Well, it was fun while it lasted...
Well, it was fun while it lasted
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Holy shit...
Build the Bench eh?
Who is funding that?
More and more people leave IL each year. Shit state. Corrupt to the core. All run by demorats.
yeah, because it wasn't a blue state before.
>Implying any Republican in Chicago is a real republican
Nice try
>local election
Its literally nothing
>Democrats now consider a winning a local board of elections race national news
Didn't a Republican from Kansas win a congressional seat and the Democrats said he only won by 7 points so it's not a big deal. Lol
Yeah OK
IL, like most of the "blue" states is almost entirely red by county. Only the counties where there are large population centers(Chicago) are actually blue.
I live in rural IL. This is absolutely Trump country judging by the yard signs and bumper stickers.
>this is Trump country
Not anymore it would seem
Yeah but Chiraq is basically your entire state.
The repubs are also going to lose Tom Prices seat in the 6th district of GA.
It still is, look up where those towns are and the situation becomes evident.
I believe it was a "literally who" candidate as well that beat them.
So this is like the American equivalent of the Liberal Democrats in the UK gaining local council seats.
Shock horror areas with 30% turnouts can flip pretty easily.
WA, NY?.. wat?!
Kansas isn't necessarily an indicator. It's deep Red, but everyone is pissed off at the Republican governor for wrecking the economy.
>Price won with 66% of the vote
I'll believe it when it happens.
lol this
>two council seats and a mayor in three different townships.
>look out, republican party
normal township is buttfuck nowhere in the middle of cornfields. elgin and west deerfield are far chicago suburbs where liberals move to raise their kids. kankakee is over 40% nigger.
the author is a fucking retarded faggot. also voting democrat sure has been working great for illinois. either the highest, or one of the highest states in corruption, and first or second in highest property taxes. people are also leaving in droves.
It's literally nothing. Normal is the only downstate place listed, and even that's a fucking college town. Kankakee is literally cuck central.
The local elections in the suburbs show a lot more conservatism than you'd expect. A lot more. One village shot down a library referendum that would've raised property taxes by 2%. Their library hasn't had a referendum pass in over 20 years.
>trying to build libraries
why. Just admit they are obsolete. My local library was cool back in the day, but I literally haven't been there in years.
Basically this. I work in Illinois but I file on every legal document that I live with my parents in Florida. Every inch of legislation here is designed to rape you in the ass to funnel money into Chicongo.
The state itself is comprised of white cops and rich white towns desperately trying to get shit reversed even when close to 80% of the state is now non-white and unconditionally democrat. Meanwhile all the smart people live in Wisconsin, erecting actual sensible legislation to ensure Illiniggers can't flood in when the state inevitably collapses.
Also there's Mexicans. How did they get here?
Nah, it still is Trump country. The state dems just poured money into a few downstate local elections because they wanted to get the clout necessary to oust Rauner and keep Madigan in power. Just wait for the redistricting to come. The state, especially in the Chicago area, is so heavily gerrymandered in favor of the dems it's not even funny.
>Republicans lost some extremely local positions
Let's just break this bitch up already.
I know. It's so fucking funny. Every year. They tried it in last spring's primaries and it spectacularly failed. So they went and tried it again this spring. They keep threatening to cut services, cut hours, etc.
I was looking into the political process necessary to dissolve the library district (Illinois *loves* their special districts) because of how badly their referenda have failed. I'd need to get signatures from voters in the district representing 25% of the district population just to get it on the ballot. But once it was on the ballot, I think it'd pass.
>One village shot down a library referendum that would've raised property taxes by 2%.
nigger, my taxes are fucking 8k on a property assessed for only 250k. they can fuck off with any and all property tax raises.
If the bernie people are getting their shit together it could be fun. I wonder how many he has got to run for 'local' elections. He had thousands of people registered to try.
Also remember it's all cuz Trump.
The massive loses in the Obama era that democrats suffered from are all Bush fault tho.
All economic growth since inauguration is thanks to King Nigger too.
>Town Council
HUGE gain there, dummycrat.
I know, right? Every fucking time they go with this library shit you see everyone with the "VOTE YES FOR THE LIBRARY" signs in their lawns.
And every time it massively fails. I think this cycle it was by 2 to 1. People are fucking sick of their property taxes going up around here.
Vermont has a Republican Governor.
Only 1/3 of all Republicans turned out compared to Mike Pompeo's election.
When Price wins, I will laugh at you faggots.
Long Island is still the most segregated place in the US. Lots of old racist boomers still living there and upstate is like 90% white
who cares? Republiturds and righties in general are complete spergs when they try hold hold public speeches.
You could send a five year old to a spelling course and he'd have more rhetorical skills than a right wing politician. Not that democrats are any better but at least they understand the problem and adress it.
Thanks for the Input, Muhammad.
The democrats last chance to save their party was right after the presidential election. If they had cleaned out the old leadership, rededicated themselves to the worker, and repudiated islam they may have survived. At this point I think they are beyond the point of no return and have become a permanent minority party.
>Not that democrats are any better but at least they understand the problem and adress it.
All they do is call things racist, but OK lad.
This is 1000% the case
>that guys face
Democrats Do NOT address the problem or understand it.
You are fucking idiot. Also you're fucking German, what the fuck do you know? Nothing.
Chicago is one of the "Shelter Cities".
The mayor publicly said so during the election in the face of Trumps deportation declarations and wall building speeches that all the Mexican and other immigrants would be welcome in chicago no matter what rules the feds put in place.
you goys take your roleplay somewhere else
I live in Florida and back in 2013, I spent 6 months working out in the suburbs of Chicago. I was really fucking surprised how many spics I saw up there.
What about Kansas and Georgia oh yeah we don't talk about those.
Sorry buddy but no. Ossoff is the it Dem that polls above 1% he's at 35% now the GOP candidates of which there are 12 make up the rest. Good only chafe war to get above 50% next week and he won't even break 40%. The Dems won't win even after spending millions.
What I meant to say was.
Ossoff is the only Dem that polls above 1% and he's only at 35-39%. The top floor GOP candidates all poll over 15%. Ossoffs only chance was to win next week with 50% of the vote but that's not going to Happen. The runoff will get the GOP on the same page and will destroy him.
I live in the 6th.
Mfw all of my family is from upstate and the rich white side of Long Island
>haha sure 75% of the population is democratic but in place with 5 people every fifteen square miles trump is popular!
the dream is dead, MS13 has infiltrated and are killing people. Every week new victims of their crimes bodies are turning up murdered.
I tried to turn the tables so I killed an illegal by hiring him to do a job then hitting him with a hammer. Threw him in the woods but he got found like 2 weeks later.
Nobody is missing him though, it was a completely random act. They'll never find me
Well, that's it, looks like I'm a #CruzMissile now. Drumpf is finished!
>we have to make more memes
Man, I live in a mobile home that was built in 1995. My property taxes weren't shit and suddenly this year they are over $500.
It's crazy how much the democrats control The Narrativeā¢ to try to project their power.
>niggers and spics voting in non election years
are you slow son
>Not that democrats are any better but at least they understand the problem and adress it.
How can you be that retarded?