Will the Euro ever become the world's reserve currency?
They can't even reserve their own people.
Why not though? Many EU members are relatively poor countries whose economies are very rapidly growing, like Poland, and who will likely eventually be forced to accept and use the Euro as their primary and then only exchange currency nationally. If the trend continues the EU's total economy will surpass the US's economy as the largest in the world, and there's a chance more trade may be conducted with the Euro than even the dollar. Wouldn't it make sense for it to at least compete as a reserve currency then? Countries could probably start bargaining for different currencies to back oil deals, etc.
A couple of years back some oil producers wanted to start charging in Euros because Dollar was cheap as fuck, then suddenly the Arab Spring happen xD
>If the trend continues the EU's total economy will surpass the US's economy as the largest in the world
yes, this will definitly happen.
Every day the european union is recieving smart engineers from africa anad middle east.
While us is taking only filthy mexicans
The Euro is plagued with so many problems its standing is losing with every month of the unsolved crisis in the mediterranean countries.
The Euro can only gain in significance when it is reduced to the northern parts of the Eurozone. Then it could be a contender for the Greenback, especially when we manage to draw in the successful countries of Eastern Europe.
I think Germany will ask the Eurozone to make a decision in one or two years: Either we do it our way or we will return back to the Deutschen Mark. People and the press are slowly getting unruly about the currency.
Can't wait to get rid of that piece of shit
>People and the press are slowly getting unruly about the currency.
yeah nah.
Not unless there is some crazy dollar crash. Countries will prefer to diversify with holdings in dollars and euros.
>Why not though?
Because the euro is unstable as fuck because you have it tied to a bunch of completely different economies, most of which arent doing so well
Yes, they do. The cabinet was scolding Draghi a few weeks back as we've never seen it before. Germany wants at all costs have Weidmann as the next EZB president. And in comparison with European and Anglo-Saxon economists Weidmann is super hawkish. He failed to make his voice heard in so many instances in the last few years, I think Germany will leave the currency if we don't get Weidmann in 2018.
And every economy section of newspapers and tabloids write articles about the low interest rates and how to take care of your life insurance and so on. And they always mention the EZB policy in the same articles. And people I talk to begin to see the problems with the Euro much more than the advantages which are beginning to fade into the background for them.
You're funny, OP. But keep your day job.
all talk, no action.
There also was no action regarding Target2 and ANFA..
Please, user.
We know already who wouldn't let that happen.
The euro won't exist in 10 years
Are you memeing?
>The euro won't exist in 10 years
because the European union is in the process of breaking up.
Why should he? If Lê Pen gets elected the EU goes from a slow death directly into coma.
Italy and the iberian península could easly eventually follow France in case that happened