Why are Americans so hostile and resilient towards communism and marxism which is fundamentally based on UNBIASED observations of the capitalist system?
Why are Americans so hostile and resilient towards communism and marxism which is fundamentally based on UNBIASED observations of the capitalist system?
>Why arehuman beings so hostile and resilient towards communism and marxism which has always been enforced by force and has caused the deaths of ove one hundred million people,mostly farmers ,and the destruction of entire continents
Retarded ideas about how society should be managed based on theories which go against every ounce of human nature except the jealousy.
Retarded in theory - deadly in practice.
>why are people so hostile and resilient towards a system in which the means of production lie in the hands of the people who rule you, srsly
>implying communism can exist without ending up in a degenerate undeveloped dictatorship
french education
How do I get country flair on this subchan?
>what is the ddr
I don't like to play God.
Planned economies, mob rule direct democracy federations, vouchers and rations are anti-liberty and revolve around the usage of force. They create dependency. Remove currency and you will still have people trying to take the path of least resistance to avoid labor. Who do you think will be the privileged ones to reside on the work council boards, within the state or positions of power in the gulags? You really think they will work equally, if at all?
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
^ This in of itself creates a hierarchy of need and you bet your ass people will bolster and exaggerate their "need" to get out of working.
The only leftist ideal that I support is worker ownership of the MoP. But I disagree with the methods the left proposes to reach the goal; as they revolve around force.
I want private property rights so people can produce and provide for themselves. The idea I cannot own a vertical mill to machine parts or fill contracts because of the philosophy of dead leftists is absurd. I do not owe anybody anything. Any leftist that finds it noble to seize my property and kill me can explain himself while staring down the barrel of my rifle.
Well, force is required to seize the production from the bourgeois, you don't think they'll hand it over for free do you?
I agree with your last paragraph, but I think most commies feel that humble businesses are mostly fine, but the corporations that abuse the people perhaps not.
Collectivism is simply immoral. People must be treated as INDIVIDUALS.
I love socialism, but hate marxism. The means of production should be in the hands of the worker but that can only be done in a guild system. The systems that pursued communism replaced the private employer with a state employer who has full force of the law. I say no to both.
But, this is selfish wouldn't you agree? The nation and world as a whole would function more effectively if it were an autonomous hive of sorts without individuality or greed.
because not erryone has such low self esteem as to become a thievering commieroach
go get your hands chopped off, you leeching piece of nigger shit
i really hope you're being ironic on purpose
Individualism is in leadership and heroism. In embracing your people. Collectivism is nothing without leadership. Leadership is nothing without collectivism.
No, I'm playing a devil's advocate, I wouldn't be willing to give up my individuality, but wouldn't you agree the world would function more efficiently?
Socialism is collectivism is IMMORAL. No.
Collectivism is selfish. Treat people as the divine individuals that they are. The point of life isn't to make the "world" function "effectively".
certainly not.
So you're a liberal?
Never said it was, how is collectivism selfish though? Surely this is contrary to its definition.
Elaborate please.
>French faggot justifying communism
What a surprise.
>Helicopter in the distance
Same reason I am against breadlines and mass starvation.
fucking hell you're an idiot
why would I want to put the effort in and work for everyone who just doesn't fucking want to
every man should work for himself and those he supports
Collectivism is NOT group association. It's somewhat like FORCED group association.
Morality cannot function at the level of a group. Only at the level of an individual. Leadership has nothing to do with it.
individualism is the greatest asset to adapt to change
and adapting to change without lowering oneself, but instead through rising higher and higher, is the most deeply Human characteristic
collectivism is for insects
they're more efficient under collectivism
not for Humans
who in turn are more efficient when minding their own fucking business
>a cleaner should have the same wage as a heart surgeon
Collectivism, what if everyone worked equally, you're definition of it is wrong, by definition.
Calm down kev
Communism is the ultimate redpill. Blackpilled niggers can't handle the truth.
>how is collectivism selfish though?
People who promote collectivism do it to either steal from an outgroup or to steal from other members of an ingroup. For example: redistribute the wealth and give the workers control over the means of production is just fancy talk that really means steal from the rich (outgroup) and give it to me (as part of an ingroup that did nothing to earn it).
But you can still adapt to change, collectively, if humans worked obediently and collectively, they would be more efficient than them perusing their needs, such as greed etc etc
National Socialism is the final form of the redpill (if we are going to use this stupid meme)
Take your post-modernist definition games and go away. Collectivism is immoral. Morality can only function at the level of the individual. THERE IS NO EQUALITY EXCEPT AT THE LEVEL OF INDIVIDUAL DIVINITY.
True, good point, but it doesn't always have to be selfish, depends on the leader and character.
But are you implying that the oligarchs whose entire wealth was inherited from their parents HAVE earned it?
farming in our cunt was well and modern by the end of the '80s
modern equipment imported thanks to ME $$$
selections of breeds of animals etc
in this case it worked - farming
but if you try to take my land today ill kill you
>give up my individuality
i hope you die along with globalism and the chosen people pushing it
Humans don't work like that
insects do
deal with it
or become a fucking turkroach if you can't
Morality is irrelevant and is Humanity's biggest burden.
