>For going down into the hell of the lost He wrought this effect, that by descending thither He put them to shame for their unbelief and wickedness: but to them who were detained in Purgatory He gave hope of attaining to glory
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God bless
Me and my GF are Catholic.
Is it cool to fuck her with every inch of my cock and slap her around a little while I'm at it?
We love eachother, so Jesus is cool with it? R-right?
Of course, user. But lying about having a gf is not
God bless, user. Hope you enjoy the vigil later (assuming you're going today rather than Sunday)
I wonder what hell was like for Jesus
This might answer some of your questions Wallabanon
pro tip: worse than Adam Sandley in 3d
Bumping with a Sevilla Cathedral side chapel
Good Friday - Venerable Fulton Sheen
News like this makes me more and more sympathetic of historical calls for crusades.
Catholics aren't Christian
Getting baptised and confirmed tonight. I can't wait.
You should have been sympathetic anyway leaf. This video silences any critic of the crusades
Wonderful! All the best.
Very glad to hear it. I always take extra satisfaction in learning a fellow bong is joining the Church.
This is the heritage we had robbed from us. May we be worthy of the sacrifice of martyrs such as Thomas More & Edmund Campion
Have a Chesterton quote to go with your day-late, yet still very well-worth listening to, clip americanon
As somebody who's interested in practicing again, there's one thing I still can't quite fathom, and it's confession. How can a priest speak on God's behalf and forgive our sins?
Think of it this way
You need to confess sincerely, you need to intend in your heart for your confession to be full, sincere, and to not keep doing those sins
By actually saying it out loud so a priest can hear, you're making it more solemn and sort of demonstrating to God that you're serious about what you're doing
"The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”
John 10:17-18
Concerns apostolic succession fellow bong.
When Christ returned from the dead & appeared to his disciples, he said:
>He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you.
> When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost.
> Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.
And again in Matthew 16:19:
>And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.
Christ gave his apostles power to forgive sins in his stead. The Pope is the successor of St. Peter. He delegates this duty to Catholic priests
Former protestant atheist on his way home to Mother Church here.
First year I've celebrated Easter in church. It's just so wonderful!
Bless you all o/
Also, in a non-theological sense, it's much more difficult to admit your sins to a human acting in Christ's stead than it is to simply whisper your forgiveness when you're alone. And admitting your sins & asking forgiveness SHOULD be difficult.
I've found many who find having to confess to a priest are simply use this is an excuse not to have to confront their sins at all. (Not saying this applies to you)
A Norwegian Catholic? Extra congrats to you user because there musn't be very many of you
Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.
>people who enjoy talking about things i don't understand must be CIA
Hmm, who could be behind this post?
Fuck catholics
Please relax user. Listen the Pentecostals in your country and come home to Rome
>Through studying the Church Fathers, an Arizona pastor leads part of his congregation into Catholicism
Have a wonderful baptisim user!
I'll pray that God blesses you tonight and forever as you join His Church
Second this, user
absolute madman
>tfw not going the 3 hours long mass today
It's nothing personal Jesus
I just have other things to do
Easter mass is one of the most beautiful masses of the year. The church is usually wonderfully decorated and there's of course the Eucharist.
God bless you, anyways.
Disappointing Slovanon. None of us are guaranteed the time to atone for relegating God to 2nd, 3rd or whatever place
The people here have REAL dedication and guts doing painful shit.
God bless them.
God bless you too, user. Happy Easter!
Listening to Mozart's Coronation Mass in awaiting Christ's resurrection.
That's beautiful. Thanks for linking it, brother.
You're welcome! I pray that you all have a blessed Easter, brotherly anons.
You as well, God bless. I can't wait for the Vigil Mass.
I bet you go to a church where they say the pledge of allegience before every service.
Why do Protestants push this meme?
I hope you realize that you use Bibles that were originally compiled by Catholics.
I-is that a thing?
We had to do it every morning before school started while facing the flag. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if some Protestant communities did it, since some are very politicized.
Oh and it's also done before any events; like sports games or performances.
God doesn't exist
well trolled gentlesir xD
we wuz christians n sheet
catholicism is judaism combined with roman paganism and greek universalism
Glad to see this topic, amen!
So, how do you solve the problem of eroticization of the culture? I think this is the core problem in Europe, and if this doesn't get solved, the Muslims will surely take over Europe
My pa grew up Frenchy Catholic and hated the fuck out of Catholicism until his dying day.
>inb4 diddled by a priest
No. It was just too authoritarian.
