get him banned

tbqh, the nazis destroyed your country during ww2

you defending them like that is like those whores who sleep with the enemy soldiers after their own lose

And no NatSoc is not "hateful" and "murderous" as an idea.Greece had NatSoc for 4 years and it was literally the greatest government we have had in ages and they didn't kill anybody

Fuck off you Nazi scum.



Yeah they did,but Churchill started the war that led to our destruction.I don't support what Nazis did to my country nor will I ever defend it,but there are no good sides in WW2.Everyone was equally cancerous,not many people understand that

lol,back to Giaros you go


What a beautiful brown man

>churchill started the war

m8 hitler falseflagged himself into poland


Polish people were literally treating Germans like dogs on German soil and I know exactly how that feels.Northern Epirus is OURS ALBANSHITS.You poke the bear too much

Funny how people hop on to muh gassings as if that summarizes the entire movement of Nat-Soc in Germany at 1920-1945.

Despicable propaganda, Hitler did lots of great things for Europe and its people. I don't think it should be a fucking taboo to recognize this, even with salute.

Victors' propaganda machine is hell of a thing I guess.

>Despicable propaganda, Hitler did lots of great things for Europe and its people. I don't think it should be a fucking taboo to recognize this, even with salute.
>Victors' propaganda machine is hell of a thing I guess


pay your debts


that wasnt the reason for the war declaration you historical cuckold

Socialist cancerous generations that voted with their ass got us into this.If you really want to check Greek history you will wonder why we ever threw down the Junta regime


>censoring and attacking NatSoc but are a-okay with communism and its supporters are even marked as "rebels" and "good goys".(((They))) did it

Communism is worse than NatSoc in action but it's not a hateful ideology at its core.

No (they) didn't do anything, he did this to himself. Personal responsibility in modern society is something poltards need to learn urgently

The real reason is kike bankers didn't like that Hitler exposed their shittiness and gave Winston the order to fuck up Europe

How is NatSoc hateful?Because it exposed the globalist regime that was taking place in Russia and was about to take over the whole Europe(which it did)

Why would anyone be both greek and a nationalist
Does Greece even have a history to be proud about


Savage Roach

We would have gotten into deep anatolia if it wasn't for the German inbred king you fucking roach.Be humble little bitch your time is coming

As far as i know you have been our slaves fpr the last 1000 years
Do you have a history apart from turkish slavery and getting cucked?

>As far as i know you have been our slaves fpr the last 1000 years
>Do you have a history apart from turkish slavery and getting cucked?
Okay kiddo,neck yourself

maybe hitlerdindu should have thought about consequences before he started invading sovereign countries for bullshit reasons

Thank god communists won

You're being le ironik, right? Look, the Third Reich was over the moment they set foot on Russian soil and its ally bombed an American military installation.


The whole purpose of NatSoc was to end the cancerous communist regime that was spreading,the only good thing about the war was that Hitler almost ended communism.ALMOST

But he lost and now we are getting rekt

Seriously though when is this board gonna grow the fuck up and learn to take responsibility for their own actions. poltards the type of niggas to blame not taking a shower in 2 weeks on the "kike bankers".

Bro the NatSoc based their ideology on racial policies and wanting to exterminate people.

>Does Greece even have a history to be proud about

Obvious bait, stop projecting your issues roach.

>natsoc is hateful and murderous even as an idea, while communism is a noble idea

nah you're retarded natsoc is a noble idea that has to be achieved by violence just like communism their different sides of the same coin, however natsoc isn't for fags

>wanting to exterminate people.
This is not true,no matter how you look at it

>looks like a gayreek racemixed with a brown turk
>"get rich or die trying" nigger motto tattoo
>anime tattoo
>improper salute with wrong posture

into the trash it goes

How does that refute what I say? I can give recognition for Hitler's achievements.

And USA may I ask why did your leaders allow Pearl Harbor to be attacked so you could come to Europe and genocide white race - instead of joining in the fight against communism.

Proper decorum for white sportsmen is modest, not a neo-Nazi version of a jigaboo end zone dance.

