Debate me

You have no real reason to hate him besides Sup Forums memes. I support him and I am not ashamed to say it. I am proud of him.

Other urls found in this thread:


I pooped

jesus christ.

truth is it's probably worse than that by now. it gets worse everyday for the leafs.

I could point out how 90% of the 1918 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't.

Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

god the leafs are really the greatest shitposters alive

i thought australia had the largest housing bubble

Canadians think their 400k house going up 300k in two years is a good sign of a bright future for some reason.

Not true, Harper gave Trudeau a surplus and in 2019 when he's gone we'll go back it again
Strongest middle class in the world, almost twice the average income of the uk
< import 250-500k third world immigrants a year for pop of 35M
>it's ~300k and 75% of them are third world
50% foreign born. Germany and Sweden will be majority nonwhite before us at this rate
Probably true
nah you actually have blocked website and hatespeech laws, m103 was a motion condemming islamaphobia (you passed one more than ten years ago) and as opposed by 30% of the house even though they passed one for kikes last year
True, we spend less than the UK per capita on foreign aid though
Americans own far more Canadian land and resources, and Canadians own more American property/resources than they own of ours
We have 1/3rd of the worlds fresh water. We get more rainfall in a week than we use all year.
Close, the sexual education platform was designed by a convicted Jewish pedophile

Not true
Not true, the pound sterling has declined 10% against the loonie in the last 500 days. It's the American dollar that is going strong as oil prices collapsed.
60m in gold reserves, we have the largest in ground reserves on the entire planet. The UK borrows 60m every 28 minutes.
Not true, but it's bad
Not true

You got about half right. You forgot to mention that we're much better off than the UK and that virtually all our immigrants are educated/rich (most non-muslim) whereas you have a flood of middle easterners and niggers that are illiterate in their own language.

You're also forgetting that soon in the UK you will not be able to escape diversity. 90 minutes north of Toronto is 95%+ white.


London had a higher increase over the last five years than Toronto. I don't get what you're comparing us too. Your country is a poor ass dump and your capital city is majority non-white.

Too brutal UK, now I feel bad for them.

>we're much better off than the
>you will not be



Trudeau is low-key redpilled

kill yourself, literally

I'm looking at this and going through them, most of the points you make that are false are actually true for the UK.

First post best post, UK MVP. God save the queen.


how the fuck is being an SJW faggot who loves refugees redpilled?

Not to mention your fucking capital city is majority non-white and some 1/4 muslim! What the fuck!? Nothing in Canada comes remotely close to that.

Even our capital is 78% white.

u typed all that

The Queen is a cuck. She didn't make a peep when her empire fell apart and she didn't make a peep when her capital city was demographically replaced.

Fuck the monarchy. They do nothing for us, they harm us. They hate us.

Our queen lives in your majority non-white capital city. Obviously many Canadians hate what's happening to your country. The hatespeech laws, mass arrests for speaking against muslims, the banning of all weapons, bin the knife.. It's very frustrating for us i'm sure you can understand.

jesus you're still going

>you have no reason to hate him besides the only reason that matters


Take my (You) and shoo, jew.

Sage this shit thread.

Women aren't like men
Islam is cancer unless it's under Baa'athism rule
Trannies are mentally ill
Kikes manipulate unregulated capitalism
Communism doesn't work with human nature

And ''tolerance'' is the new word for sticking your head in the sand like an oestritch and ignoring the dangers around

This is our commander in chief. You take in/produce more muslims every year than your entire military. You can't even carry a knife let alone get a firearm.

We are worried about the UK. Why does this surprise you?

still going

Why are you surprised that this concerns us? Our commander in chief lives in your majority non-white capital city. This is a problem that we think about often.

There is something extremely sexy about this photo.



Redpilled brit

She's a lesbian too. My premier. Wife is a kike. I'll admit our faults when we have them no problemo.

He's a feminist.


His government are literally legislating for wrongthink and wrongspeak.

Your country is fucked and you will be overrun by the Islamist storm.



Enjoy watching your significant other get raped by mooslims as they take over your pathetic country because of Justin Castro

>debate me
>1 post by this ID
Bravo OP

Its always fun to shitpost leafs but this thread is just making me sad

>This is a problem that we think about often.
Like fuck it is.

You degenerate leafs would probably be cheering in the street if the Queen was culturally enriched by a herd of sand niggers

Saying I hate kikes isn't a hatecrime either. The only hatespeech in Canada is promoting genocide or inciting a crime (but even then there's exceptions for truth, religion, etc.)

You've locked up more people for Islamophobia in the last year than we've prosecuted for hate crimes in our entire 150 year existence.

Our federal postal carrier is literally forced by law to deliver this.

All us Canadian male-identifying humans are feminists. What's your fucking point.

>significant other

Get OUT reddit

you wrote all of that and still banned the only nationalist party in the uk

I'm a finance guy (minor in econ). What this guy and morneau are doing with our money is absolutely brutal.

Your country is an embarrassment and I hope the Americans conquer you so something semi-worthwhile can be done with your land.


Not only should you be cringing over this douchenozzle as your leader, you should be apologizing for subjecting the rest of us to this assclown

Dont worry, the budget will balance itself.

GG truderp hands out Canadian citizenships to ISIS like planned parenthood gives out abortions,
because "a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian"

You have two types of people in this world: Canadians and people that haven't yet filled out the paperwork to be Canadian.

so you support child abuse ?

it will my dudes, it will..

Hes a puppet put in place to jeep the protester students and pit smokers happy. His cucked liberal views make him a slave to feminists and rapefugees. Hes destroying our country.

He's cute, though.