>When you're really super duper excited to get your chocolate eggs from mommy tomorrow but you still need to prove to yourself you're edgy
Protestants are truly heretics
At this point, I don't think we can 'solve' it. We have to let it show itself to be unfulfilling & vapid. Our duty as the Church is to condemn & to tell people that it is unfulfilling/will be if they follow it.
This is the risk Islam poses. That those who taste the fruits of liberalism and inevitably find them bitter will turn to Islam because the Church was silenced & Islam was the only religion that condemend liberalism, of which the eroticisation of the culture is an element
The nuns were a terror, apparently.
He'd have loved certain elements in the Church today. Some have gone the complete other way & have given in to relativism. It can be difficult to find that balance between dialogue & 'authortarianism', especially when you know your faith is the true faith.
At the same time, there will have been some frenchies who were naturally slack in their faith & only kept it due to the insistence of the nuns
But Muslims also show real alternatives to libertinism, which you can experience. Christians don't
This is the CORE difference between Muslims and the rest. They're not more pious than us, but they're definitely less eroticized and less libertine
What makes you believe in a book written by crazy pseudointellectualists over a thousand years ago?
> inb4 ad hominem attack
> inb4 YOU CAN'T PROVE IT'S NOT TRUE!!11!!1!
We, as a Church, need to regain our confidence & make our presence known. I agree with you. There are many in the Church who are afraid of confrontation or 'rocking the boat'. They're happy to pass through life offending nobody & opposing nothing.
This is why the influx of Muslims into Europe CAN be a positive. If we are honest, the Church in Europe, especially Western Europe was losing to secularism anyway, materialism, eroticisation etc. Secularism was winning by stealth.
With the growth of Islam, members of the Church can no longer merely 'get along'. Many on the left & right of politics were happy to let Christianity die out in Europe. Now, especially on the right, people are asking 'what went wrong?' that led to the growth of Islam & a vapid liberalism. The Church must once again rise & say 'Europe went wrong when it abandoned the true Faith'
Very reductive statement there. I'm not surprised you feel the way you do.
It is not common but there are some protestant evangelical communities that have a patriotic tinge. By protestant evangelical I mean non denominational. This isnt a lutheran, baptist, or episcopal thing.
But these groups also tend to be somewhat derisive of Catholics. They usually get hung up on the good works thing and the pope.
Why does its age make it any less truthful? Aristotle & Plato wrote their texts before the Bible, but you'll find a lot of truth there
Hmm, what's the reason that you believe in the bible? It seems just as likely that a guy named Allah made everything, or Jehovah. Or even some other deity nobody knows about.
Is it just the fact that a lot of people believe in it?
btw not trying to sound like an asshole here, actually wondering what makes you specifically believe in the bible's teachings
I wish there was a church nearby me. God bless all of you, my brothers and sisters!
He was a complicated man.
As for myself, I'm inclined to like Catholicism.
I knew they did it before Super Bowl etc, but I thought, as they are at church, they'd be able to take an hour or so off from saluting the flag & spend it honouring God
daily reminder that Romanism is a heterodox cult that denies the Biblical doctrine of justification by faith apart from meritorious works as per Romans 1-4 and Galatians and promotes a medieval sacramental soteriology that would have been abhorrent to the apostles
In your father's defence (though I don't know when he died) you have grown up with the internet, & are therefore able to see how secular France has degenerated once its people abandoned Catholicism. He was probably of that generation of Europeans who thought they could abandon Christianity & retain their culture etc. Sadly, it's proven to be a costly mistake. Atheism is a destructive force on a country. It tears down, but it does not build up. Instead, it creates a void to be filled
Thanks for stopping by, user. Here's your reward
Again it is not common but there ate churches where the pledge of allegiance is said before service and the US flag is very prominently displayed. These churches will also commonly accuse the Catholic church of idolatry for having and supporting religious artwork.
Lionheart did nothing wrong
And the void doesn't fill up. No matter with how you replace it(football squad, rockstar, software house). I wish I saved that PDF in which Ratzinger talk about this stuff.
There's a variety of reasons. Firstly we must understand that the Bible is a historical document and we should treat it as such. If we want to understand its reliability as a historical document (and therefore why I believe in it) then we must look at a few different things.
>1. When the various books were written in relation to the events that took place.
