See this potatoe?

See this potatoe?
It's trying to stay alive as hard as he can. Now I will rip his skin off with a knife and boil him alive. How are wegetarians ok with this? A potatoe is a living, breathing thing.

Other urls found in this thread:


Death comes quickly.


Death to potato

>peeling your tatoes
That's where all the nutrients are



That's where the solanine is. I don't want to shit myself on easter because of some silly potatoe trying to poison me.



You're not supposed to eat potatoes once they start budding you stupid pole.

release teh potato now
then delete your account

I'm pretty sure they don't know what pigs or cows feel either. Maybe animals like being slaughtered? Thanks to us they can finally die and go meet their maker in animal heaven. Dead animals can't experience any more pain ;^

also, the skin is very good for you. the most nutritious part of the food. You're not supposed to cut it off and throw it away.

Why? I never had problems with them after removing the poisonous parts.

Just eat those shrubs, they have vitamins

No. I want them to live in constant fear of death. Look how they got wrinkles so early. That's because of living in constant stress.

Sometimes I eat a whole potato raw for breakfast because I cannot bring myself to give a shit about actually trying

you can eat them but sprouts mean the potato had time to produce more solanine

How are you not dying in your toilet afterwards? Even if your potatoes have no solanine in them the bacteria living in your potate should wreck you without boiling.

you just rinse it off

But user- stress makes food taste worse (unless the thought of biting into tender flesh and cutting open deep reservoirs of stress steroids causing them to ooze and bubble to the surface gets you hard)

I wish they would kill me. I have a tough gut from eating dirt, earthworms, cigarette butts and play dough as a child

>stress makes food taste worse
real source?

make tea from potato leaves, very refreshing.

The bad chemicals from bad stress make your sensors feel bad :(

Jesus Christ you're a fucking animal. You sick fuck, leaving innocent Potatoes strewn out like that next to the dismembered body parts of their friends.

Cool story.

Side note : it may take a while until all water evaporates. I don't want to lose any nutrients trapped in water.

Still no vegetarians ITT? Are they scared? Where are their arguments?

Nobody sells potatoe leafs in stores, silly. I don't have time to drive to the farmer every time I need potatoes. They are too cheap to give a fuck.

Stressful conditions = fight/flight and stress responses = morphological changes can occur in meat structure and in content (cortisol in meat)

Though I don't know about plants :^)

Just eat it raw, the Jews want you to cook your food so that they can continue selling you appliances and toothpaste. Raw food contains maximum nutrients and more importantly, protein and amino acids

If spiders crawl into my mouth while I'm sleeping and I eat them. Then that means I am supposed to eat meat.

Their is a religion called Jainism they don't eat potato or any tuber vegetable

[muffled Latvian crying in the distance]

It's their fault. They tried to hold the net.

what are you making OP it looks good

speak English you fucking curry muncher

Isn't that very toxic?

Fug, this:

Was meant for:

Raw food contains bacteria, viruses, mites and parasites.

What the hell is wrong from you, you're taking them away from their comfy safe space of course they don't want to leave. Why can't you just leave the Potatoes alone!?


I have had way better success pointing put that gelatin is made from animal hides when they are eating candy / desserts made with it.

So many idiots think meat and dairy is all we use animals for. Freaking them out when eating gummybears and cheesecake, hell gelatin and casein is used in some beers, peanuts, marshmellows and pretty much all soft-shelled medicines and supplements.

nice one bro

the ultimate redpill

Thanks for the laughs op

You're not worried about vengeful family members -- eye for an eye?

This is what I was wearing when I got banned.

edgy faggot on the internet
when I find out where you live, us potato-kin will fucking kill you

If you weren't a retard you'd cut off the flowering part and re-plant it.

That feel when nobody cares about the bell pepper.

Protip : this kills the pepper.

You wouldn't be a retard if your mother had swallowed you

Who will protect my potatoes from the birds? Urban birds give 0 fucks about scarecrows.


can't tell if this is a slide thread, a potato thread, a >potato thread, a down with the vegan agenda thread or a genuine autism thread

Urban birds versus bourbon nerds -- who wins?

>mfw there are people who always peel off the skin before making mashed potatoes

Why does this potato looks like the grandmother of all potatoes?

As they use up resources to produce buds they get wrinkles. I just let them live long enough to give them a "chance" to grow.

>Falling for the bacteria Jew

take the milk pill

Ok, fuck that. I will it the nutritional vegetable water with a spoon.

bon appétit

Animal milk is poison for adults...

>A potatoe is a living, breathing thing.


We ARE animals you brainwashed CUNT
GOMAD or GET OUT, cookie cutter

>tfw Australian cuisine is 100x better than polish (((food)))

>bell pepper
literally jews of the vegetables

Big Lenny, kek

Nooooooooo! Monster

Do explain. They help you lose weight.

Pic proves the holocaust is real.

>trying to stay alive as hard as he can
just like we through history

that's basically crack

The Government should do something about these farmers. Why isn't anyone protesting that plants aren't treated humanely?

Into the oven they go. After getting covered with oil and salt anyways.

>They help you lose weight.
yea eating them is very good
therefore they're only good when they're dead

Being born is original sin. Pray for forgiveness, for eating potato.

look at allll those chickens!

If I pay you will you take my sins away?

what the fuck is wrong with that potato? Is Poland really this poor? kek

say 15 hail potatoes.

Sweet potato is best potato. Other potato races are inferior

I will do it in front of a polish monument of potatoe.

Riches beyond the dreams of avarice for an Irishman...

It's expensive as fuck and is sweet. Into the trash it goes.

Potato bless you.

Maybe in yuropostan

>tfw thanks to autistic OP you actually begun feel bad for potatoes.

>he eats potatoes without any spices

Jesus Christ man.

Don't eat sprouting or green potatos retard


what kind of oil?

Potatoe was an Hero


By calling me a newfag that instantly confirms you as a newfag

Havent you any decency?
You share pics of death so carefree.


fucking powdered black pepper and highly refined white sugar. KYS FGT.