The stories coming out of this place are too fucked up to be believed

Despite being true, it is too insane to believe.

Demographic change unseen in the annals of history, social programming and indoctrination that amounts to abuse, people thinking they have multiple genders, legalizing dog blowjobs, grants for hiring non-whites, a prime minister reciting Islamic conversion prayers on telly - it's literal balls-out insanity.

The poor leafs who escape find the people in their new homes disbelieving of the reality they just escaped from. It is Kafkaesque.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's really not as bad as OP makes it out to be


I always wondered, what does that word mean?

OP feels oppressed, basically. Poor OP.

OP is not oppressed he stands in awe of the insanity of the canadians.


it is when things have a nightmarishly complex, bizarre, or illogical quality

My bad, didn't check flag. Got a link of the PM reciting prayers btw? Can't find anything.

I think Sweden fits that word perfectly

I wouldn't google something for you if it saved your life my belgian friend.

Well my dear ango chap, it seems like you're lying. He never actually recited anything. He was merely listening. Fucking fake news. Good job.



Good try.

I am a queer woman. I have tattoos. There have been years where I presented more masculine, when I felt butch. Times when I didn't shave, anywhere.
>Times when I didn't shave, anywhere.

Queer woman with tattoos, sure.

Queer mudslime with tattoos? Good fkn try.

>I was terrified that exploring my queerness would mean that I would have to exist in a linear identity and that I couldn't be fluid even within something so open.

...accept her you fucking shitlord

If she is truly a gay muslim she needs to throw herself off the highest building nearby asap.

It boggles the mind to think when you see that leaf flag it could be a person with several genders who just got succed off by ther dog.

*xir dog

Everything started going wrong when tim hortons stopped making its doughnuts in store.

She's kinda cute, but useless to me because she's gay

She's from toronto. 20 bucks is twenty bucks, you could be stirring last night's curry for that.

Just watch this

The first thing (((they))) take is your pride and joy.
Then they take every other little bit of happiness from your life.


Dude, dictatorship are fucking admirable what's your issue.

Trudeau has turned Canada isn't a leftist distopia

Holy fuck, he actually said this.....god damn canada, I knew yall were cucked; but not this bad


Oh for fucks sake, come on. Do canadians actually like this faggot?

it doesn't matter friend, he has the power now.

Stop posting his quotes, they are literally making me rage

the budget will sort itself out just watch my dudes.

It means it's like "The Trial," dark, spooky, and you're in trouble with the law for something but you don't know what and you just saw a group of old lawyers rape a woman in the court room.

Canada elected an ideologue, not a politician.



The maritimes arent so bad user

Its far worse than you can imagine. Look up bill 89. They are currently teaching gender identity bullshit in classes. Bill 89 is changing child care act to give the government the power to take your child away if they find you do not use its preferred pronouns. If it wants to be a girl, you have to get hormone treatment for it or it will be child abuse and they will take it from you.

Further, they are changing citizenship laws in other bills - you wont need to be able to speak english or french to become a citizen anymore. It will take fewer days in Canada to become a citizen. You wont be able to deport or remove citizenship from immigrants that are terrorists or commit major crimes.

The country is infested with jews and mudslime brotherhood backed candidates forcing white genocide and opening the gates for invaders. Sweden was a test. Canada will be the proving grounds.

Why is it always the same, anglo-arabian rape baby making this same exact thread with the same exact filename?

In ontario they teach kids how to anal each other and their own butts. curriculum was designed by a pedo, supposedly there a guide on giving assjobs.

insanity. surreal even.

Notice what's missing and it's always missing.

They never create new jobs. That's never apart of all of this.

For what exactly??
Canada is a shit hole of 35 million people. If I didn't live here, I wouldn't give a fuck about the place.
The globalist can fill this shit hole with as many refugees as they want.

Like most leafs, I live in America inside my head.

Dude jobs are bad for the environment.

I wish more muslims were spineless faggots like this guy

Those are loser jobs anyways. Who needs em?

