What the FUCK?

why the fuck is this ugly mixed whore getting $3,300 a MONTH?!

you fucking KEKS what is wrong with you???

Other urls found in this thread:



link by the way

i can't believe it, all you need to be is female (not even attractive) and talk about how youre not a feminist and sucking muslim dick might NOT be the best thing ever and you get 3 fucking thousand dollars a month

A literally who

why are you kikes so obsessed with money anyway?

>Jew gets mad someone has found an easier way to get shekels

ITT: A fucking jew kveching about somebitch making more money than him.

I can relate here (not because of nazi guilt). What's her contribution to society? I have an academic degree that I was in school for for 17 years and work my ass off and don't even make that much money because I have to pay taxes on the income and this whore just gets it shoved up her ass.

it's not her fault that beta orbiters exist. if I were a girl i'd take advantage of them too, why not? it's easy money. Gas the cucks

Asian father and White mother (AMWF) created her

that's why she doesn't believe in ethnic nationalism and thinks white genocide isn't a thing

she is a mixed whore who has no identity of her own so she projects that unto everyone and pretends it's too dumb to be an ethno nationalist

the same as sargon

People on (((CNN))) and other (((media))) get paid 10 times as much for peddling bullshit.

If someone is putting out positive content you shouldn't be complaining that they can barely pay for rent and eat. Faggot

shes chill as fuck stop being so mad and drooling over someone elses shekels

you cucks are probably her patreon donors lmao

she's a generic moderate like sargon of akkad and "skeptic" atheists

why are you buying this dogshit?

This, she thinks that if whites aren't getting killed in the streets there isn't a narrative to replace whites. I've actually called her out in one of her latest videos saying that she's mixed and she'll always prefer civic nationaism becasue of that and her response
>"I never said I was neutral. I'm vehemently opposed to identity politics, whether from the left or right, whites or non-whites. The concept that race should not define us is a core concept in many of my videos."
Either way if she'd have to chose between white baby and a chink baby she'll chose chink. youtube.com/watch?v=ZfSTbUVimTg&t=16s

Yeah, these people can't choose ethnic nationalism because they're mixed pieces of shit, they're nothing and thus they pretend that saying that race is a real thing and makes a difference is below them

She gets shilled on here once every few days.

She gets all that money because there are too many effeminate beta queers online who give her money because they are spineless effeminate beta queers. That simple.

eh I don't agree on the political assessment and I like sargon. we don't have to 1005 agree everyones politics to get along user

>i can't believe it, all you need to be is female (not even attractive) and talk about how youre not a feminist and sucking muslim dick might NOT be the best thing ever and you get 3 fucking thousand dollars a month

wow so it's exactly like every other working woman

> Pretty girl makes money easily
Wow OP, are you new to life? Besides who gives a shit, it isn't like you're giving her money, just idiots on YouTube you have no control over. Also, don't lie, you can say whatever you want about that naive hapa chick but she's objectively not ugly.

I'm not her donor faggot.

Your people fuck up our media so much , now that finally we are getting some non shabos goys making content you are crying like a bitch.

If jews didn't pollute our media with as much satanic bullshit there wouldn't be as big of a market for right wing youtubers. Blame your own tribe faggot.

Kind of like jews having no homeland so they had to steal the Palestines.

she's not pretty, she's fucking hideous, how the fuck is she pretty? look at that shit face

she is a pretty fucking good goy you moron

I wouldn't call her pretty, not that im a chad myself but her forehead is fucking huge.

does arab dick taste like kebab mate?

She's a QT. And based too.

>She gets shilled on here once every few days
>She gets shilled on here
>a fucking leaf

Why are all you syrup niggers so fucking naive?

What? Every few days someone will make a thread about her talking about how awesome they think she is. That's shilling. She is a forced meme on here and she's just an entitled cunt.

She's a hundred times better looking than the average Jewess, that's for sure. You're just butthurt that she's normalizing anti-SJW opinions and actually discussing with ethnic nationalists instead of just shunning them.

> essentially flawless skin
> Full, youthful lips
> Large eyes with high canthal tilt
> Long, healthy-looking hair
> Highly symmetric face
> Defined but not overly strong, masculine jawline
Even if you think she's just average, she's pretty much objectively not ugly just going by biological or mathematical markers alone.
See above, even if you don't think she's pretty or super attractive she's objectively not ugly, also high foreheads are acceptable and possibly attractive on women, much moreso than men where they look baby-ish/neotenic.

holy fuck you cucks are completely missing my point

you actually think that this moderate centrist bitch is the fucking vanguard of the right wing

>OP was not speaking positively of e-celeb
>therefore it is impossible for this to be a shill thread promoting her jewtube channel

Nigger I hope you are trolling


What are you doing Schlomo?

I wasn't talking about OP. I was just telling him that she gets shilled on here every few days.

She's a cunt anyways. What a cunt. People need to stop shilling for her here.

She's literally a 9/10 this is not debateable

you have low standards user

She's not, but she's bringing people like Greg Johnson and Millennial Woes to her channel and are actually willing to have honest discussions with them while being polite and respectful. She's also asked Richard Spencer to come, but apparently he didn't answer.

She's helping us reach the normies, Schlomo. You're the one missing the point.

Fuck off back to wizardchan.

you don't live in the real world user. maybe stop watching porn and you will have more realistic expectations of women

Porn is degenerate, but if she's a 9/10, then why does she complain from time to time about how guys won't date her? She doesn't shut up about that.

It's not about porn, it's probably just that she's very entitled and she's just not that good looking.

