Daily reminder that keeping money in the bank allows the bankers to loan it out for profit.
Daily reminder that keeping money in the bank allows the bankers to loan it out for profit.
That's how banks make money you retard. How else will banks lend out mortgage loans? You probably won't understand since you'll live with your parents and jerk off to disgusting anime shit forever.
I don't have any money to use banks, fuck off
kys commie
I work for a bank.
Start using credit unions
Fixing ATMs and cleaning toilets doesn't count faggot
jidf back to the oven
Reminder that muslim banks work without jewish tricks
0/10 first post weak post
Hitler also abolished usury
So? Its a central bank.
How do you think it regulates the value of the currency?
>caring about fiat currency
It's like you don't even own gold.
and even if I did care about fiat money wouldn't it make more sense to tell people not to get loans?
>falling for the metallic jew
gold is worthless
copper is where its at
>the same guy that services atms also cleans toilets
>caring about fiat currency
currency is awarded for labor.
people's labor is being stolen by the kikes to the order of a trillion USD per year in the US alone
Jow about making money by NOT fucking over the country and globe?
Also thanks for making the argument of banning banks, nationalizing the fed, and having the money directly deposited to the citizens.
No money is being created from what's being loaned out, instead fewer monies are available in the economy so the top-dog bank has to call the printing guys to print and loan more whilst collecting from the other banks.
100 "units" hasn't somehow magically transformed into 171 "units".
you will fool noone, commie
jews are bro-tier and have established the most successfull state ever
fuck you and your commie lies
>All people stop using banks
>Markets collapse
I am a jew but not a good banker/broker.
Any illustrations?
>keeping money in the bank
lol plebs
WTF is wrong with usury, why would I just loan you 10 grand without any strings or profit for myself?
>100 "units" hasn't somehow magically transformed into 171 "units".
But it's exactly what happens, even Bank of England officially admitted that commercial banks create money.
>why would I just loan you 10 grand without any strings or profit for myself?
Because you are family or friends.
Or because you are the nationalized central bank
And your "deposits" are actually just an unsecured loan to the bank. It's no more secured than if you asked some random guy on the street to hold your wallet. If the bank decides to not give your money back for some reason - say, they're insolvent and their creditors want *their* money - your bank gets to tell you to go fuck yourself.
Are credit unions any better?