Over half our workers are government workers. I wonder what money were going to redistribute when everyone is sucking on the governments teat.

hon4estly my dude if you leafs have to suffer eprivation for the sake of mother earth it's your duty to die. totally worth it.

Why is there always the same leaf, in every thread, complaining that "people have no lives", while they patrol Sup Forums all day and night??

>Bellum se ipsum alet

check out this shitord bitching about how most medum-sized businesses will soon be forced to close

this is nightmare material.

>complaining that "people have no lives"


>"Oh, look at that. A libtard making shit up for attention. You don't see that everyday!"

I totally agree if all leafs died (except me and few other based ones) the world would be a better place.
I think The Royals tried to clean UK by sending all the Irish and Scottish super shit tier crazies to Canada to die in the cold.
Didn't work out :(
Then they tried again in WW1
Then WW2
Then they said "yes, it's a country" and tricked Europeans into moving there with lies that it's better than America

Why aren't Muslims in Canada cracking down on this shit? Have they surrendered their neg holes to the poz?

(You) retard. I'm talking about (you). The Sup Forums leaf stalker who is in every anti-canada thread ever made.

>‘Indescribably sad and depressing’: A gallery of letters from Canadian pioneers and immigrants who absolutely hated it here

They fell for the propaganda posters. XD

Those things simply don't go with being a Muslim. If you label yourself a Muslim as a queer, only death awaits you after the white man falls.



I remember in grade 8, we watched some movie about some pioneer mom and her kids surviving canada or some shit. The little kid sang a song
>snow and ice,snow and ice, nothing here but snow and ice
We laughed and sang that song for awhile. It's so sad and true.

Those letters and dates don't make sense though.
Canada is literally frozen tundra for most of the year.
How the fuck, did anyone make it to Saskatchewan or Calgary or anywhere in the 1890s or early 1900s.

The transcanada highway was made in the 1960s or so

So how the fuck did people get out there?? Makes no sense

Leaf here and, yeah, this country is going to shit. I was born in 78 and growing up it was mostly white British and Europeans who settled here while me and my friends were almost all first generation Canadians. There was always one Indian/black kid in our class but because they were surrounded by white Canadian kids, they didn't display the worst aspects of their disgusting ethnic groups.

But when I was a kid there was a sense of community because we were all assimilated while our parents always got along with other parents because they WANTED to assimilate.

Now the area that I live in, Hamilton Ontario, is overrun by shitskins, niggers and chinks. They don't care about Christmas, Halloween or any of the holidays that made our civilization soo great and created that sense of community I was talking about. These people do not want to assimilate and create their own culture, just transport whatever sub-human values they were brought up with, from whatever shithole they came from, here.

I miss the way Canada was and don't like what it's become. I wish I had been born 30 years earlier so I didn't have much longer to live to see things go further down the fucking shitter!

My peasant European grandmother, coming from war torn Europe, cried at the sight of Halifax in 1957. Cause it was so shitty.
Maybe they just changed the dates of those letters to appear older. They do that a lot in Canada.
Change dates, make up dates, make up history.

>legalizing dog blowjobs

It's like trying to get permit A38

good to hear. I only dislike the fast breeding heterosexual muslims. We should push this on muslims and force them to accept gays

The only people who have any issues with this would be her fellow muslims. does she really think a white nationalist would care? I give zero fucks if someone is gay.

This is Ukraine in a nutshell

We've been getting a lot of these Muslim fucks and they always have at least 4-5 rats with them. The men don't seem to work because the government finances them to spur "diversity". Canada is fucked beyond repair.

tfw canada somehow managed to p0zz islam with their mindbreak propaganda.

Sorry, simple american here, can someone please break this picture down for me?

