How can I stop video games once and for all, brothers

I'm sure some of you did it

please show me

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Video games are like heroin. Very difficult to ween yourself off them. So I suggest porn. Watch lots of porn. Porn will be your methadone.

Go into some sort of art. Animation, comic drawing, fanfictions, etc.

Or just realize vidya is worthless and pursue a real hobby

I'd begin the transition with Pokemon Go, as you actually go outside for that one


no thanks, that's probably worse

There's nothing inherently wrong with playing video games, user. The trick is moderation.

Stop playing kids video games and play real games for real men.

Give up. I thought you were good at that

When I was 15 my house got struck by lightning and my Xbox got fried and I never played video games again

I just didn't care enough to get a new console and wasn't autistic enough to do computer games

get a Macbook

Can't play video games if you don't have any desu.

too expensive

rather put the money in clothes, books, save, etc..

yeah but in this case there is the internet. I will not be playing, but I'll still waste my time on the net

Get yourself something to spend your time on.

Get a hobby that you're actually motivated to spend as much time as you can, start learning or making something that gives you some sense of fulfillment.
Basicly this

Don't bother

It's the only time you'll be a hero and save the world. Why bother waking up.

Realize what they are.
A false sense of accomplishment.

I'd rather be a normal and real human bean then a hero in virtual

You'll get bored of them eventually. I no longer play vidya or read, I just come home from work, shitpost on 4chins, eat TV dinner and go to sleep, so I can wake up in time for work the next day. I don't have enough motivation to start up any game, even the classics.

Stop being a manchild is a start

By getting a real hobby. I know I'm going to be bitched at by blue-pilled fags that don't want to grow up, but I'm serious. Get yourself an old car to restore and tune. Take an interest in getting your body "war ready". Teach yourself carpentry and other useful skills to have as a man. Start reading about subjects that interest you. Basically just grow up and find adult hobbies you like.

that's the point. you spend all your savings on this machine that can get you shit done and most games don't run on it, which you can't afford anyways.

yes but how

aide moi s'il te plait

Get a job and go to school. You can't play vidya if you have no free time.

Go cold turkey. That's what it took for me to stop, went to uni and decided not to take any consoles or anything. It was fucking hard but now, 2 years later, I don't even think about video games

How can we overcome this state of mind, brother? I don't mean just video games but a lot of things.

get a girlfriend that isn't into gaming

Stop simulating masculinity and achievement and go out and do it for real


>Wanting to quit video games
>Before Middle-earth: Shadow of War comes out

what did you do with all the new free time

I'm on it

Start getting busy doing something else. Video game or porn addiction just means you have nothing else to do.

Gather some willpower and go cold turkey. An approach I am really happy with now is to stop for a few months, and then go on a binge for a few weeks. Also no PC games anymore, only PS4.

Then don't bother with games anymore. Embrace life. Restructure your mind to get a kick out of the mundane things life has to offer. And then build upon that until you achieve the life that makes you truly happy.

I'm just bored of videogames.

Like I already said here, I just play like 30 minutes, then I come back here, and then after some time I go back to video games. Endless circle.

Even though after some reflection I have very few things to do on the computer. Usually I check my favourite websites and in less than an hour I have really no reason to stay if it wasn't for vidya.

wow fuck you dude video games are an adult hobby jackass

Doesn't the tu form in the imperatif end with "es"

Like it's "aides moi s'il te plaït" right?

I bought photoshop and a drawing tablet, havent touched a game since.

Just start trying different hobbies, you can't just quit video games and sit around the house on the internet been like "i don't know what to do"

Try looking up some recipes and learning to cook something new
Gym or Exercise
Learn to grow vegetables
Picking up a sport
Hang out with friends or girlfriend?

Had the same problem. Sold PC, bought a Mac. I've spent exactly $1k on a 1-year MB Pro 13 mid 2015. That was a fucking deal, but 128GB of memory is a pain in the ass. You don't need to spend more, user. I am free from vidya jew once for all. Well, except Cyberpunk 2077 - this shit will be huge.

Come to r/the_donald, user. We'll take care of you :)))))

I stopped being obsessed eith video games aroind the age of 18/19. After which time, I grew up. I somewhat follow gaming news, own an xbox one, but Its onoy ever seen 3 games played on it. Its a media player.

Whenever i try and get into a game it just doesn't work. The magic is gone. Its boring. I cant do it. Im bored and unimpressed. Knowing that millions of other people already played this particular part of said game makes me not even want to bother exploring the world.

Knowing that some fat nerd coded this fictitious world and all the parameters bothers me. Its literally a cage. There is not exploration to be had. Nothing cool or unique about your experience with a particular game. Everyones treaded those same waters. Developers funneled you to those waters.

In books, you read but your imagination paints a picture. The picture is drastically different in my head of ser oakheart charging into battle and then his last words before the beheading.

>Tfw too intelligent for video games.

They are childrens toys to me. Mindkess babysitting children toys. That's what video games are. No wonderment.