Historically speaking, works of legend are generally considered to begin to appear some two generations after and event has taken place.We can see this for example in the writings of Livy. Generally speaking, the sooner something is written after an event has taken place, the more reliable it is considered to be. Now, some of the earliest writings in the New Testament are Paul's letters, some Scholars have placed these writings back to about 3-4 years after Jesus' death, others have placed that about 20 years. There's room for error either way in the grand scheme of history, but ultimately speaking, this is would be considered to be lightning fast, especially when compared to other works of history that we still consider to be reliable sources, see Suetonius for example.
>2. Well how do we know that the writers weren't simply lying?
This is another important point. It is very easy to believe that the writers of the bible were lying about Jesus. I myself used to believe this when I was an atheist. However, this argument ignores the context that the Bible was written in. Christians were widely persecuted by Romans, Jews, etc. Now we know for a fact that Peter and Paul were both eye witnesses of Jesus and his resurrection. Lets run with the idea that they were lying about the resurrection. If they were lying, why would neither Peter or Paul have said so before being brutally executed? It speaks volumes about how reliable their testimony was. It would have been easy for them to do so and denounce what they wrote, yet they didn't.
Hmm not sure if I like the attendees snapping pics with their cell phones.
>3. Do we have any sources of Jesus existing outside of the Bible?
Yes, Jesus is written about in both Tacitus and Josephus. Neither of whom were followers of his.
God bless you too, friend.
Are you sure there isn't a church anywhere near you? I would try this website:
Why wouldn't they have just said it wasn't true and just pray for forgiveness when they were released (assuming they saw the resurrection)?
One more question I have is, where does the information written in the bible come from? Was it from Jesus? Or some other person?
True. We wouldn't have a statue of him outside our parliament if he had
You shouldn't. I don't. Happens at every Papal event sadly
Easter is only good for degeneracy imo
Thank you, and yes, I am sure. The nearest one is 84.07 miles away from me. I also converted to Christianity after a 3 years of research. But not baptized yet.
That's some distance. Congrats on your conversion though, Turkanon. And good luck on your path to baptism & the formal initiation into God's Church.
Have a blessed Easter
p.s Hope the referendum goes the way you want tomorrow
>Why wouldn't they have just said it wasn't true and just pray for forgiveness when they were released (assuming they saw the resurrection)?
Well, they may have lived but the faith would die, the Romans would pretty much have the power to say 'we got some of the guys that wrote the New Testament and guess what, he said he was lying!". Pretty much putting an end to Christianity for good (which the Romans and Jews at the time really wanted). They knew it would be better to be put to death so the faith could continue. I've probably done a poor job of explaining this but I hope it can clear some things up.
>where does the information written in the bible come from? Was it from Jesus? Or some other person?
That's a good question, it's one we could write a lot on. You may be surprised to know that none of the books in the Bible were written by Jesus, but by the people who were around him. Some of the books in the Bible are written anonymously, others are named after their author (Matthew, John, Luke etc.), others are given titles based on what the book is about and the authors name is mentioned in it (Corinthians, Galatians, Revelation). I cannot even begin to go into where all the information in the Bible comes from but I'll give a quick rundown. Virtually everything in the New Testament was written by the apostles of Jesus. We have the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. Gospel means good news, it was essentially their way of spread the news of Christ, they all tell basically the same story and it's the story we all know, it's good news because Jesus has died for your sins.
We also have the letters of Paul. These are pretty well known as they are some of the absolutely earliest writings we have of Christian theology, in them he outlines Christ's teachings and how they are to be applied.
So to answer your question about where it all comes from. Most of he new testament all comes from the words and acts of Jesus, written down by his followers.
Thank you for your good wishes and you have a blessed one too!
>It speaks volumes about how reliable their testimony was. It would have been easy for them to do so and denounce what they wrote, yet they didn't
People like all the time and never admit to it. Just look at all the people who are convicted of crimes after the died, because they lied all their lives until evidence was uncovered after their deaths.
You are a numbskull to base an entire belief system on "they weren't lying because they never said so".
Yes, people lie all the time. My point is that the church founders would have said they were lying to save their lives but they chose not to stand by what they had written as the truth as they were eye witnesses to it. If someone were to take Polybius and say 'admit what you wrote about the punic wars was made up or we will put you to an excruciating death' he would probably also stand by what he wrote because he knew it to be true. When someone stands by their work under pain of death when given the chance of freedom it's a pretty good sign they're telling the truth.
Cont. Your example is especially poor, you talk about criminals so lets apply it to the Church founders. It would be like a criminal on charge of murder about to be sentenced to death saying 'yes, I did it, I killed him, and I stand by it too'.
Y r tax day in da mittle O passmeover?
An ishtar?