I guess my burgers and freedom are clouding my judgement, and I cant figure out wtf is going on here....

you want to hear a heart breaking story from canada, check out this guy

Canada is probably the most blue puller nation on earth on average

I know that's why I'm moving to Hungary once I earn my degree. I don't want to work here and be unable to afford kids because i'm heavily taxed just so I can feed some somali's family who are too lazy/entitled to work

What you just described happens in cities like Toronto and maybe Vancouver

I'm from Winnipeg and aside from the drunk Natives its a very laid back place with no SJW agenda being forced
That's like saying every American city is like San Francisco

You shouldn't always understand life through the lens of Sup Forums memes. Canada is actually a pretty decent place to live.



>Toronto and Vancouver

Literally Canada



good luck with that faggot

They puff pupper peters too

I live in Kitchener and it is hell on earth here. Sometimes, I feel like saying fuck it and just marrying some Hungarian or Czech guy for citizenship and finishing my degree there.

Every time, I have to go to the clinic, I'm literally the only non-hjiabi there. The clinics here are full of niqabs and hijab wearing Somalis. I guess they're there because their kids are so inbred and have a multitude of health problems.

*xir speciesfluid nonhuman life partner

Get yir pronouns straight shitlord!

Sweden is more enriched than us. But not by much. If we were in Europe, our country would have a population of 100 million now (its currently 35 millionish) - all "refugees" and immigrants.

Learn to monkeywrench.

it only took 2 years for Truedau to cuck us beyond belief. 2 years.

Everyone here is poor, in debt, and constantly in fear of the propaganda police. there's no opportunities and no jobs, and if you speak one ill word about the coveted "diversity", what little you have will be taken from you.

And it's only getting worse. Provinces with immigrants always vote left. BC is moving left from the liberals to the NDP because they offer more gibmedats.

We'll be a 3rd world country in 10 years. screen shot this.


Isn't Waterloo near that shithole? Isn't it supposed to be """"""canada's silicon valley""""""?

Healthcare here is absolutely ruined. I would kill every last person in Sup Forums to have American-syle healthcare. Ill happily pay more if I don't have to wait 2 week to see a family doctor and then wait 3 hours with a bunch of filthy muslims and their shitty children in a waiting room for 1 3 minute meeting.

>Sometimes, I feel like saying fuck it and just marrying some Hungarian or Czech guy for citizenship and finishing my degree there.

Canadian women are fucked up, you'll find there aren't many takers.

Let's see the goods, maybe I'll take you as one of my many wives in ten years when it becomes the Canadian Emirates.

Not even that, my friend. An ideologue implies that it's a person who has ideas. We elected a cardboard cutout.

It is """""Canada's Silicon Valley"""""" as long as you stay away from certain areas. The only reason Waterloo is famous for that is due to whites, east Asians and Indians. I go to UW and there are barely any Somalis and others. Our clinics are always full of them and the malls are too during week days

I'm not fucked up though because I'm still a virgin and considered friendly/pleasant. No thanks, the UK is sinking too. I have found a few guys from there, I just need to learn their languages and assimilate

>We elected a cardboard cutout.

A cardboard cutout would have been less damaging to the country. Probably the best move you leafs would have made in decades. Just sit it in parliament and watch nothing get done. decause when those fuckers are doing anything it ain't good.

Here's a list of countries I would rather live than Canada: US, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Portugal, Argentina, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Montenegro, Luxembourg, Bosnia, Slovakia, Austria, Macedonia, Cyprus, Chile, Finland, Norway, Denmark, etc.

Anyone who brags to you about Canada has: never lived here, is a brainwashed cuck, works for the government, or a mudslime.

Anyone out there thinking of immigrating to Canada: do not do it. It will be the biggest mistake in your life.

seconded. This place is a shithole and bound to collapse

rural canada is pretty based, but the country is pretty much fucked

I wish Trudeau was as hollow as that. Instead we have narcissism and a thin veneer of "philanthropy" in charge. A cardboard cutout probably wouldn't give away every tax dollar we collect to the third world

he's a pretty face for globalism. All his polices are being dictated by Soros and the globalist web. He's quite literately a puppet that was installed to destroy Canada.

me too. so many people abuse it and then there's the shitskin with 10 kids all with health problems. funnily enough, canada has more east asians and indians than the niqab creatures yet I barely see them at the clinics.