White people weren't designed to live on this planet
okay :(
Cool, but even with that fact we enslaved and dominated you niggers like insects.
wtf I hate white people now
Bob Marley...
>What are low light levels and extra cloud coverage for $50 Jakuwombatunga Ooga Booga?
Stupid niggers.
Nobody was 'designed' you jungle ape.
if you need clothes to survive, you werent designed to live on this planet
if you need food, you werent designed to live on this planet
if you need to rape and kill you werent designed to live on this planet
We built civilizations. We don't have to hang from trees like monkeys anymore, niggers.
If you need welfare to live, you weren't designed to rule this planet
Blacks aren't designed to live in Europe either
if you need vitamin D supplements to survive in our countries you were never designed to live here
Try living on Mars without the bright sun in the future black people. Oh wait vitamin D.
Black people were never designed to propogate the species to the stars. Let that sink in black people. You will always just be the starting point for humanity.
I have never wore sunscreen
also stop raping children papua new guinea
I'll make your grandma, mother, sisters, aunts, cousins suck my dick slave
More like niggers were never designed to live above Sahara.
>if you need clothes to survive, you werent designed to live on this planet
> if you need food, you werent designed to live on this planet
To be fair, africans have somehow survived without either of those
>if you can't swim on a planet covered with water, you weren't designed to live on this planet
Apologise for colonising my country and letting Australia rule us NOW!
>if you need vaccines to live on this planet you were not designed to live here
>if you need whites to bring you food all the time to not die you weren't designed to live here
Shitskins werent designed to live in Europe
the uv radiation on mars is far worse than the uv radiation on earth
It is common knowledge the Sun is much closer to Mars than to Earth
You're right, we weren't designed to Just live on the planet; we we're designed to Rule it.
I know you're a new zealand sparkie doing contract work because I've been to PNG and none of the locals could figure out how to use google, let alone captcha.
mmhmm that's rare
But your women love the
White people are designed to survive in cold climates with dense forest, a place that people with dark skin wouldn't.
1) bc white skin is more effective at absorbing UV light.
2)bc we blend into slow better.
Also we don't "need" sunscreen.
>implying we would die without it...
Are you trolling or do you just have a doctorate in retardation?
If you need extra vitamines while living in a snowy area, you were not designed to live on this planet.
Black people weren't designed to live on this planet.
Sounds like someone wants to work in the fields under the sun all day.
Who woulda thunk Ethiopia would be the strongest African country
>be a nigger
>enslaved by people who were never even designed to live on this planet
Why don't niggers just kill themselves?
Me. Ethiopia's national colors are the colors almost all other African flags are based on.
if you need 10 coats to live in a 0 C temperature you werent made to live on this planet
I don't need sunscreen
>fucks human babies and sheep to not contract AIDS
>unable to dream of a sail despite being surrounded by ocean.
>unable to sustenance farm
>content to graze off the land like cattle
>yall dont suppos to live on dis planit.
If you need vitamin D pills just to live in Europe you weren't designed for this continent.
You iz sayinz dat a gorilla be smartar den us?
As a white weak guy incapable of finding a woman who wants me and reproduce I agree. Whites are degenerate and must disappear.
If you need more than one layer of clothes to play out in the rain then you werent designed to live on this planet.
Beta white boy tries to hit on girls, alpha black thug knocks him out.
Whites get x1000 cucked in their own homelands
French shouldnt be allowed on this planet
"Hey, uh, do you know what time it is? I forgot my phone"
>A wild savage appears.
If you need welfare to live...
I know there is some difference, but where the figure 70 comes from? It just can't be near the truth. Isn't that like some chimpanzee level IQ?
Don't worry OP, you still are our fuzzy wuzzy angels.
If you need vitamin D supplements to live in Northern Europe, you weren't designed to live up here.
But we were. Just in the northern regions where the sun was less intense.
""""""""" survived """"""""""
They survived thanks to all those international gibs me dat
>acts like an animal.
>wonders why you get shot by cops all the time.
Ignorance is bliss.
Fucking sake.
>Putting suncreen to go outside
is that some sort of American meme?
correction: western europe.
you're just niggers with melanin deficiency.
Why canada has send all their eggheads to these arctic islands?
I will explain this to your nog brain so you can understand, whites lack pigmentation because they need vitamin D supplements that you get from sunlight to survive, when nogs come up here to northern Sweden they must almost always eat pills daily because they are not capable of getting enough sunlight from their skin. Also when whites go to county's with a lot of sun we adapt within days or weeks to survive in that area (getting a tan) meanwhile when nogs come up here they just die if they don't eat their pills.
>if you can't survive without foreign aid, you weren't meant to go exist
>my country
Even Belgium is more of a country than you. You exist purely out of the goodness of Westerners hearts, and otherwise have no means of stopping us from destroying and enslaving your entire people.
To be fair, that goes for almost every country outside of Europe and Asia, and even some within.
>Papua New Guinea
How's your kuru doing today? Not too shaky?
Reminder, long pig is not good for you.
>Koko can form sentences of 3 - 6 words
>Literally smart as a human guise
You can't even test a Gorillas IQ.
Wtf cunt I'm the only PNG poster get the fuck off my flag REEEEE
Explains why Russian women are hot.
Dark people were designed to mow my lawn and do other manual labor.
Checkmate nigger
We did a damn good job at conquering it for not being designed for it.
Prove youre not proxy fagging or fuck off
'We who established dominion
Over Palm and Pine'
this is common knowledge
They use a measure similar to that of small children for adult chimps and gorillas. If you were to judge them on adult standards, it'd be like 40, so closer to abbos.
>white people can't do something
>they invent something that means they can
>black people can't do something
they should have let harambe kill that little shitskin
>What is a tan to adapt to the sun?
Checkmate low-IQ niggers.
Niggers were designed for heavy labor.
We brought niggers with us to New World and what a mistake that turned out to be. No niggers on Mars. Put them in a reserve and let them simmer for another 500.000 years, if AIDS doesn't do them in they might evolve into something useful.
Last time blacks had value was when they were sold.
Why were Adam and Eve fashioned clothes of fig leaves and of animals if we need to be still naked and bathing in sun? Concordant Literal says Christ is white. In Revelation. Some guy said that meant albino because wool hair. Not even. And sounds like all the memes I've been hearing lately. Did the people who wrote Genesis even know what wooly hair and black people meant? What black people were?
I think both of you should
I'm white and have never needed sunscreen in my life. I also live in Minnesota. Here's something to ponder, it might not show visible signs but black people are lacking in vitamin D. So if you need vitamin D supplements, you were not meant for this world.
>If you need vitamin D supplements to survive, you were never designed to live above the equator
But dark colors ABSORB heat...
Post courier isn't published on Saturdays faggot.
when did Ancoms get their own country?
Does anyone over the age of 5 even wear it?
We are ancaps faggot.
>December 1st
If you need armbands to swim you were never designed to live on this planet.
If you need clothes to handle
Happy now faggot?
No, larping faggot
I love it when tough guys on the internet talk like they actually did these things.
If you get cold in -35 C, you were never designed to live on this planet.