>thinks he browses pol unironically
>hates anime
into the reddit he goes

not what i said, retarded sub-80 iq bootlicking hitlerdindu


No one on this board likes you, faggot

If you regard "Mein Kampf" as a NatSoc doctrine then it's true. Also the Holocaust happened as a direct offspring of the ideology.

do you remember nacho scocco lad?

>nazis executing entire villages because of fear of war of attrition with the Greek rebels
>good guys

Learn your fucking history you imbecile



Oh lmao you're one of those edgy retards that denies the Holocaust. Yeah ok I think my overall point is proven.

Nazis didn't start the war you shill.I don't support the Nazi movement in the battlefield.I support NatSoc/Fascism on an ideological level

Great player,him and Sebastian Leto could have been world class if it was not for the injuries

maybe it's just me but I think the bigger problem might be people getting triggered by a hand movement.

NatSoc fan and Anime fan
A true Sup Forumstard

Oh you are one of those retards that swallowed the kike propaganda without even chewing it one bit.Okay I think my point is proved

even when Nazis commited lolocausta USSR, an allied force, one upped it without a sweat while genociding Christians among his own people.

unlike you im not some pansy faggot who gives a shit what people care about me, least of all the retarded hitlerdindu cult

When was that?

Ettore Ovazza

Nazis invaded Greece and decimated your population because... why? Defending against Italy?

Embracing nazis is the literal equivalent of sleeping with the enemy

Metaxas regime was at least fascist.We didn't have any migrants at the time but it was baseed on a strong nationalistic ideology backed with government regulation of most industries

don't make me come over there and fuck your wife cuck

We were on the allies side from the start.I don't embrace the nazi war movement,I embrace fascism.We had fascism in Greece and fascism actually denied entrance to Italians.If you read hitler's journal he didn't even want to invade Greece


>get rich or die trying
How Biblical


Kill yourself bitchboi

he is also a famous womanizer here, recently divorced too.
he may end up as the historic top scorer of my club.
In his peak he could have been better than Higuaín fo sure

He's easy on the eyes.

Fascism will lose its place as a 'dirty word' soon enough.
I can't wait, because concepts it represents won't be linked with what is considered evil simply by branding, and Joe Bloggs will start to consider them more easily without a moral sense of taboo that many experience at the start.

>Greece had NatSoc
Dumb child
Fascism =/= Nat(((Soc)))

Metaxas(rip legend)surely took more from Italy than Germany but he had emphasis on social issues like work hours,pensions and welfare and also public health care

Yes, like every instance of Fascism

>annexing of czechoslovakia
>invasion of poland
>violating every part of treaty of versailles


Took lots of money and ideas from Italy, returned the favour by supporting the British war effort against Italy.

>ideas from Italy
De Ambris and D'Annunzio (biggest names in Fascism at the time) disagreed with Mussolini's government, often looking at foreign organizations as true examples of Fascism

He didn't want to give up Greece to anybody.He would rather die trying.He was such a legend

>ended his career

Umm sweetie he's playing here.

Not to mention Mussolini literally wrote for a Socialist newspaper
He was pretty much a crypto-Socialist opportunist and not a Fascist like many others at the time, like Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Jean Denis etc etc

I'm aware, they were competing for leadership, they're the same shit as Mussolini. Giovanni Gentile, the real father of Fascism, stayed loyal. Doesn't change the fact you country permanently branded as untrustworthy.

He wasn't going to lose Greece, in fact he was going to get the Diodecanese and a good chunk of Turkey. Now who's laughing, Greece basically belongs to Italy these days.

>10 laws


Blah blah blah, all politicians are shit regardless if their ideas are great.

>Finnish football competition

same thing

Metaxas wasn't

His international career.They didn't let him play in the national team

You have to pay your debts, Dimitris. We're still waiting.

So go work and pay some taxes, you filthy nigger.

1 λέξη


It's in the book "The whole truth about the Jews" Konstantinos A Pleyris.Reallyt great guy I have met him

Thanks for reminding me to brush my teeth

Ι am sorry roach, but you have to go back.

Specifically, back to Eski Sehir and Afion karahisar