Why don't we have any culture of our own? Being multicultural is our culture?

Why don't we have any culture of our own? Being multicultural is our culture?

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You can create new KAWAII Canadian culture.

We are a multicultural nation. That is what Canada was founded on, that is what defines us and we are always so proud of that.

>Why don't we have any culture of our own? Being multicultural is our culture?
Fuck off Trudeau

I though Canada was found on the basis of being Britain's bitch

>Being loyal to your mother country makes you a bitch

You will find KAWAII Culture soon.

Fucking yuck

>That is what Canada was founded on, that is what defines us and we are always so proud of that.

I want to see Real Canadian Maple Ramen.

>Why don't we have any culture of our own?
Speak for yourself mainlander.

Fuck off

Tell me about your culture. Don't say fishing. Don't say drinking. Don't say being friendly. Alright go.

You have to try MAPLE SOILENT GREEN.

Miniorty spotted.

The whole country is white outside the main citys where people seem to immagrate to.

Lots of respect for the canadians, your loyalty in both world wars was admirable, unlike the US who needed to greedily grab japanese oil then get attacked to join

Canada culture was frontier culture. Now the frontier has been bulldozed and replaced with canola farms and US outlet stores.


Time to go back, Wang.

>Don't mind us, we never existed!

>Folklore? That sounds an awful lot like culture! NEVER EXISTED!

Do you have symbolic Canadian man like this?

Canada's still 76% European, I think.

To me it seems more like Canada is built around a dual culture: French and Anglo. That's pretty rich IMO (But vive le Québec libre, for what it's worth in 2017).

Politics in general lately have been over-focusing on the drama: Bad economics, globalization, immigration, etc...But I've been to the USA three times and all I've seen were nice & decent people.

Never underestimate the silent majority.

>National Film Board of Canada? The fuck was ever made under their banner?


he is the most symbolic canadian man

>missing the best NFB vignette

>Canada's still 76% European, I think.

2009 called, they want (you) back.

>Canadian musicians? Pshaw. Everyone knows no music of worth was ever produced by dirty maple-guzzling Canucks!


We have lots of culture. Its just you and ur white trash family who do not.

Thisssss dessssssssu

>I think we can confidently say that Canadians never really worked on anything remotely interesting or historically important in any way!

AYo hol up.
Is you sayin...*smokes maple syrup*
We wuz *puts on culturally appropriated winter attire*
Jap killers?

He was born in St-Rémi, Québec. Moved to the US when he was in his teen years. Almost everyone pronounces the name of that rifle incorrectly. :)

They are all imitating American music and American musical trends. Rush is probably the closest thing to ground-breaking Canada ever produced and their first album is very clearly an uninspired ripoff of Led Zeppelin (Americanized but originally British band, much like Canada)


That was just a few years ago.
Except in a nazi-style genocide, demographics can't change that quickly that much.

You're one of the whitest countries in the world kek
>w-we're so proud of our welfare sponging criminals and Asians who price is out of our own housing m-market

>This is what burgers actually believe.

user, you would be shocked how many songs you've been hearing your entire life are from Canadian artists. Canadians have been influencing American pop culture just as much as they've been influenced by it.

>an embargo is greedy stealing
fuck off paki chimp

>Except in a nazi-style genocide, demographics can't change that quickly that much.

You fucking moron, that is exactly why we are complaining.

The shift in canada is the greatest shift ever in the history of the planet. A scale of change so great it defies belief. in fact it's sheer magnitude shields it from us.

See also:

>Canadian music is so indistinguishable from American music you'd be surprised it's even Canadian
Thanks for making my point for me syrupniggers, by the way the answer to this thread and your entire existence is that Canadian culture has ONE facet: w-we aren't as bad as dumb-dumb americans! How does it feel having a national identity that formed around our Bush election 15 years ago, sad pinko faggots
*goes to listen to the sound of Atlantis Morison honking like a goose about failed relationships and giving head at the movies* true Canadian poetry

This desu. Because of it's low native birth rate and low native population despite a large geographical area, Canada is the globalist test bed for white genocide programs.

