How did American Black people become so successful?

Blacks were brought as Niggers in USA and were kept as slaves in chains. Now when I see them. Some of them are fuckin rich. They're now dominating whites with black dudes getting all them money and hoes. One of them even became a fuckin president.
How did all this fuckin happen this fast?

Because it's 2017.

Then it must be 1850 for the Africans.

Jewish media and influence

also, successful blacks in the 1800s owned black slaves

Here ya go, goyim.

Define success?

Having rap albums and money is great.

But it can all be taken away ((())) were he to wrongthink.

capitalism, dumbass. take rappers for example. its music. and people like it, so people buy their shit and go to their concerts and give them money. it's just that simple. people give them money, they get rich. rap is good, I mean, lyrically it's mostly all crap, but it just sounds good. especially when you're high. the beats and the flow of the words just have an appeal. blame capitalism if you're so damn upset with them making money

>white jewish

stopped reading right there
