Really makes you think
Really makes you think
you're going to jinx yourself if you're not careful
What happened in 850?
Sad Sup Forums won't accept Poland as white while germany gets rekt by muslims
Even mudslimes don't want to go to Poland.
Really makes me think.
Because they're banned from it while merkel spreads her legs for them
Muslim terrorist attack
Why do you keep coming here then? Stay away from our women
Cant escape from polish bull
>days my toilet has been spotless
well done boys
You mean those drunk, slovenly beasts that come pouring out of pubs at 2 am, and vomit all over the neighbourhood, while jiggling their fat rolls from clothing totally inappropriate for both the weather and their fat disgusting bodies?
Ok friend, you're welcome to them.
Really, you can say what you want about the camel jockeys, but at least they don't seem to let their women go rotten, like yours did.
They've merely adapted to your own culture :^)
No jokes tho, Poland is really a shithole.
> even
> implying it's a bad thing
Scope yourself from a distance
Poland is in Europe.
Digits say you will be attacked this week
Why are you badmouthing the Irish?
God damn I love you Poles
Redpill me on Poland, I know you're poorer than the US but it can't be that bad
>muh irish ancestors
fuck off amerifag
Here you go, from 68 years ago
Erin go Brah limey! Give back rightful Irish clay!
It's funny how you can be as hostile as you want to Islam, but unless there are muslims in your country, there won't be terrorist attacks.
Meanwhile, you can bend over to offer your butt to be fucked to as many muslims as you want, and invite them all in, but no matter how friendly you are you will still get terrorist attacks.
Almost like terrorist attacks aren't connected with how hostile or friendly you are, but rather just with the presence of many muslims.
> My 3rd uncle visited Ireland once because his great grandmother was 1/4 Irish
> I celebrated St Patricks every year in San Diego because I am Irish
KYS of the highest order
We don't have mslim terrorists as well, our niggers probably killed them to steal their shoes.
>literally gets DP'd in WW2, women raped and murdered, men slaughtered.
>at least it wasn't muslims amirite bois??!
kurwa, please.
He wasn't even Heritage fagging in that post you knuckle dragging mongolid
Not that guy, but holy fuck he's not heritage Fagging
Better raped by whites than by muzzies
Muslims see kindness as weakness, that's why Germany and Sweden are being attacked more and more.
>Erin go Brah
it's Erin go Bragh, burgerfriend. And your Irish ancestors left Ireland for reason, you know.
>not realizing the American is
All you Eurofags are /dumb/
>get raped by whites
>get new schools and infrastructure built
how about better raped by no one? You westerners are so cucked that your best choice is who rapes your women.
>you will never be 100% polish
why do I have to be a disgusting mongrel?
Nice photoshop Goldberg.
unironically this
No wonder, not even poolacks want to live in this country.
I'd rather be nigger than polack
Your daughters don't have to be, Sven. Just deal with the immigration problem
>tfw I'm 100% polish
I feel proud that my country is one of the last bastions of purity in the entire world
>t. Tyrone
Nice fake picture
You're a Georgian what the fuck are you? Turk/Mongolian rape baby?
Yeah but your country is filled with Poles, that's worse than any Muslim on this planet
>t. Mongolian
Prawda boli wykopku?
>mój kraj jest taki do dupy xddd
W każdej chwili możesz wyjechać.
Nikt nie będzie płakał.
That's a meme. Also Mongolians > Poles any day. One thing Russians did wrong was that they were too soft on you
yup, world war 2 was a photoshop. I'm sure just because we don't have pictures of polish women being rekt it didn't happen
I'll assume you have some polish in you and say that I'm someone that doesn't speak on behalf of his country half a planet away from it.
must suck to be a communist block, but theyll probably last longer than most of the western countries.
>Mongolians > Poles
I'm glad that you finally realised who you are.
And of course you ignored my picture.
As expected.
Oj jak boli oj jaki boli
muslims are currently having trouble doing terrorism in poorland for 2 reasons:
> leave "package" out in the open, some polack is gonna steal it
> try to "steal" a truck from the head thieves in europe, it doesn't work out
Fajny argument.
