Single World Currency

Wouldn't we be better off with a single world currency, eliminating numerous inter-country currency regulations and exchanges that are inefficient? Even if it wasn't a single world currency, there could be a basket of a small number of approved world currencies any country which wanted to use or could seek approval to could start using, possibly even cryptocurrencies, overseen by international or world financial organizations like the IMF or WTO.

Countries which didn't want to use these or participate could still use their own currencies and avoid dealing with the system but eventually the benefits of not doing so and using the accepted world standard(s) would make them come around and use them. Do we really lose anything by getting rid of competing currencies? Does currency competition force countries to do better much like how competitive markets make companies behave?

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hello soros

centralization = oppression

That's not how it works

You will make sure this thread disappears if you don't want you or your family to disappear

>massive usury per turn

nah fuck ya

I just threw up in my mouth.

Globalist detected.

they don't need to be overseen bitcoin is decentralised

Then explain it, currencies just correspond to the economy and productivity over some state which chooses to use them to represent their economy and productivity. Why would a world trading/financial organization working together with different governments not be able to institute the same concept on a larger scale?

The major drawback I could see is the huge number of different economies possibly causing non-homogeneity and potential instability and swings but really it works the same way and the larger number of markets could lead to more stability and less swings due to a greater amount of total currency capitalization.

There's also problems of larger, more developed economies dealing with smaller, less developed ones if they are using the same currency, but the Euro is doing something like that on a smaller scale and isn't falling apart or collapsing or anything, it's a good experimental test run in looking at countries like Greece and what can be done to avoid similar situations in the future.

This whole post disgusts me.

A Globalist in Sup Forums? Go suck on Soro's dick.

>Single world currency installed by Soros patch 1.67
>Germany insta-loads, ping at 0
>The rest of the economically stable Europe follows and all goes well for a bit
>Even Constavlos starts equalising again after some time
>Hear loud brazillian music in the distance
>Women more plastic than flesh start waving their BotoxTM behinds in a mating dance, followed by a carnival of transvestites and niggers who think they can afford basic necessities now that their Bullet casings currency is a thing of the past
>Entire world economy sinks


Roach is right. There are at least two compelling reasons to preserve a multicurrency system:
>monetary policy
By giving up a national currency a country gives up an ability to conduct its own monetary policy. That not only means giving up sovereignty to some unelected global body, but also risks financial crises. For example, PIGS countries in Europe suffer right now from Euro, since its geared for large economies of Germany and France. Of course in such situation any kind of protectionist trade policy is out of the question.

Why do you think an unelected, global body would maintain a currency beneficial to citizens? Right now many global organizations advocate for complete abolition of cash and mass surveillance of non-cash financial transactions. Right now possibility of switching to another currency is a powerful check on such terrible ideas (even NK can't stop its citizens from using dollars, euros and renmimbi), with single world currency that becomes easy to implement.

>even the picture

As much as I don't like the idea somehow if it was announced that the dollar was going to be universal currency I'd feel pretty good about it. It would bring a smile to my face knowing the entire world would have to look at George Washington's face every time they go to pay cash.

They might just follow the example of bad sci fi authors and call it credits.

You familiar with the Euro and what its done to weaker economies? Germany's economy effectively stifles Greece and other weak states and the sheer amount of money pumped into bailing them has rocketed inflation, made more minting necessary,leading to a catch-22 circle of trying to control spiraling debts while effrctively making their fiscal deficits worse and furthering their already horrid inflation. I'll stick to the pound mate.

are you fucking stupid?

Ask Greece why not

Not on planet infested with Jews.

>let's give the bankers ultimate power over the planet!

Are you retarded? Just look at the euro. Germany controls Europe because of muh surplus while PIIGS aren't able to keep up. You can't force different things to be equal. In fact it made Europe weaker.

Greece was just horribly fiscally irresponsible and took out way too many loans which they had to realize they realistically couldn't pay back but their government was stupid. Had they lived within their means or used their loans better economically, to, say, grow a better or more competitive national IT industry or something along those lines, then they wouldn't be in their current mess at all. The same could be said of many other countries, fiscal irresponsibility and generally sluggish economies and governments which don't work to keep up just aren't going to do well generally, the currency doesn't help, but it isn't the primary contributing factor.

You must be young and optimistic

Still a fiat currency

literally doesnt understand the #impossibletrinity
How bout you fucking take an econ class before you post about econ

and if you have taken one how bout you start taking it into consideration

>the Euro is doing something like that on a smaller scale and isn't falling apart or collapsing or anything
top kek

> Muh fiat currencies
There's nothing inherently wrong with them, economists have no problems with them, and there isn't enough reserve gold or most other reserve metals in the world to effectively back up a backed currency without resorting to commodities. Besides, that's a very narrow way of looking at monetary backing. The US dollar is based on the US' word, which is symbolized by credit ratings and pay-offs, and by the accumulated capital of the US economy, and by its ability to project military force, protect shipping lanes, etc. There's more to money than gold.
Do you think it is? Even if Greece defaults it won't do much. Unless Spain, Portugal, and Italy, and possibly France start experiencing some financial difficulties related to their debt-GDP ratios, personal debt, and some other worrying factors atm, then it doesn't look like the Euro is doing all that terribly atm.
This doesn't violate the impossible trinity at all, hell, it explicitly would mostly prevent countries from primarily having an independent monetary policy, one of the key parts of the trinity.

yeah it called the mark of the beast

jews would have control over all money then


Us dollar is backed by guns and oil nothing else.
Fiat currencies have a stability/longevity problem.
Having a real world conversion has the currency based in reality, not fantasy.
Take your best beloved cyptrocurrency the fluctuation is worse than a girl trying to decide what dick to suck.

but the planet itself would then have an independent monetary policy

it would just be the same failure on a grander scale

>Even if Greece defaults it won't do much
They were fucking shitting their pants, they still are because this shitshow isn't over at all.
>Unless Spain, Portugal, and Italy, and possibly France start experiencing some financial difficulties
Implying they won't, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about, not the slightest idea of the situation here.

