Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
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Dear you stupid fucking Hungarians
I bet you think this post is about you
makes me think about tongue punching OP's fart box
Dear Black People
Bet you think white people watched this
>ohoho gotchu good
Why do quadroons think they're black?
Is it because of the gibsmedats or the victim complex?
I tried watching this show and it was so bad I started reading
>I love reading now
Why should I care who it is about? There are hundreds of thousands of movies and shows to watch. Why would I bother with this one?
Dear white people, bet you thought you could evade our prefabricated strawman
>this show isn't about your
niggers and thier kike owners are stuuuupid
Dear black people...I bet you think this post is about you.
Dear black people
Stop killing each other
bro I heard some guy to the north of you has nukes n shieet!
> address a group of people with a loudspeaker
> "wow why do you think I am talking to/about YOU? egocentric much?"
Dear Colored People
I bet you think this show is about everyone except Albinos and the darkest Africans
Then don't name it after them.
I love the anti-White, anti-Trump SJW stuff because it red-pills tons of normies.
Dear black people
Go back to the cotton fields
>show named after white people
>is not about white people
Is there a race more insecure about themselves than niggers?
This dose make me think. It makes me think that the human race is doomed to destroy it self. That we will never become one united planet with one goal and that is the survival of the species. This planet is going to end and unless we figure out a way to leave it the humans will become extinct. Perhaps we should go extinct. Rather then spreading our ignorance to different species. I read all of the negative comments on this site and wonder how ignorant you people believe your better then everyone else. Those of you that do think this are no better than the extremist trying to force their culture on the world. If you want to fight then fight ignorance and not skin colour or belief. If you think you're better than everyone else then prove it and change the world otherwise shut the fuck up. You don't fight ignorance with ignorance just like you don't fight cancer with cancer.
The trailer has seven more times dislikes than likes on YouTube
It's either some fucked SJW flick or a failed attempt at satire
does it?
I'm don't have much faith in your average normie
It made the Democrats in America lose elections.