Teraz daj jakiś mem z papiężem i będzie jeszcze śmieszniej xdddd
wow rude
Dajcie jeszcze te, no, hujsarie
>when your country is such a poop stain that not even mudslimes would want to live in it
Ive been to Poland, its a comfy country if you want to live in a small town.
It's the niggers
What a shame, I guess you will have to take them because your country is superior :^)
what was your picture supposed to mean? that poland wasn't divided between 2 neighboring countries like a 20 pound whore that represented no threat whatsoever? The pic attached to my post was some random picture from the web, the history, however, is clear and it shows that you people were played like a ragdoll. Is it you fault? no, but shoving something like some sandniggers not attacking that shithole as an achievement wont get you far. Even a muslim wouldn't risk his life if it meant taking 100 poles with him. 1 german death > entire polish village.
>The pic attached to my post was some random picture from the web
Oh, so that means you won't even do any research to what you post?
That explains the bullshit you are saying.
>you won't even do any research to what you post?
>completely ignores what I wrote
So the invasion of Poland did not happen then? Never saw Poland as cucked shithole until now.
Yes, the invasion of Poland did happen.
Don't you remember the soviets?
Uwaga głębokie wykopy
>World War II casualties of Poland. Approximately six million Polish citizens perished during World War II: about one fifth of the pre-war population. Most were civilian victims of the war crimes and crimes against humanity during the occupation by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
so how do you think these people died? diabetes or painless euthanasia?
Powtórzę jeszcze raz.
Jeśli coś ci się w tym kraju nie podoba, to możesz bez problemu wyjechać do anglii czyścić kible.
They moved to Chicago.
And this information is from wikipedia, correct?
a book written by Tadeusz Piotrowski on the matter is the source.
Nie no ja, jako prawdziwy polak patryjota, pojadę kraść samochody od Pana Niemca
stop pierdoling and go to church, it is great Saturday today
Tomorrow we shall celebrate resurrection of our Lord, Saviour, and King of Poland Jesus Christ
it is not the time to turn agains your fellow Poles
we already did that on Christmas
Teraz nie wiem czy jesteś rumunem, czy gimnazjalistą który próbuje baitować ludzi na różnych stronach bo został zbanowany na karachanie.
What about the Tatars?
Oooo oskar jaki ty dorosły, jeszcze gimnazja pamięta!
Lepiej ucz się do matury. Czołem Wielkiej Polsce!
Przynajmniej ja nie muszę siedzieć przed komputerem i narzekać że jego życie jest do dupy i że ktoś akurat żyje lepiej.
Being white ain't free kid.
I love you brzęczyszczykiewicz, never change.
>never change.
we cannot even if we wanted to
>Best leader: Piłsudski
>Best Pope (many people still think about him when they say "pope"): Jan Paweł II
we are living in very weird land where all modern bullshit is looked upon as heresy
>tug tylko 6 procent to blondynki
Kurwa mać ta strona dała mi fetysz naturalnych blondynek.
we should prioritize breeding blonde guys with blonde girls
brunet cucks need not apply :^)
Warsaw is just like any other central european city, it's not bad, can't speak for the rest of the country though
try and stop me fag :-D
who am I kidding, you post here, you will die alone with no gf
Cheer up lad, it's not too bad for an immigrant country
Hey there Hans, I hope you will enjoy your new muslim neighbors.
Wasn't there a Kebab who murdered a drunk Pole few months ago that lead to Poles chimping out ?
Without scotkeks we would be be majority anti-dviersity
fucking saved
same for you leaf
It was some fight in a Kebab shop, not a terrorist attack.
Really shows how much money jews and oil contributes to the economy
Rural Poland is nice.
Had a Polish GF whose family lived in the mountains. Beautiful place, hard-working people.
Many people in town were racist, which is good, keeps the muzzies out.
Lol so now it's just a fight? Back when it happened anons were saying the Kebab was doing Jihad against ethnic Poles and it was somehow a racist attack
>muslim neighbours or polish neighbours
there's a difference?