What is gold?

cryptocurrency has solved all kinds of shit

the only reason its not being used more is because people are really really really...



>Wouldn't we be better off with a single race, eliminating numerous inter-country racism that are inefficient?

>really stupid

atm cryptocurrency is a meme, especially for something at this type of scale, it fluctuates way too much. That being said if developed and/or used more widely and the fluctuations consequently were brought under more control it could possibly work.
See , there's not enough of it in the world, and metal-backed reserve currencies aren't a magical solution like all they're cracked up to be by libertarians.
I know that the PIIGS countries (Ireland excluded and Greece excluded for different reasons as it's already hit the fan) could potentially tip the house of cards over, but their troubles haven't concretely materialized massively yet and nothing is set in stone.

We already had one, the us dollar. Otherwise the world currency is gold.

What fucking difference does it make anyway?

tell me what is wrong with globalism. I remember being in a class and a group of female muslims did a presentation on why globalism is good.

Well we technically would assuming the races weren't so wildly different and at different competence levels and there were an easy solution to that problem that didn't involve us all lowering our collective competence. Do you not believe that the world would be wonderfully better off if there were only white people on it? Money is different than people.

Currency is debt.

No, the thing is, floating currencies are very good automatic stabilizers.

When your country turns shit, your currency becomes weak.

This makes it quite expensive for people in your country to import goods. Most imported goods will be luxury goods, but also foods.

Relatively speaking, it becomes relatively cheaper to buy domestic goods.

This helps the domestic economy.

Also, foreign investors will find it relatively much cheaper to move production and jobs to your country, and to go there as a tourist destination.

This helps the economy recover.

Hence, a country having its own currency is a great automatic stabilizer.

If Greece had their own currency, it would have devalued a long time ago, and they would not be in the shit they are in now.

It becomes a little bit more complex if the county borrows in USD, so ideally you don't want to borrow in USD.

>tell me what is wrong with globalism.
>I remember being in a class and a group of female muslims

>Wouldn't we be better off with a single world currency

If you want prove, look at what the Euro did to the EU countries that adopted it.

>there's not enough of it in the world
BS. There is always enough gold. The only difference is that its price goes up if you use it more.

But you have to or we will kill you

I have to agree with the roach.
Centralization also means that the people in power get further and further removed from those affected by their decisions.
Fuckups on the local level have much more severe consequences for the politicians than fuckups on a federal level. On the federal level, they can just play a bit of divide & conquer to "fix" things again by fucking over the area that doesn't like them anymore anyway even more in favor of another.

> a group of female muslims
I died.

I remember when this black bitch in my science class ended her presentation on penguins by calling them mammals.

>The US dollar is based on the US' word
The US dollar is based on the fact that you invade every country dropping it.

The weak states would take advantage of the stronger economies by printing money. The only acceptable form of a single world currency would be things that cannot be created out of thin air like gold (which already kinda is like a currency).
Just make bitcoin or women the universal currency

Yes, the Euro went so well, we should just repeat this wonderful project, only on a global scale. Diversity, ho!

All it would take is one country to devalue it all to make their exports cheaper. It'd fuck over billions

Already do its called the USA dollar $

Countries would be prevented from having completely independent monetary control if they were using the currency though, that's one of the major points, it would be multiple different countries and organizations.

The US isn't a true world currency though, it's controlled by the US, and there is still major trade done in tons of other national or non-world currencies like the Euro, Renmibi, etc.

Well the size of any massively bloated bureaucracy would eliminate any amount of efficiency this currency adds. And what would you do if a big nuclear state like China decides to devalue the currency anyway?

*US dollar isn't a world currency, not US
Good point about the bureacracy, although generally centralization can increase efficiency in many avenues even with greater bureacracy. The thing with China is a non-starter because other countries would be involved, they couldn't just devalue whenever they wanted without consequences, other countries would react and stop trading or revalue it, etc.

No, you dummy.

Productivity is uneven between Nations therefore unproductive nations must go into debt to purchase imports rather than utilize inflation to prevent imports. If productivity is homogenous, then there are advantages as you have stated. But it's unlikely that it will ever be the case.

>embargo CHYNA
Literally just a one step plan to destroy any importing economy

As long as there are countries we will have a fuck ton of currencies. If we had a one world Got, we'd probably have loads of regional currencies too.

Friendly advice, take a course on economics, or at least read some introductory books

Lithuania was waaay better when it had it's own currency. Now the prices are the same as they were in LTL, but in euro - aka. about 3.5 times more expensive. And of course the wages stayed the same...

>Money is different than people.


>if you don't want you or your family to disappear
>he's threatening to bury the US under 6 feet of shit

Having a single world currency would be fantastic. I also have some idea - we should attach some kind of personal currency-meter to everyone's left hand and forehead - this would be much better than cash.

Do I even need to explain this? Money isn't a sentient species with differing races or characteristics which forms complicated social groups, societies, civilizations, etc. Money as a concept is much more easy to deal with than people in the concrete.


It's called the US dollar

Top fucking kek

only if the currency is boipussy

that would ruin many countries
gtfo fagot

>Money as a concept is much more easy to deal with than people in the concrete.


