Is Jesus being a jew the biggest red pill there is?

Is Jesus being a jew the biggest red pill there is?

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Why ask this, are you a muslim?




Muslims actually worship jesus you fucktard

At least learn a bit about shit you're going to hate. Fucking balt subhuman piece of shit.

>Christianity was created by jews to manipulate people

I can't even tell if you people are serious anymore

Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.

Fucking dumbass they worship allah, not jesus

>a thread really makes you think

stay classy alt-shite

They actually don't worship him. They just aknowledge him as an important guy.

They see Jesus as a prophet

These threads are getting old.

Jesus wasn't a Jew. The word Jew only came into use fairly recently and was directed towards the Khazars which were Talmudists. Jesus was not a Talmudists. The Talmudists were the assholes which killed Jesus. Jesus was a Judean.

Also, reminder that Islam is the final redpill. Going to Hajj cleanses you of all your sins.

Yeah but they dont worship him. They dont worship muhammad either

Jesus is an important prophet in islam

Go to Saudi Arabia, I'm pretty sure they know how to "cleanse" you.

No. Read your Bible goy. John 2:13-16 Jesus removes the kikes.

Him never existing is.

Wasn't his existence proved?

Prove he existed real quick.

Him being the kryptonite to the Jews is.

As long as people worship him they will lose.

The redpill is acknowledging Christianity and it's slave morality are completely unprepared to deal with the present day

It's basically historical consensus that yes Jesus of Nazareth existed.

Based on.....

Muslims do tell themselves that they don't worship Muhammad, but they essentially treat Muhammad the same way Christians treat Jesus.

>praying in Muhammad's name
>never being allowed to say Muhammad's name without "peace be upon him" [Christian's don't even do this]
>you are heretical if you depict Muhammad negatively

The only difference between the actions of Christians toward Christ and the actions of Islam towards Muhammad is that Christians believe that the person they elevate shares personhood with God; worshiping Jesus is synonymous with worshiping with God. Muslims don't acknowledge this, but their actions make an idol of a man: they worship a man, defend the worship, but simply try to call it something else.

The biggest redpill of all is giving me (you)s.

obligatory pic

It was a question, I actually don't know if that's true.

Take a look at any of the references in this link:

The claim that Jesus never existed goes against the grain of basically all scholarship. Unless you're a renowned historian, your claim won't hold much weight.

>Implying that anti-pope Francis is a Christian

He's a secular humanist at best, who makes blatantly heretical statements constantly.

>Islam is how you avoid war.

Reading plenty of religious bias and lqck of evidence in these besides artwork, passages, and his baptism and crucifixion.

Look it up he once told an atheist not to convert.

Estlam is the true redpill.


Christ is a Christian.

What you call "Judaism" is a satanic cult founded in Europe in the 9th century.


Jews had Jesus killed because he was red pilling all the people.

What does the author think they've been doing for the last ~1300 years?

if you by that mean he was the first anti-semite who exposed them and their money grabbing ways then yes

Christianity was created by jews to give a reason why god's chosen people are constantly being dominated by everyone else.

a self hating jew? impossible

There's more/stronger evidence for Jesus than there is for many other figures from the same period that everyone believes existed. It's just how it is, literacy rates were very low so it's common that the only surviving writings we have are fragments written centuries later.

Fuck off kike.

Yep, keep on believing that Chaim.

Egyptians and Greeks have been cataloguing for millennium. So what youve said is obviously false. And youve given no link to back you up. Useless.

It's the ultimate blue pill

Jesus is white.

This is an indisputable historical fact.


Jesus wasn't a Jew, he expressly stated
when asked if he was a Jew he responded,
"I am not of this earth".

t. first Jew hater

Lol are you okay dude chill

First, it is important to realize that there is no such a thing as Jewish race. At least not in the way as "chosen people". The Jews God talked about as His chosen people are those, who belived in Him and His might. Those, who believed in Him were the chosen people. But they misunerstood that. They tought that the Messiah will be their king, who will make the non-believer suffer, and they will serve Him (the Messiah) and the Jews as slaves. But when Jesus came and said that our mission is to enlighten people about him, and show them the true way, the Jews said that He isn't their Christ. He teached the way of self-sacrification and love throughout His life. The Jews, who believed Him later became the Christians. It is their duty to spread the teachings of the Lord. They think that everyone have the right to meet with God. On the other hand, the Jews think that it it only their right to live in this world as the "chosen ones". This "race" thing is a hoax, since they realized what I just said, and they needed something to grab onto while they get attacked for their dirty tricks.

I can tell you about the 1st Crusade too, if you guys are interested.

Fuck Jesus, he's a jewish shill. Satan is our guy