>Actually doing something while Akmed gets 30k a month for breeding inbred mudslimes.

Theres bigger problems schlomo. Attack the parasites first.

she's cute i chipped in 5 dollars to her patreon just now, seems like a good person.

she's ugly as fuck. Look at all that makeup and those poo colored eyes.
Om du inte är hel svensk bör du avrättas.



Bitch pisses me off.

Fuck off lazy ass content Sargons got it covered ffs

om du är hel svensk bör du avrättas menade jag, för att du söker dig efter asiatkvinnor.

you ovendodgers have no sense of attractiveness, thats the reason i cant watch american porn

oh you know

Hot girls on jewtube always complain guys won't date them so that their beta orbiting fanbase thinks they have a chance and stays.

But look at her, even if you don't think she's a 9, you seriously think she would struggle to get a bf if she wanted to?? It's all Bullshit lies

I'm not saying she's a 9/10, I'm only saying that she's a hundred times hotter than the average Jewess.

>hel svensk
Lär dig att skriva ordentligt, kretin.


So....... she's a cam whore for millennial betas?

?I guess even they have money to spend on listening to a shit-tier liberal Asian woman

not wanting to fug a qt trap

Because people give her $3,300 a month. It's their choice.

Don't blame me dude. I seriously doubt many here are contributors

yaya, vanliga väst europeiska juden är redan så utblandad de ser ut som europeer.

Does this guy look jewish to you?

You know shit's fucked when even the Jews start wondering why the fuck we have all this trash among us.


She is more of a 7
Her features can't carry her past 7.

She does not have that radiance/Charisma to make it past 8.
She is not genuine/honest and I strongly pity any man under the wing of this exploitative sadist.

>Jew angry that he can't call her out for being pro-white and anti-sjew because she's a racemixed good looking well educated woman.


But no really the girl is smart and makes a point of putting out actual arguments for a discussion instead of autistic screeching.
There's hope for future generations.

Where is her nudes

This, chinkman here can see that she actually knows as much as a newfag.

shes a 10/10 in indonesia and you know it, also post jilbabs

Calm down, hooknose.

Mixed aren't attractive untill you really BLEACH them meaning that at least 2 generations of white washing.

Typische deutsche Neidkultur. Verrecke an deinen steuern

She's semi-redpilling people.

4/10 or 5/10 with make up

John Bettendorf is a mass-murderer in the making. Authorities should look into his Internet postings before it's too late.

thats only 36,000 a year. you could get more with a job.

You're just jelly no one wants to back your silly gaming channel.

>implying there's any effort in it

thanks for the sub

>>not even attractive
Merchant pls. She beats Lauren Southern, June, Margaret McLennan, Brittany Pettibone, Based Becky and literally all the other waifus BY MILES

she doesn't beat seruturg

Jew getting mad about money.
Not helping with the stereotypes buddy.

I am aghasted at both the entitled camwhore as well as all the loser betas that give her money. They are both products of a decadent degenerate civilization that needs a good purging.

>worried about money
flag checks out

I'm mixed and I think ethnonationalism is the only way to purge all the kikes. It's probably because I'm male though, I don't think any woman would be able to think beyond themselves for a greater good.

>be attractive woman
>say edgy shit men like to hear
>collect money

The problem isn't actually women in this case, it's the endless stream of betabux. You'd be a fool not to cash in.

Wacha' doin Rabbi?

Men are weak.

Yeah. Men worship women in all sorts of ways. In fact, it's so bad that I once criticized how men in all sorts of contexts (Sup Forums especially) worship women and the shit flinging I received was huge.

Men are cucks and slaves to women and that's because we choose to be, and it's pathetic.

Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times
Hard times create strong men

lauren southern is a moor mongrel.

The eternal jew never changes

>when a Zionist actually says something you agree with

Of course they would, they harbor the same nationalistic, race-realism views as pol, if not more.


I wish more white men understood that "desperation" and "neediness" are some of the most unattractive qualities a man can exude.

You will be destined to the virgin dungeon. (Your mom's basement).

Women find men attractive when they are working towards a higher purpose, but also display flashes of humour.

Men are pathetic faggots, Sup Forums is no different.
Nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with worthless """"""""""""""men"""""""""""""" who reflexively lick the cum out the thighs of any woman who panders to them

That's because most men have been taught to put women on a pedestal and don't treat them the way they are supposed to be treated

She's a cunt who doesn't know what she's talking about

/r/asianmsaclunity please stop posting.

JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW! I have got an idea for you. It´s really great.

So ... If a hole can make that much shekels by shiting on feminism - maybe a shlomo can make that much shekels, by shiting on the "holohaux" and appealing to neo´s.


if I go around travelling, will you guys fund my trips? i'll even go to israel like a good goy

There is no solution to this. I've tried, men just get very hostile when another guy points out how men worship women. I mean even Sup Forums sperged out at me numerous times for me confronting them about it.


>Women like detached cool type men
>I get known as that type of guy
>But then I get criticized for being too quiet and not personable enough

You just can't win.

The ugly Anglo strikes again!

Yeah Juden, you're merchants after all, always striving to make a quick buck. There's a whole market for pandering to Neo-Nazi holocaust deniers

>sharing Old Jerusalem with Muslims
speaking of sucking Islamic cock...

If this gets normies believing in ((civic)) nationalism it's just as bad.

beta males.
next question?

>She's literally a 9/10 this is not debateable
I'll back you on this. Most kiddies here had their sense of aesthetics completely fucked up by anime and Photoshop.