This is demonstrably false, do you know nothing of history? Look at the economic output of the USSR and the USA during the period when the USSR existed. I won't even ask you to look at the gulag system that underpinned the soviet economy, just look at the raw numbers.
Collectivism is immoral garbage and you will not spread that poison around me.
Of course not, it's just a hypothetical statement, Human nature is far too opposed.
>All individual must have equal power
So you do believe in equality.
>a hypothetical statement
fancy words, for actual heresy.
You're actually very fucking stupid.
The power of each individual to pursue their own lives without interference from anything else IS equality. Why the fuck would I want to ascribe to a system that tells me I must do certain things because of the influence of others. Who has the fucking divine right to tell me what I can and can't do with my money and my work.
Collectivism happens all the time in he business world. How do you think pay works?
Misquoted me, I wrote "I would not be willing to give up my individuality"
Interesting point though
>commies think labour can organize itself
Exactly the word "YOU" is greed and the ego.
You wouldn't, I'm simply saying it would be better for your country as a whole.
Marxism stopped being relevant in the 19th century. It is atavistic and has been proven impossible to implement in the real world.
Morality is what separates us from animals, you mong.
No, it is ALWAYS selfish. That's why every country that attempts to implement communism/collectivism IMMEDIATELY descends into an authoritarian tyrannical hellhole of poverty and misery. Read the Gulag Archipelago.
People are free to do with their wealth as they wish. It's not immoral to give OR receive a gift. It's absolutely immoral to steal from others because you say they don't "deserve" it. Deserving has nothing to do with anything. Life is unfair and life is suffering. The point isn't to maximize economic numbers on paper, the point of life is to find meaning that justifies the inherent suffering.
>UNBIASED observations
I think you mean ASSUMPTIONS by lazy, entitled bums who have zero practical experience.
Sort yourself out, saged
>Offer $100 to a crowd.
>Someone accepts.
>Actually bash their head with a club.
>Repeat 2-3 times.
>Keep offering $100, but no one accepts.
>"Why are you so against $100? It's free money."
This applies to Cultural Marxists/Marxists/Salesmen/SJWs/Snowflakes/LGBTQABCDXYZPQ etc.
Claim it means X, it actually means Y, keep asking why people are against X. They're not, they're against Y.
ughhhhhhh not another fucking commie thread, only to be followed up by another 10 north korean threads, also
>1 post by this ID
being on the receiving end of gibsmedat is not being paid
it's actually stealing, my poor jah-marcus
>implying that the USSR fell because it was immoral
No, this is not how economies worked, the USSR fell because of its dependencies on oil prices and Afghan over spending
>You pretended to pay me so I'll pretend to work
And everything goes to shit
I wish that were true. But the ideology is memetic cancer and keeps popping back up. They're deeply rooted in the schools at every level and will need to be purged.
I never said that. It's literally impossible for two individuals to have exactly equal power. The only equality among humans is MORAL.
I never claimed that collectivism doesn't happen and it's immoral when it does happen. Forcing people to join unions is immoral.
solidarity gommrade xddddd
Morality holds us back, look at cucked leftists who whine constantly, that's what happens when you have a lot of morality.
It's not selfish, you simply need authority and a whip to discipline people into working. Due to Human nature
You misinterpret me bro, I'm not saying it's correct or the whole point of life is to output as much money as possible. I'm simply arguing devil's advocate that from the point of view from a whole country communism/authoritarianism is better.
where are Assad's chemical weapons when we need them most?
Because I'm not going to slave away more or less for the sake of being a nice guy
It actually did fall because it was immoral. The entire society became so corrupt that it couldn't help but collapse all at once when it did.
You're free to read the MANY books about soviet corruption that are available.
>a fucking kikess
>greed and the ego.
Put it this way, I'd rather accept that society has winners and losers, and anyone who feels like they're a loser can go out and change that.
If people don't want to aspire to anything more and are happy being part of a totally equal hivemind that just shows lack of ambition to me, and your average man should be ambitious in his work and strive to become more fulfilled.
Communism is the excuse of the lazy.
Far less corrupt than current capitalist America, or Russia. Nowadays, Russian corruption is rampant in the capitalist economy, police officers all accept bribes.
Every country is immoral, it's human nature, the Soviet Union wasn't actually as immoral as most though
>communism and marxism
Theory of several crazy lunatics with no scientific basis.
Its literally "capitalism has such negative consequences as X, Y, Z thus pixie dust powered 'materializm' dictates that we should kill all productive members of society and enforce some crazy racial cross-breeding utopian policies even though they failed in ridiculously terrible ways every time someone tried to do it"
silly facist xdddd need to liberate your mind with the workers litriture so you can be a strong interpendant socialist like the rest of us! ;DDD
>that from the point of view from a whole country
That is collectivism AND IT IS INHERENTLY IMMORAL. It's exactly what I said, and you go on in your post to ADMIT that you're arguing (waffle all you want about your motives) that the purpose of life is to maximize economic numbers on paper and real human lives and suffering be damned.
