Britbongs, is what they say true, is she /ourgirl/?
Britbongs, is what they say true, is she /ourgirl/?
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No. Britain First are cringey autists who ruin the image of the Right in the UK
Nice bangers
>this is a 10/10 in the UK
They are the minion Facebook memes of a hate group. They've made being a proud racist laughable in this day and age. Fucking disgraceful
Yeah, if you lived in a pond. She looks like a well fed Auschwitz survivor turned radical. Can you imagine the state of her cunt? I've seen hotter girls come of a mass grave in Iraq
Literally SJW's of the Right, plus ''muh muzzzlimeys n sheeeit'' is their only argument.
Britain first and their supporters are like Britains Trumpfags
She's Jewish ancestry
She focuses on Muslims to distract from (((them)))
>muh reputation
lol, britcucks show themselves to be pathetic cucked losers as usual
Their knowledge on middle eastern geo-politics in pretty7 much 0%
If they just articulated they're arguments better and focused on other issues such as the decline of western moral values rather than just constantly going on about Islam, they might shake their image of the chavy BNP
The problem is upper class and middle class lack of leadership.
There's nothing wrong with being loud and radical.
It's just that Britain First are autistic fucks who have no facts and decent debate backing. They just shout slogans like the Antifa and SJW's do.
oh and
literally a fucking feminist matriarchy. I feel for you. Aren't women earning more than men there?
That's a fair statement. They need a full overhaul and start moving away from that fucking football hooligan image. Edl Britain first etc all the same.
How do you mean?
Isn't this The English Defense League?
Tommy Robinson is still pretty based
It's all halal meat and ban the burka. Just fucking meme headlines for facebook. Nothing of substance
Robinson is pretty charming, but it's still the underclass hoody image. No decent person would follow them
well any leadership would be ousted - the thing is with BF is that if their colleagues found out nothing would happen because they mostly agree. If that happened to a middle/upper class chap he would get doxxed aka fired, removed from higher education, no chances of a decent job ever again.
At least they don't go around sperging Heil Hitler like Sup Forumstards.
Let's be honest most of the English working class couldn't care less about those places. They don't want to be a caliphate.
He's made a lot of progress over the years. Im glad hes around, shows he has a lot of character desu
They probably think that people like Assad are Shari'ah law preachers.
Just the other day one of my m8s who follows BF shared a picture saying ''FUCK MUSLIMS'' with a cock in Suddan Hussains mouth.
as most people in/ support BF are carpenters, brick layers etc no one really cares if the man who built your extension disagrees with you politically. But some pawn inside a huge cucked company like IBM, Goldman sachs, BBC is liable for any views they hold, if they go against the norm they are easily replaceable
He's becoming pretty established amongst ''normnalfags'' which is good.
She has a hard time ordering curries because there's too much halal. Halal funds terrorism and shiat
Tommy's Alright and you naturally feel for him. Britain first don't give off that charming image though
She seems like dumber then a box of plastic butter knives...didn't she once post a pic of Tajmahal in an effort to shore up support to ban construction of new mosques ?
Sad and true. Depressing to think about the absence of nationalist figures able to access the mainstream without fear or censorship for generations. 2016 was a good year
It wouldn't surprise me. Like I said They don't know shit. Tommy Robinson rational and good guy though.
Back to Tower Hamlets, East London, please
nah, this is /ourgirl/
Lel man, I got so many relatives living in the Halal Tower and Newham that I could just hop on the next flight and not miss Bangladesh at all !!
Ironically he is Irish. Pic relevant.
Sweden was never the left image though, thats Denmark.
>Literally SJW's of the Right, plus ''muh muzzzlimeys n sheeeit'' is their only argument.
wow a kike trying to piggyback on us criticizing them by adding in defense of muslims, fuck off ackmed.