Who is going to join the military once ww3 breaks out?
Think about it
>Nice signing bonus
>Stop being neet
>Be a good goy
>Be proud
>Get pussy
>Maybe die
>Fight for your country
Who is going to join the military once ww3 breaks out?
Think about it
>Nice signing bonus
>Stop being neet
>Be a good goy
>Be proud
>Get pussy
>Maybe die
>Fight for your country
Other urls found in this thread:
i have asthma + i smoke too much so fuck off
Why bother.
Let it break out and see if nukes get launched.
If you join now you will die 1st anyways, those in the cities will get nuked too.
Depending what happens in your country it will be everyone for themselves if no working goverment, so protect yourself and anyone else you care about but be damn sure you have the balls to kill someone if needed.
I was probably gonna join anyway, fighting in Korea is much more enticing than a shitty desert killing sand niggers though
>tfw soon to be medically discharged from the cucknadian armed forces right before WW3
what happened friend
yes... die for Israel goys...
>having to leave the house
count me out lad
Stress fractures. They are incredibly common but I've got a pretty bad one that is refusing to heal.
ill join if they take me. im ready to kill some people and than die
that sucks man. I actually really hope there is a 2nd Korean war, i'm getting bored of sand niggers
>get pussy
More like get cucked by Jamal who gets free reign on your women because he dodged the rayciss draft
Being in the forces is fun but there is no reason to be infantry. One of my regrets is not picking a trade with skills that crossover into the civvy world.
You don't have to die
Check out these goys
It will be so much fun after America wins like always we will come home and get to wear cool hats and get a bunch of free shit because we are veterans and we can till our grand kids about how we killed a bunch of Gooks in the great war
>Who is going to join the military once ww3 breaks out?
Stupid trolling cunt, the time to get best career is in peacetime so when the military expands you make rank quicker. Choose for best career, but of course you posted fatass cannon fodder.
>yes... die for Israel goys...
Americans don't die in significant numbers. Killing for money is why wars exist. Don't you have rapefugees to fellate? It doesn't matter who we kill. What matters is my paycheck. I'd kill you for money like I'd do any African. Sweden is worse than Africa because leftist.
>fighting in Korea is much more enticing than a shitty desert killing sand niggers though
Confirmed teenager.
I am thinking of joining my countries special forces (2nd Commando Regiment). That would be a huge challenge but i think it would be fun
We don't get to choose wether to join army, we have to. Or face jail. I know only one case, a semi-celebrity, who went to jail of his own will. But he was a rap-man, and probably wannabe nigger, so he wouldn't be useful as a soldier anyway.
I can only join, hopefully, if they initiate the draft again.
Already tried enlisting, and got a 92 on my asvab, but got denied cause of my record
Cmon goys this is our chance to be something
Stop being worthless cunts
ill sit back and defend the homeland if we are invaded. My partisans will employ a guerilla war to any invaders.
What did you do to get a record?
Being white, fighting in mountains and swamps is more enticing then fighting in a desert with some mountains
I would literally take malaria over sunburn any day
I thought about joining the Air Force but I have hypothyroidism so I doubt they'd let me in even tho it's controlled by medication.
Get caught doing activities that are not legal
SAS general here
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, doubtful
>Americans don't die in significant numbers.
Of course not, because you fight against poor armys...Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. and btw u.s lost nearly 60000 in Vietnam, which is quite significant number.
You don't get to choose what you fight during world war.
If you're not willing to at least fight to protect your own county, you're no better than the male refugees fleeing their country. Coward and a waste.
if ww3 starts i would have about 15 min time till i get vaporiced...
ill go for a last fap then
I don't understand how someone gets arrested.. I literally drive drunk every weekend and have never even come close to getting caught
Must be my white privilege
Who would win in a fight between goku and superman?
you forgot the part about joining the army where you die a horrible death in a firestorm caused by magnesium phosphate while trapped inside an APV.
What are these horribly retarded things? Where do you shove the mag?
The silver dildos are the mags, 100rnd
those are Type 88 (gook AK) with a 100 rounds Helical Magazine
AKs with drum magazines?
I'd join the US armed forces if:
A) It would guarantee citizenship
B) I would get to loot and plunder all the booty I wanted
C) I would get all the MREs with jalapeno cheese spread
Legit I have said I would re-enlist if WW3 broke out. I served 6 years in the navy and already went to NK waters, and twice to the Persian Gulf. Good fucking times, and now I live a comfy life.
It bores me. War was much simpler than dealing with corporate politics and it's feminist agenda. I miss the battlefield and loving every day like it could legitimately be your last.
I would rather die a good death and go to Valhalla than grow old among these rich egotistical freaks.
But man the second I say that at all at the office I'm officially "that crazy vet"
Plebs, all of em.
> Goyim, go die for Israel while Jamal plows your wife
I was already a Marine. It sucked shit.
Enough said
Thanks my Hrvatski friend
I can't join the Australian army because of my criminal record lol. Which is a shame too. I only just realized their fitness requirements weren't that hard.
>Male requirement: 15 Push-ups, 45 Sit-ups (feet held), 7.5 Shuttle run score
Piss easy m8. If I'd joined the army maybe I wouldn't have been a degenerate criminal.
But... I remember back in 2013 I saw a Britbong KC Sup Forums poster showing how he went and joined the Donetsk People's Republic's army. I also see that all manner of muslims all over the world go and join ISIS (and then claim they're Syrian rebels)
I've been thinking of finding out what that bong did and getting into Russia and possibly joining their army. I know fuckall Russian but I learned how to read slav runes from all the shitposting YOBAs. I figure I might learn it more if only to fuck off there one day.
I will join, might be a bit too old tho. Start lifting, jogging and cycling tomorrow.
Maybe if I didn't live in Canada..
im 31 they dont want me
>Who is going to join the military once ww3 breaks out?
>implying there will be a choice
>implying there won't be a draft
top goy
I bet there will be exempts for trans/gay/minority/opressed people. So you could get some MtF therapy and stay home.
I was already in the Army during OIF, went to school after I got out, landed an accounting degree, and work at a major big 4 accounting firm now. That being said, I'd probably commission if WW3 actually happened. I'm 29 now, so I'd probably try out for SF (since I stayed in shape).
It would be easier to just get a racist tattoo. They won't take you then. I wouldn't dodge the draft anyway. I also don't think WW3 is coming but if it does, assuming it doesn't go nuclear right away, there will be a draft due to the shear scale of a global conflict.
Nah OP we have to become cops and destroy commies.
The homeland comes first.
They wouldn't take me. I got a couple annoying minor physical handicaps left over from injury and surgery that keep me from doing anything too physical. Plus I'm in my 30s so they have a lot of younger guys to use up before they would take me even if I was fighting fit.
If things were going bad enough they might put people like you in the rear with the gear. Then it'll be sweet, sweet POG lyfe 4U.
I'm joining the navy as a aircrew officer observer after I finish college next year
>recent brain tumor removal, still not off the anti-seizure medication
Not going to draft me.
those hats are cool
My lips are the gun. My smile is the trigger.
My kisses are bullets. Label me the killer.
CIDP. I'm physically unfit to serve. Wish I was, though.
Or... I can be a proud NEET who still gets pussy, while I pretend that I'm part of a militia so I can REALLY say I fight for my country.