>It's not selfish, you simply need authority and a whip to discipline people into working. Due to Human nature
That is exactly the kind of thinking that led Lenin and Stalin to implement the Gulag system in the USSR, and what drives North Korea to enslave 250,000 of their own people in forced labor camps TODAY.
Collectivism is IMMORAL. Stop spreading that cancerous meme.
whiter than any MAGA-mob
I agree, but when someone wins the state and someone else always loses, I'm just arguing hypothetical here :)
Because we don't want to lose everything and have large amounts of our population killed, similar to other countries that have tried it.
Just be grateful that communism didn't ruin YOUR country, and it isn't filled with human trash former slaves without decent education and purpose in life like mine is right now.
Cause it's a kike con designed to make Goyim put the yoke of totalitarianism on their own necks?
Utter nonsense and ignorant falsehoods. Read the Gulag Archipelago.
Gee, I truly wonder, (((who))) could be behind this post?
Yes, I do admit that I am arguing that the purpose of life is to maximize economic output. It's not what I believe, as I said I'm arguing what's better for the country and world.
Yes, North Korea and the USSR did enslave their people, which is why the USSR was a massive economic power house until oil prices dropped and why N.Korea is still a wealthy and powerful country, despite international sanctions blocking many exports.
Please stop with the
>Hurr durr n.korea worst korea evil kim jun meme
pushed by the globalist agendas.
truly the ubermensch of the white race.
>I'm just arguing hypothetical here :)
Fuck off with your post-modernism.
Because you don't have the right
t. britcuck who never lived in USSR.
Ask any Russian who suffered through USSR days, and he will tell you that you are wrong. See, normal western people can't even imagine what's it when you can't buy stuff in the shop even though you have enough money. You MUST use black market, because literally ever single shop director is stealing 90% of stuff he receives to sell and selling for 500% of base price through illegal channels.
You want to buy car? Must use illegal channels or wait 10 years in queue.
You want to buy apartment? Must use illegal channels or wait 30 years in queue.
And meanwhile members of "nomenclatura" had special shops just for them, stuffed with imported food and luxury items.
Russia is heaven compared to USSR. You have money — you can spend them as you wish, on exactly same basis as oligarch or Putin's child. Azbuka Vkusa is open for everyone.
I haven't read that, but I have read another of his books, A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, I assume it's similar. What I took from it is that you can interpret it differently, remember it's fiction.
Stop spouting out random criticisms, you don't sound intelligent saying "Utter nonsense and ignorant falsehoods" without providing any argument or evidence, it just makes you look like an idiot who says big words without understanding their meaning.
>It's not what I believe, as I said I'm arguing what's better for the country and world.
Stop lying, it's exactly what you believe. Arguing about what's "better for the country and world" IS ARGUING FOR COLLECTIVISM. And it's inherently immoral as I've shown in previous posts.
Stop hiding behind your post-modernism and start thinking about what attracts you to such an immoral cancerous ideology. Hint: it's resentment at people more successful than yourself. Sort yourself out.
okay, apologies for the insults by the way
I'm no ancap but I do believe in the freedom of the individual to affect their own lives rather than be conscripted to an arbitrary social, political and economic system set on arbitrary values
>defending fat kim
I'm sure norks are truly living the communist dream.
Not an argument kev
Everything you said in the post I replied to was utter nonsense and ignorant falsehoods. That's why I called it utter nonsense and ignorant falsehoods. You'd have to know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the USSR to claim that it wasn't more corrupt than modern capitalist states.
Actually, I am Russian living in Britain and have many family members who lived in the USSR for the majority of their lives.
They all agree that the USSR was far nicer than modern day Russia, where you were guaranteed a house, food, funds to live on. It was a simple life, yes, but they all say they prefered the company of their family, friends and focus on their own self improvement to western materialism and greed. You don't need money to be happy
Someone's butthurt, you keep referring to post modernism, is that literally your only argument?
It's actually not what I believe, do you think I was to be a drone? No, my life is quite nice and I have a pretty decent wealth, which I would not want to part with.
Not any resentment, most worked hard for their wealth etc and that I respect. You assume that I'm some benefit food coupon cuck, believe me, I'm not my friend.
>You don't need money to be happy
this is very subjective
Modern day America and your government is far far more corrupt than the ussr ever was kev
True, that is subjective, but it's the conclusion I've now come to, I have money and it's not what makes me happy. Who knows, do you disagree?
> They all agree that the USSR was far nicer than modern day Russia
Brainwashed old people, there are thousands of those on the sreets. No shit they'll think that USSR was great, that's just nostalgia mixed with the fact that they have no skills and/or propper education to get a decent job in modern russia.