There are government grants that literally pay companies not to hire white people.

Worst case ontario, just go with this guy

Actually American rock is more bluesy. Because a lot of the key riffs were appropriated by nigger-blues.

Canadian rock tends to be more melodic and melancholy.

At the time Americucks were drafting their kids to go die for nothing in Vietnam, so the songs are all like "NO WAY YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FUCKING SEND ME OFF TO WAR".
And Canadian songs were like
"Jesus Christ, USA, what is wrong with you? sending your kids to go die in Vietnam for nothing baka desu senpai"

>There are government grants that literally pay companies not to hire white people.

This is true even though it sounds literally insane to everyone else.

The unabashed and brazen evilness actually acts as a shield because it triggers disbelief. You tell your tale and it's too fucked up to believe. It is Kafkaesque.

Your country had no distinguishable identity before George w bush was elected, just think of it, one democratic election in another country caused a psychic rift in your national identity. Happened again with DJT, I bet 25% of the conversations north of Montana mention Trump in some way, pathetic

You do know everything that came out of the Untied States comes from Europeans right? American isn't a race.

>Your accent isn't as distinguishable as I was led to believe, especially in music, therefore your music is derivative of American music!

because Trudeau is a dumb cuck that thinks "multiculturalism is out greatest strength," while breeding with other cultures eventually destroys that multiculturalism as everything is washed together. Fuck I can't wait to vote to kick him out.

Like they aren't that simple the programs. But we're talking
>hire 30% minorities = grant.
But an employer sees that and thinks
>Doing math takes time and costs money, save money by not hiring any whites and you don't have to do the math

Jesus Christ guys you live in a fantasy world. It isn't - I repeat - it isn't possible for Canada to go that quickly from a majority-white to a minority-majority state. 1) White Canadians are still an overwhelming majority 2) The country doesn't have the resources to increase their intake of foreign migrants 3) People will never stand for it.

Seriously, stop the drama. Look at Canada today. It's not even close to America's level of "multiculturalism." I'm not advocating for more immigrants, because I recognize that they can pause cultural problems even as a minority sometimes. But look at the facts and not some studies blown out of proportion.

Who is fucking Burton Cummings?


>amerikaners aren't real
Ignorant Chinese scum
>music means accent
Go climb a tree maplemonkey

How old are you, user? Because I strongly doubt that you were old enough to even know what was going on in your own country prior to the Bush era, let alone know about fuckall beyond your borders.

This. It sounds like his entire understanding of the rock era of music is based on 3 different songs that he has heard on some oldies station.

>Blown out of proportion
>Toronto went to being called little Belfast to now being 1 in 2 non-white
>Hurr durr dont overreact
Why would I take advice from the likes of you lot who let your major city look like this..

>Spelling American as Amerikaner makes it a race
You aren't a race nigger.

It's people like you that give leafs a bad rep

In my thirties, married with children, while you were paying to fuck farm animals at a Toronto brothel and getting goat-pox, I was getting my life together and seducing a mediterranean qt geg Aww cute they're pretending to have a national solidarity that revolves around something other than sharing an animal for sex
Ignorant pigfucking swine

Are you aware that this is, like, one street?
Same thing with France. retards blowing everything out of proportion. "Aaah! The Islamo-negro-asiatic invasion is going to take us over!"

Found the burgers mugshot.

So the closest thing to politics that you had to deal with prior to the Bush era was a line about the President playing the saxophone in the opening to Animaniacs.

I'm whiter than you, I have pink nipples desu

>that's one street
My city is home to the second most impoverished neighborhood in Canada. It looks nowhere near that bad.

Not an argument shit head.
>France is fine this is just one street

Kill yourself. Not only are you historically ignorant, but you're also the kind of cancer that will eventually lead to race riots in Toronto.


>pellet gun
I can't wait until North America sees race riots. Blood is going to pour down the streets.

Based on the vitriol coming out of BLM in Hogtown, it might not be that far off...

