I've always believed our rise to power, now it's time I believe world war 3 is coming, so persia must rise, all we need is a great leader like cyrus and we will make world a great place again.
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She raises things aswell.
Zoroastrian Persia best Persia.
You need to embrace the old ways to become a Great Power again.
yes we'll outlaw sharian law from persian lands, but people can still practice their religion, but can't shit up with their religion ((ISLAM))
what islam does to your country
Iran was never great
Persians are the rats of middle east. We should just nuke that shithole already.
do iiiiiiit
Haha said the roach who had one relevant empire
Better a rat than a roach.
But yes Persia needs new and strong leadership.
Also Reza Shah did nothing wrong.
Azeris literally ruled Iran for centuries and converted Iran to Shia Islam lmao
Persia is and always has been Zoroastrian.
I'm afraid he did, but don't get me wrong I'd take him compared to shithole iran right now. He killed mossadegh and he was puppet of USA, but he knew without help of usa iran would be a fuckshit place
i think this roach skipped his history classes
What (((American intervention))) does to countries more like it. These countries had been Muslim for centuries and despite that were progressing and embracing a more secular outlook. Of course that had to end because corporations have vested interest in funded conflict. They profit from instability.
This same thread or some derivative has been posted daily for months. Sauce this whore and leave, please.
Send the persian QTS here please
I'd fug an Iranian guy
As an Iranian that moved to aus, I feel the need to say you are wrong.
Zoroastrian traditions are still strong, but the belief has died out mainly due to Islamic government, Khomeini being the George Soros of Iran etc.
never denied the fact that iran converted iran to shia, but you faggot think only azeris ruled iran. Persians ruled iran the most only about 24% are non persians
good one
keep dreaming sand nigger, i'd be surprised if Iran lasts longer than 5 years
Don't let pics of racemixed persians fool you, real persians have hook noses and look like a hybrid between jews, arabs and turkroaches
He's right, like nowruz is still around, but the religion is kinda dead
Claus, you're drunk, you kusipää. Go to sleep.
>burger who doesn't know difference between persians and arabs
Nah, Ahmed, don't be fooled. You can take the Islam out of the arab, but you can't make the arab a human being.
Or something like that. You get the point. I'm confused.
No bully.
Send the persian qts here already
We love racemixing.
There's no difference. Turks, Greeks, Iranians, Pakis... you're all Arabs. Or scum. Whatever you wish to call it. It doesn't matter.
Nah he's kinda right, USA has fucked middle east and what you're just saying all arabs are the same, there are fucktards everywhere, somewhere more and somewhere less
You fucking idiot. You really dont get the point do you? All those countries were chill before US and wahabists fucked them up
He's a retard, trying to look retard, he's pretty good at his job
ancient ones
Miten taipuu suomen kieli sulla?
iha hyvin, oon vähä paska kirjoittaa, muute menee ehyvi
I promise the moment Australia strikes on Iran I'll be the first guy to enlist.
I want to return so badly, but they won't let me solely because I'm not Muslim.
Says the aids mudslime
>Arabs, Turks and Jews are Semitic origin
>Persians are Indo-European, same as French ghouls.
Christian half Afghan Tajik half Irish-Slav mix here, we will install Christianity and Make Persia Great Again! Deus Vult!
> the moment Australia strikes on Iran
Don't dream bro, if it comes to war it will be USA and other shits.
>I want to return so badly
So do I, but when I return may return the power too, to the glorious and wise people of persian lands.
I cbf reading the other posts here, but are you part Iranian or something? From what part?
>we will install Christianity
Mate no can't you see what religion has done to middle east, these western states abuse it use it for their own goods
>Make Persia Great Again!
Fuck you amerifag
you came into our country and replaced our democratically elected leader and replaced him with that cunt
he fucked our shit up, there was an uprising and now this
just fuck off
I'm from Afghanistan origin, but I was raised in Iran, but I don't share any common thing with those mongrols anymore nor with new shithole iran, I want the good old iran back where persian wise people ruled it, and I was living in capital for 10 years
Seems pretty great.
Strength, unity and virtue over commercialism, degeneracy and exploitation.
t. CIA buck passing
tries to read,
not farsi
Persia dies when the oil runs out.
Good riddance.
PARSI, mate not farsi!!!!!
what does the distinction matter?
