Cultural enrichment thread

Cultural enrichment thread

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Check out how obedient the white girl is to her muslim master.



What the fuck is wrong with niggers? You hear them speak and write, and it's just ''dei b husslin mad nigga sheeet, I've got dat dope ass nigga dik son''. It's just nonsense. It's random noises. Random letters thrown together. Literally meaningless nonsense.

What the fuck is their problem? It's just noise. No wonder they are so violent and get into so many fights when they get into eachother's face speaking pure gibberish.

The entire premise behind what these assholes talk about is ''everyone hates me, but I am so great'', and they repeat it over and over and over.
I never had the need to tell anyone that ''bitches run they mouth nigga'', and that I am ''stuntin on dei ass boi''. Never.

Name something you'd find in a Redditors kitchen


A spork





jesus fucking christ that's not real surely

Sweden calling this skin color "white".

Yeah, sure, blame minorities and nonwhites or whatever for all of your problems meanwhile a lot of whites and natives in your country are absolute shit and go along with this cultural garbage and brainwashing hook, line, and sinker.


Wtf I love Amexica now


h-hayai !

emotional appeal is the only way to subvert the heavily indoctrinated. logical appeal will make them cling tighter to what they believe.
