hurr durr fucking muslims
Hurr durr fucking muslims
Other urls found in this thread:
>since 9/11
>be American
>fall out of bed
alright now show me the chart of people killed worldwide by islamic terrorism
Conveniently omitting military casualties. Conveniently omitting foreign civilians murdered by rampaging jihadis in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt. OP confirmed idiot.
>what is the rate of americans killed annually by other black americans
>falling out of bed
>more people die by falling out of their bed than the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""mother of all bombs""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>a country with barely any muslims has barely any muslim violence
we should keep it that way.
Convinently ommitting massacres commit by islam in the USA.
? Where's the "Being shot by niggers"?
he excluded all of 9/11
>implying the armed toddlers aren't all muslim too
>mfw the worlds most powerful non nuke bomb killed less people that a fucking truck
oh you mean the truck that was used in a terrorist attack?
You have more Niggers and Spics than there are muslims in the entirety of Europe.
Sort yourself out.
>beds kill more of us than.... bombs
>since 9/11
>conveniently omits 9/11 itself
Hmmmmm...... Really butters your biscuits...............
Even if you don't count 9/11 its way more than 9. More at Pulse Nightclub alone, although they don't count that because he wasn't a One True Muslim, just your average troubled black sheep turned extremist radical, like most of them are.
that guy was in the syrian free army, he's actually holding a terrorist's head lol
bro the jews did 9/11
>accepting savages who decapitate their enemies anytime regardless if beliefs
Ok sure
Have you ever read the bible? God is pretty brutal, we just chose not to enforce gods old testament rules/values.
So you want to increase americans risk of getting killed by muslims?
yeah maybe kissing him and giving a tight hug would solve the problem haha, thats how you deal with them in germany anyway
>mixing tunisian flag with the turkish one
the old testament is jewish my dude but you're still missing the point
Could this be because we've so far, largely kept them the fuck out of here?
Really roasts the almonds.
> implying I was directing that specifically at you
what an attention whore
my point is, why is "islamic terrorism" even a problem in america? why a large part of trump's presidential program consists of eleminating "the islamic terrorism threat"? isnt killing niggers better?
And I'm assuming Americans want to keep it that way. What exactly was your point? Sage
Learn from Europe and the rest of the world.
Muslims always take over and destroy the countries that they immigrate to.
Stop them while you still can.
They come to take over.
They will lay low and play nice until their populations are large enough.
They do not like us or the west in general.
They especially resent America.
They will abuse the welfare system and enjoy doing it.
They will have you paying to support their child brides and multiple wives.
They will rape women and boys.
They will burn their own houses and mosques and blame locals.
They will abuse you on your own streets and play the victim if they are caught.
Don't worry Americans, you will see soon enough.
Since, on the surface there appears to be so few Americans killed by mudslimes since they slaughtered 3000 people in a 3 hour period in 2011, I'd like to see a comprehensive list. A trial date was just set for the dog shit eating mudslime who beheaded one lady and attempted another at Vaughan Foods a few years back in Oklahoma. My point being, if one was just on the news there is more than 9. How many were killed in Boston? Dallas?
At least my bed is useful.
You care about that why?
>military casualties
So soldiers entering other countries without permissuon shouldn't expect to get shot fucktard?
"Being shot by another American" 11,737 per year.
When 5 million+ americans own AR-15's, I'd say that's one hell of a militia and/or deterrent to ground war. Also a small price to pay for that deterrent.
This isn't including people who own shotguns or handguns either.
How do you kill yourself by falling off the bed?
The average American weighs half a tonne so falling off the bed is a nasty impact
>the old testament is jewish
It sure is, considering Christianity was founded by Jews who felt that Jesus was the messiah God promised. Also why I had to read the Old Test in Catholic and Lutheran schooling.
>implying you won't just get bombed and droned instead
Yeah, 11,000 American lives a year. Small price to pay amirite dudes?!
Probably because the United States exists on Earth.
Global figures also do a much better job at showing how barbaric Mudslimes are.
because if you import that to the US it will end badly
fucking burger education
US foreign (((interests))) of course.
I agree. We should drop our foreign interventionist policy and let the world take care of itself.
>number of americans killed by the 1% vs number of americans killed by the 99%
We should vote for Trump he is non intervention unlike Hillary the warmonger
Europe has probably twice as many muslims as we do Niggers. Can't say with total accuracy because you're all too busy sucking all that Algerian dick to actually count. You shouldn't really be talking, especially considering you accomplished the demographic shift that US has spent a long time doing in about 5 years.
2011? Wat?
So I guess this doesn't include actual terror attacks, attacks on US citizens outside of the US and attacks on US soldiers.
It also falsely states that Americans die from being shot by other Americans instead of calling it what it actually is: black gang violence (which by the by is a breeding ground for Muslims, too)
It doesn't though.
Your feelings < Actual facts
Only half of it is black gang violence
There's no denying she would have been worse domestically. You non-Americans make the mistake of thinking we give a shit about you over ourselves.
>mixing german flag with belgian one
Lol youre dumb
never noticed that. wtf.
It does, have WAY more Muslims than we have blacks. Thats the facts. You had 44 million muslims in 2010, and we have 34 million blacks. You've been getting more muslim dick than you cucks can handle the last 7 years of that time. You're so insatiable that you just lose count.
E=1/2 mv^2
since americans weight like 300lbs thats alot of potential energy
So neonazis are the good guys.
WTF. I love skinheads now.
Im pretty sure even not counting 9/11, you have pulse, boston, that office shooting and a few beheadings putting it over 2 a year.
>Islamic Jihadist Immigrants
>Last year closet fag Mud Slime kills 49 people in a gay bar.
>Parents were foreign
>Born in New York so classed as America.
How about changing those statistics to separate those born to foreign parents and then you'll see the trends we talk about you stupid Tuna.
ok fish n ships
i know this graph is cherrypicked to purposely misrepresent the true statisitics, but what are they leaving about it has to be more than just 9/11
Let's see:
Beds are needed. Deaths not preventable.
Buses are needed. Deaths not preventable.
Lawnmowers are needed. Deaths not preventable.
Lightning is nature and nothing can be done about it.
Beeing shot by toddlers or Americans can not be prevented.
Right wing terrorists only exist because left wing extremists in leading positions ruin the country.
That leaves jihadist immigrants. What can be done about them? Well? JUST FUCKING NOT LET THEM IN YOU STUPID FUCKS. Very very easily pereventable.
Using this statistic to promote immigration is like saying you shouldn't lock your doors to prevent Tyrone from stealing your shit because the sun will destroy earth in 5 billion years anyway.
now you get to hear it from an American. I live in Orlando.
Being shot by Americans can be diminished by just booting out all non whites. Sadly the shill is trying to say that isn't the problem.
Pulse kid 50 nigger.