>another retardburger who doesn't know difference between persians and arabs
we're aren't like them faggot we're hard worker, not even half our economy comes from oil, on the other hand UAE *cough* *cough*
I want to juggle those tits
mates our ancestors died so we can keep our own culture and tradition and you still use arabfucktards version of parsi, the original is Parsi, with P not F, those arab fuckers don't have p in their alphabet that's why it's called farsi now days
ehh sure
but only because you have dubbs
even the women were better back then
Negan was a freedom Fighter Leader, A Guerrilla Commander during Sassanid dynasty era and after the Arabo-Occupation, one of the major resistance fighters of Persia against the Arab Invasion. Negan was not a military woman, nor a woman of nobility, yet she had a heart full of love for Persia. Her heart was pounding for the Mother Land.
Okay, then help me understand.
Hello Biper.
That's cool. Very Fer of us Persians care whether You're Afghani or not. There's an Afghani worker at my local train station and it's always fun to talk to him.
I'm Shirazi born not raised.
>Persians are great!
>Our rise to power is inevitable!
>Left his nation to suck the welfare teat of an actual, successful country.
It's like parasites talking about how one day they'll actually be an independent organism.
only those idiotic "nationalist" care where you're from. For me I saw every persian with same eye doesn't matter if you're from Tajikistan or Afghanistan.
>I'm Shirazi born not raised.
when did you move to Australia
Very early in my life. We had to flee because authorities were aggressively moving in on underground churches and such. Fled through to Pakistan and then settled in aus around 1990s ish.
All we need is a great leader like Cyrus.
okay, how's life in aus, what you do for living?
>All we need is a great leader like Cyrus.
not sure if troll or just burger, I bet you even know any other Cyrus than Miley :D
Life's good. Iranian population here in Perth is nice, but the youth act trashy.
Internship as doctor, really small income but in a while I can finally be a GP.
It's nice to see you've a good life, hopefully your income rises, friend.
Thanks friend.
In the main time, work to be a better person and bring a better name to our people, it's what we all need right now.
>work to be a better person
> better name to our people
if our people did and understood the same thing as we do, they'll do it themselves
>it's what we all need right now
no mate name is not what we need, we already have one, back then if you said persia everyone would know you for your great culture, heritage and tradition, but now there's nothing but shame left from our countries, we need more people like us, people have to know what's happening to the country, just look at this example
People had more human right in the ancient times compared to the new shitholes in middle east, e.g Afghanistan, Iran
what did he mean by this?
if you want to know basic shit about persia the web page is for you
dude, i was born in iran,
and still you don't know it's parsi and not farsi..
I fucking love this kind of girl physique.
What countries have those besides Iran? I'd say Lebanon, Syria..what else?
leave Georgia alone
every persian ruled countries I'd say.
So you rather belong to ruskis
if thats the case then whats up with that flag? living like a mutt in a foreign nation..
if only you shitposter knew how to learn I'd be so happy, faggot I was a child when we moved here.
pic ^ there must be our borders
nah, Russkies dont belong here
Bro, you can find girls somewhat similar in your own country
i know but i dont care, no one who lives in iran gives a shit
but we're not living in iran
holy shit she's hot
yeah well Im just in transit here so hopefully I'll check this out for myself.
and people still dont care
thats shit borders. remove islam
what about chechen qt's
Never going to happen with the Islamic Republic. The Ayatollahs will always screw over Iranian interests to fund hopeless terrorist groups, just because they're Shia.
people who care about persian heritage still cares.
we will
we'll riot and take the pedos out and put true nationalist in power
they at least want to return
Genetically Azeri is more Persian than Turk, ethnically. Azeri is like Georgian and Armenian, more or less Caucasian. In fact the Zoroastrian religion comes from the Azerbaijian part of Iran, the eternal flame because of the natural gas, in some places you can cook something by digging a ditch and lighting the earth on fire.
100% full blooded iranian math genius qt pic attached
T. Abu al-Saudi
friend have you ever heard of a shitposter?
That's nonsense you don't have to be Muslim to go back to Iran
yes what you're saying is true, but do you think the roach meant this? me neither
But Iranians are not Arabs you dingus. They hate Arabs.
>"persia will rise to power"
>finnish flag
Iranians are Arabs
Stop roleplaying