US hate thread

Can we PLEASE get a US hate thread going? The US is COMPLETELY run by neocons, Zionists and Jews. Amerifats are Israel's loyal Zogbots who fight all their wars for them. They bomb every country of Israel's choosing, with no regard for human lives.

The Jew controlled US made Germany lose both WW1 and WW2 (yes, by supplying the UK and the Soviet Union) and thus, are to blame for the current migrant crisis. We wouldn't have been in this mess if it weren't for the US.

I sincerely hope North Korea will nuke the lot of you.

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you don't need to beg for it achmed anymore

Fakkingk America, Fakking hate dem :'((((

>made Germany lose

We made UK lose to during the Revolutionary War, it's called winning dumb shit. I am not even a right-fag but get shut the hell up, who even knows where Sweden is?


The US is nothing more than a proxy set up by Jews to infest juden-free countries


tl;dr - any burger should read that to find out what a pathetic slave their country is

Blames the USA while Sweden opening welcomed all migrants in . Now it is a hell hole and suddenly it's our fault?? Lol, you blind ignorant fool

also, here's some nice NK bants about US faggots



Either read the info or don't bother me

Go back to your wagon.

go pray to the east, faggot.

Why do you want to hate on big papa murricah?
Sure, the US is a corrupt, capitalist hellhole, but atleast they're not THE RAPE CENTRAL OF THE WORLD!
I don't see why everyone hates on murricah so much
>muh excsessive force
Someone has to show the shitlords whos boss
>muh jews and supporting Israel
Do you have any idea how much cash they're making off supporting DA JUICE? It's a genius business
>muh degenerate MSM and culture
Yeah, fuck rap and hiphop, pussymoneyweed shit, but would you rather have gopnics listening to hardbass getting drunk? Or Halal condoms to rape babies with?

America is shit, but it's still better than the rest of the whole fucking world, name ONE country better than that shithole! DO IT

The US just got fat boy Kimmy to back down. You're welcome.

wtf i love norway now

Trumpanzees in one image

Agreed. Refugee crisis is Amerigoys fault too because they destabilized the Arab nations in favour of Greater Israel.
Fuck Israel/USA and their proxy wars

back down? he wasnt doing anything until you fuckers started provoking him

they don't know shit about Best Korea, so don't bother

good thread, op. check my 3

The US is ground zero for liberal ideology via hollywood and also the military arm of the liberal empire. Its a cancer.

If America wasn't infected with Jews it would be predominantly white with tradition working families and be the best country on earth.

>retarted population
>jewish pupets
>ruin all European nations
>force their cucked policy on Europe and the rest of the world
>Saudi's lapdog.
>Ugly cities
>They try hard to be European while they are not
>world police

Fucking shithole.

>wasn't infected with Jews

It's literally a Jew creation

Stay mad abo!

>mfw Americans make fun of other cunt's deversity





Not going to lie they are largely repsobsle for the current state of the world. Whenever they go on about globalism or jews it's almost like they are unaware their nation has empowered these things.

U mad?

a fucking mutilated dick(ling)


Why should we have regard for human lives, you socialist

i've been on the America hate train again since kike lover Trump bombed Assad. More people need to realize that the world can only be saved if America is dethroned from it's world police position.