Oh wait I fucked up its "es" in the present and you remove the "s" in the imperatif

Sorry, I'm a retarded french student


no -es because it's like an order. Imperatif is either informal (aide-moi) or formal (aidez-moi) (even though you have to say aidez-moi if you are adressing to a group, whether it's informal or not)
it's not like in spanish

Find another thing to be addicted. But not the things that will fuck your life like drugs. Find a creative hobby. Search on internet hobbies. You can find a hobby that suits you and your budget. Also lift lift lift lift. Lift motherfucker.

>How can I stop video games.

Dear Sir.

I have good idea.

It's not that hard, just find something that you love/like more. If you don't like anything then you need some serious evaluation of your world views and life decisions. I know it sounds tough but if we are in error we have to correct ourselves.


w-where to start

Diaper thread

>I bought photoshop

I haven't played anything for more than two hours in the last 2 or 3 months
Most of the time i spend in front of the pc is to read topics of interest or to produce music in FL Studio (my biggest hobby)
my advice is to not COMPLETELY ditch videogames out of your life, as it can be refreshing and stimulating if played sparingly

you just need to focus into another hobby or activity

a REALLY good thing would be hitting the gym, or trying to force yourself into a sport

too much videogames kill your time and health and makes you feel depressed when, in the future, you look back at your past years and see thousands of hours spent on useless digital worlds (instead of spending outside, creating friends, talking to people, reading, creating things, etc)

tl;dr version: it's ok as long as it's not the main activity of your life

I gave it up a year ago for 2 months and a fortnight and I must say how naturally better I just felt. I started hanging out with friends more and exercising. Everything fell into place. But then my group of gayming friends kept on pressuring me to come back and play and I did now I am about to completely fail my university course and have sworn off video games until the end of the year. But to be honest I used to play 4 to 8 hours a day and was obsessed with strategy games like the Total War series and Age of Empires.

Go to gym. If you dont have money start with pushups in your house. You can find gazillion things about it on internet.

Also, if you have a balanced lifestyle you will notice that games (of any kind) are an important part of life. We learn, adapt, or even bond over games. The danger lies in addiction, as with many things.

>you can't just quit video games and sit around the house on the internet been like "i don't know what to do"

right that's really the issue.

I'll do that

>so many answers

t-thank you bros, your support really motivates me

Literally doing anything. Just buy a gym membership and do fucking anything.

After you've done anything there, look up shit like starting strength by mark rippletoe. Don't get daunted by the writing. Just read it. But if you can't be fucked investing time reading and doing that because that's just an obstacle, go straight to the gym first.


vote le pen

nassim s'il te plait, retourne sur /fr/

>How can I stop video games.

GO TO Do-Jo (Sword Technique School).

I mean, I've been there. I'm kind of back there with uni finishing recently.

I've noticed that I don't have a gaming addiction - it's just a substitution for nothing. You have to actively find things to do. You have a lot more opportunities than me living in somewhere that isn't in bumfuck no where in new zealand.

Just get outside of the house, walk around and find something to do. Seriously, it may sound pathetic, but if you're completely NEET it's a start. And you'll get there soon enough.

Uninstall all of your games

If you own consoles, sell them.
Uninstall PC games. Doesn't work? Downgrade computer.
Start lifting if you don't already. Then start thinking about hobbies.

I play the odd game now and then, hell I might even get a good week where I will try to play an hour or two every day or so. But then more often than not I find myself not playing vidya at all - the magic it once had is long gone after many disappointments and the realisation that you don't get much out of it in the end.

I find myself reading more and studying philosophy, history and politics than anything, which I feel I get more out of. I also still love film and try to dig deep into its history and the best it has to offer beyond the ridiculously jewed up shit that it turns out more and more each year. Find a more constructive and interesting user, it will be more fulfilling.

Indeed. Moderation is harder than going cold turkey.
If you can succeed at ruling yourself through moderation you can succeed at anything.

I'm writing a list of your suggestions

It'll happen m8.

One day you'll be sitting there happily clicking away and all of a sudden it gets boring as shit.

So you load another game, and that starts being a drag, too.

And another, shit, and another, fuck me what is this shit?

It's just something that clicks out of the blue. You suddenly notice how formulaic and tedious these virtual tasks are, and you stop playing.

OR you can wean yourself off them using a music production programme. Suddenly all your autistic effort actually pays off with an end artifact that you can actually share with someone else. Try Abelton, the basic package is free (albeit watch out, the add-ons are addictive and not cheap, god I love Waves plugins).

Also as everyone else says, go to the gym. I've been gymming for a few years and unfortunately I can't gym nearly as much as I used to due to my work but just being more physically active is far better than sitting playing vidya for hours.

Never really got into video games, stopped playing when I was 12. Got bored of them so easily and would much rather be outside playing football.


cut off internet and start going to the gym

then plug internet back after a month.

desperate times need desperate measures.