Everyone has a culture, it's just that when you grow up in that culture you think that it's normal. Its just accents, everyone has one you just don't realize it cause you think it's normal.

Wow. That's deep desu.
Burgers redeemed... for now.

Canadian culture coming through


Those are migrants, not French people.

That was during the Calais migrant jungle thing, right?
Well we evacuated the Calais Jungle, and those people settled in a street in Paris.

Same thing.

That's why you have to defend it. Resist multiculturalism, it dilutes your culture

Elevator pitch: Family-oriented, traditional homogeneous sea shanty towns with strong celtic and christian customs.

I don't feel like writing out a paragraph desu, but to tell us not to bring up fishing is stupid since Newfoundland was established as a fishing colony and being fishermen's been a huge part of our identity for the last 400 years.

You are correct, but you fail to mention it was multiculturalism among Whites. The English, Scots, Welsh, Irish, and French. Read a history book, dumbass.


does hating kaybeck count as Canadian culture?

well said

Yes, read Lament For a Nation or hell read Mike Myers' Canada because they give good digestible ideas of Canadian culture and nationalism.
>That is what Canada was founded on
We were founded by 2 cultures and some featherheads, not over 9000 shitskin 3rd world cultures.
Like honestly what have newcomers done to move Canada along? We were already a major 1st world country half a century ago when we had no 3rd world immigration.
Im planning to get myself into local politics next year and if im successful ill run federally with a protectionist and anti-mass immigration agenda.

There is absolutely no reason for the hate in either direction anymore.

Nous sommes tous Canadiens. On devrait agir en conséquence.

I dont get it

>hey guys lets vote out a Liberal cuck so we can bring in a Tory cuck who'll do almost the exact same shit Harper did! What an improvement!
He is all talk no show. He will bitch out like the others and curb under the globalist Tory brass' heels. This isn't the USA, leaders don't have free reign in Canada.

The Maritime provinces, in general, haven't changed much in ages. While their economies have been struggling for a while (mostly due to Ottawa being a bag of dicks), it has been to their benefit, culturally.

I fucking love you guys out East. Lâche pas la patate!

The maritimes are the best part of Canada desu

Bernier is the most ideologically consistent MP in parliament who holds the strongest majority in his riding of all CPC members outside of Alberta despite having a political stance that runs 100% counter to the stereotype commonly held of Quebec's politics.

i am voting for mad max
i've heard that in kaybeck Generation Zed is MUCH more english than their parents

i still hate kaybeck

kill yourself

I'm one of the older Gen Y'ers. English classes started in grade 3 or 4. My kid bro who was born post-2000 had English classes starting in first grade. Not that anyone in my family actually needed English classes, what with being raised bilingually, but it certainly helps. Not to mention that the vast majority of content they consume on the internet is English.

There are good things in the future for Quebec, but not until after the Boomers and GenX'ers crash the economy. It's going to fucking hurt. I'm trying to get as much of my family out of the province before it happens. I don't want them to be there when the blood rage hits.

>RCMP funded FLQ
Huh, I never knew this...

Its all that Metis creating interbreding that gave this country that image. It is was it is now, nothing when can do about it now.

This. Canadians are supposed to be wood chopping mountain men.

Forgetting the GOAT

>Everyone has a culture
Not anglo canadians. I know its hard to fathom but they really don't. There used to be something there but its long gone. They are culturally americans now. They consume american culture and produce non of their own. Success in canada is measured by how big you can make it in the states. What little canadian culture is left has been appropriated by corporations for marketing purposes and soiled.

>Not to mention that the vast majority of content they consume on the internet is English.
i had heard about english being taught earlier in schools, but this is the big enchilada imo

the RC's are generally subhuman in their practices; when the city of High River flooded very badly several years ago the RC told everyone to evacuate and when they went door to door to make sure everyone was gone the RC helped themselves to every single firearm they found - legal or not.

Does the average American live his daily life with 400% more culture? How is culture measured?

We we're not founded on multiculturalism you ignorant faggot. It was invented by Trudeau's daddy in the 60's

Our culture has always been inherently Chrstian