Which is worse gays or feminists Sup Forums?
Which is worse gays or feminists Sup Forums?
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A gay feminist.
N-no homo bro, just gonna film you real quick.
Feminists without a doubt
>those thighs rubbing together
Looks uncomfy tbqh. Man needs to shill on the legday. About 30% less mass down there and he'd be /aesthetic/
Feminists. Most gays love killing sandpeople as much as the straight men. Many keep in good shape, too. Thanks, fags!
micropenis wow
>resevoirs for eradicable diseases83% of syphilis cases in US are gay men
Homosex has been present in working Western civilizations, feminism has a direct imperative to dismantle Western civilization.
Feminists, they are frustrated and actually hate men.
Gays are usually artistic people.
>Which is worse gays or feminists Sup Forums?
It's easier to talk women out of being a feminist than to talk a fag into not being an insufferable AIDS vector.
Also, most rational women dump feminism on their own as the age, fags just become nasty bitter old queers that hate the world they never properly integrated into.
That's probably 4" flaccid, totally normal. Just looks small because his he's fucking jucci
Feminists by far
>insufferable aids vector
There is no cure for the gay identity poly fuckers.
>tfw normal gay
>only detected by people who have good gay friends
Feminism has caused the refugee crisis (see Sweden, their government has so many women, you can't blame jews for that).
Feminism has caused a decrease in female happiness.
Feminism has caused women to overwhelming vote more-so for the left (see Austria).
Feminism has destroyed the nuclear family and our white birth rates.
Gays just do gay shit, but will always exist. Feminism is the death of civilization.
Faggots will leave you the fuck alone. Feminazis never will.
>there's no gay agenda
oh wow
get out
what a fag. Why would you wear that? He clearly wnats to suck a cock
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fuck off faggot