Any videos and tips you can give me on surviving a nuclear bomb? As I see, shit is not going well for the world and I want to survive.
Any videos and tips you can give me on surviving a nuclear bomb? As I see...
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Duck and cover
jump in a body of water
But kim pussi'ed out?
Hide under a table or desk
Lead lined refrigerator
You can't survive it if it's dropped right on top of you, but... if you're really worried at least stock up on iodine tablets. Thank me later.
Nothing in Bulgaria is worth a nuclear warhead, maybe someone will drop one or two on the capital for good measure but that's all.
A nuclear power plant that goes wrong is far more dangerous than some nuclear explosions.
This, after chernobyl my parents had to take iodine. My mother didn't, and now she has serious thyroid problems
Put your thumb up, directly from your arm (Basically thumbs up the mushroom cloud)
If its smaller than your fingernail, run. You have a small chance if surviving.
If its bigger than your fingernail, you are already dead.
These will work. Everything else in this thread will get you killed.
Vaporised. If not, concentrated radiation
Indiana Jones meme. If you could find one in under 20 seconds, the impact force would still kill you
Watch When The Wind Blows, slit your wrists 30 minutes in so you are spared the horror of nuclear annihilation and the total despair of the films ending.
Isn't that just a meme
Quantum immortality will save you
There are really only four scenarios to an atomic blast:
You are in it's range, you are now dead.
You are slightly outside of it's range and you will die of radiation poisoning.
You are a fair distance outside of it's range and the fallout may or may not kill you.
You are significantly outside of the range of the bomb and the fallout and you will survive.
Keep in mind this varies depending on things such as if you have a bunker, supplies, the size of the bomb used etc. Your mileage may vary..
I know for a fact once the bomb drops and your in the zone until the radiation drops you have at least two hours to get out.
Wind is the most important factor at this stage always head in the other direction to the wind.
>Any videos and tips you can give me on surviving a nuclear bomb?
Don't make anyone with a nuclear bomb mad at you.
But more seriously, it's the same basic principles as any natural disaster or war.
Stock up on stimpacks and radaway.
You are already in Bulgaria, so you shouldn't worry about initial impact. It all goes down to living in nuclear winter wasteland wonderland.
I'd say that being an officer is the best deal in this case.
Don't forget the med-x and psycho