Not allowing migration under any circumstance. Not letting in illegals, highly educated people, students, entrepreneurs, etc. but also not letting in people for "family reunification" - so if some guy wants to marry a Thai girl, tough luck, she cannot come to the West. He can vacation there, but not bring her with her.
What do you think about the zero migration doctrine?
Brrrrrt! Let him have it!
highly intelligent answer user
No immigrants from thoroughly destabilized countries that have no cultural resemblance to ours
No immigrants from extremely poor countries
Extremely harsh immigration vetting procedures for everyone else
People caught cheating get sent back. People caught cheating again get sent to Somalia.
zero migration from outside the west makes sense, but i would prefer regulated immigration between western nations.
It's a bit late for anything except complete racial purging.
>Extremely harsh immigration vetting procedures for everyone else
No, the answer is zero immigration. That is there is just no way to permanently move to a country. This way, there is no wiggle room and no ways to circumvent the system.
A person can come to the West for 90 days for vacation or business per year, but no permanent immigration under any circumstance.
>Not letting in illegals, highly educated people, students, entrepreneurs
I'm in favor of temporary visas for students and entrepreneurs. Say, limited to 10 years. Almost all immigration should be temporary.
I don't want to live in a central European Best Korea. It's absolutely stupid to shut ourselves off from the world. Not least of all because Germany is a massive exporter and we are dependent on good relations all over the world.
But on the other hand we can't have decade after decade of replacement immigration. When I was at my office right now and look out of the window I'd guess I'm in a foreign country.
>not letting in people for "family reunification" - so if some guy wants to marry a Thai girl, tough luck, she cannot come to the West. He can vacation there, but not bring her with her.
We need absolutely this. Why can one person alone decide who can come into the country by marrying them? Worst of all it also undermines the ethnic makeup of a country.
Yeah, that's fucking stupid.
The ideal immigration system is one that restricts foreign plebians from easy immigration.
You want to already highly educated because they add to your nation's STEM pool and advance your nation technically.
You want foreign entepreneurs because they are taking another country's capital and bringing it to you.
Family unification is a necessary concession imperial nations have to make. To illustrate, when I see korean-americans and japanese-americans, I have a good word for their parents and grandparents: war captures.
You need to bar the people who compete with the domestic working class, lest you provoke revolt. That would be your foreign plebeians and normalfags.
No, you want a waterproof system. One in which no one, as in NO ONE can come permanently. This way there just is no way for someone to circumvent the law.
I think migration should be limited to a continent. Europeans for Europe, Asians for Asia, Niggers for Africa, etc.
restrict all foreigners aside from special cases as dictated by the ruler of the country
>zero migration doctrine
You only need regulations Merkel, close the damn gate and deport illegal aliens.
isolationism goes both ways, if the west truely wanted it, they could have it
its a shame it goes against the war profitiring and resource stealing
this is why i can't take the whole issue seriously, its a case of a kid kicking hornets nest and then wanting to be left alone
good luck kids
>I think migration should be limited to a continent. Europeans for Europe, Asians for Asia, Niggers for Africa, etc.
No, migration cannot be limited to a continent.
It should be Germany for Germans only. A big wall around Germany, no one being allowed to enter - just at special terminals for vacation and business for up to 90 days a year. Zero permanent immigration for any reason.
Everyone who holds no German citizenship is required to leave immidiately. Those who refuse, are put in large camps at the border - they can leave, but not to Germany, just out of Germany.
We already have too many Italians and Greeks here. The Gastarbeiterprogramm without strictly enforcing the return-part of it has brought the Mafia and other organized crime to Germany. Before the 60s there really were no large organized clans here who would go as far as killing people for their criminal structures.
And there is are a lot of other countries in Europe which are really quite shit.
>No, migration cannot be limited to a continent.
Yes it can you peasant
Mafia in Germany were always the Arabs tho.
Lebanese families coming here, throwing away their passports and claiming to be from Palestine->cannot be deported
And yes they've been here since the 60s and they're 1000 times more dangerous than any European mafia
I like that last bit
>Mafia in Germany were always the Arabs tho.
That only started in the late 70s and 80s.
>Lebanese families coming here, throwing away their passports and claiming to be from Palestine->cannot be deported
As if. It's not a matter of can or cannot. It's a matter of lacking will to do so. We could make a deal with Somalia to take these people for a few million bucks. They'll be in the shittiest niggerplace of the world or suddenly remember where they are from. Both works for me.
>And yes they've been here since the 60s
nah, see above
>and they're 1000 times more dangerous than any European mafia
that's true. Essen is going to shit because of these sandniggers.
I really don't know why we don't get a bit imaginative and try to throw these goddamn fucking sandniggers out to some Kurdish autonomous region or deport them somewhere in between Lebanon and Syria. There is so much room for maneuvering in this place of the world with its unresolved conflicts, you could easily exploit that.
would you?
Imagine if all the immigrants were white blonde women
thats how white blonde women feel like right now
>Not allowing migration under any circumstance.
What if a foreign country becomes uninhabitable for reasons that are not the fault of the people living there? Is there a moral (following the golden rule) reason for any given country to not let them in?
immigration shouldn't be governed by moralistic ideas.
That's what development aid is for. Completely different matters.
>Yes it can you peasant
No, it cannot, you Turk.
>What if a foreign country becomes uninhabitable for reasons that are not the fault of the people living there? Is there a moral (following the golden rule) reason for any given country to not let them in?
No, there is no obligation. Nature takes its course.
Publicly, I am opposed to 100% of immigration. When talking to liberals, I use this argument: why should we bring in more people to an overpopulated country, and a country in which we have the highest oil consumption per capita in the world, that does not help the environment and is bad for us.
Privately, no nonwhites allowed. Send all the existing ones back. All of them.
>no one interested in staying morally upright needs to follow my arbitrary doctrine.
It was awesome busting my ass graduating with honors in coding then still having to compete with Baresh working as an HB1 slave. And Not being able to work at the coffee shop or the farm down the road, all positions filled with more brown slaves getting paid under the table. Putting my family on hold waiting for openings was great. Gotta love the rich democrats penchant for slave labor. Moving factories to where there are children that can work as slaves. Moving in immigrants to work as slaves. So what was the question? How many more slaves do I think we should we let in? How about zero. Kick the rich democrats right in the crotch.
Young pretty women only, everyone else can fuck off we're full.
>arbitrary doctrine
What's arbitrary abour pure self interest?
>staying morally upright
moralfags pls leave