Origins of names

The following Jewish names all appeared in the 100 most common names for boys and girls in 2015, England:



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this has to do with politics how exactly?

Good think Mohammed is still #1 :^)

lots of people here are anti-Jewish yet name their children Jewish names. I thought it'd be interesting to enlighten people

Strangely enough that name appeared 3 times: Mohammed, Muhammad, Mohammad

Most of those names come from the bible, which I don't see as that bad.

Most of them are just in honor to some Saints, I'm not going to be full nigger and call my son Reccared

>tfw named Ragnar

there are plenty of English, Gaelic, Germanic, Latin and Greek names, you don't have to call your child a "nigger name".

I think the English name Richard is related to Ragnar.

I'm a beaner and all the names in my family have a Greek or German origin and Spanish or Basque for the surnames.

how the fuck is elizabeth/isabella a jewish name

Elizabeth - from the Greek name “Elisabet”, itself from the Hebrew name “Elisheva”, meaning ‘my God is an oath’.

Isabella - from the Occitan name “Isabel”, itself from the English name “Elizabeth”, itself from the Greek name “Elisabet”, itself from the Hebrew name “Elisheva”, meaning ‘my God is an oath’.

Most Latin and Greek names (the only ones I consider since I'm from Spain) would sound weird nowadays.
I know for sure I will name Diego to one of my sons, full Spanish and family name.

Im named Isaak.

My 100% Armenian 91 year old grandfather is also Isaak as was his grandfather.

Isaac is definitely a hebrew name but its been common for Armenians for at least 1800 years.

Its actually Sahak in Armenian.

dont you think its kind of a long stretch ?

I expected many more Chinese names desu. Looks like they'll be focusing on infecting South America over the coming decades.

Not really, there's plenty of common Latin and Greek origin names
George, Leo, Alexander, Max/Maximillian, Lucas, Theodore etc.

Tfw it doesn't matter because sweden is a country of cucks.

Having a Jewish name doesnt make you Jewish, Jewish names are mainly widespread as a result of Christianity.

I love that name. It's masculine as fuck. However I think a name like that would get you bullied in America.

Not really. That's the official etymology of the names

This is only the Jewish names in the top 100 for England and Wales.

Richard come from Ric, or Rick, I believe, meaning ruler and hard means strong, strong ruler. I suppose that's why it became a name for kings in England, but it did indeed come from northern Europe, Rickhard basically.

Ragnar, or Reynar in English, means war or army leader/counsler, I'm not sure if Reynar is still used in England at all?

Okay Ethelwulf.

Cause they all spell it differently. Like 5 variations of the same name.
You're correct

I've never met someone called Reynar, although it's a cool name.

Yeah I could see that being the case, it's not even common over here, it's more of a second name than a first name.

A lot of men, relative to now, born in the 20s and 30s were named Ragnar, when the nationalist movement became stronger along with Hitler's rise to power. So people like myself who were born in the 80s were given the name of our grandparents and elders as a second name. And only recently has people begun to give their children those names again.

Muslims are suprisingly uncreative when it comes to names.

Not really. I think if I ever have kids I'll name one a traditional Saxon name like Alfred.

Guess it goes to show how insular their society is. That and illiterate.

Old English (Anglo-Saxon) names in the top 100 were Edward, Riley, Harley, Blake, Stanley, Dexter

true. Plus half their names are Jewish anyway. Ibrahim, Sarah, Issa etc. are all Arabic version of Hewbrew names.

Jewish names were always common because they're biblical, there's nothing new there

so what?

Traditional english names sounds quite proper, like Edward, William, George, Albert etc, I like them.


Nigger, Michael isn't a jewish name, it's Christian. God's top dog Arch-Angel is named Michael. That name is god-tier (literally)

Mikha'el is jewish, it's different

>not naming your children after the Norse gods
are you guys even trying?

that's a nice name btw

Michael comes from Mikha'el

>brb every name is jewish

The only overly jewish names from that list are like Elijah, Noah, Jude, Issac, Ibrahim, Caleb, Reuben

Names like Jack, Thomas, Daniel, Adam, Matthew are the whitest names you can get. Anglicized names from the bible

Tell me then op what isn't a jewish name



Frederick? William? Oliver?

>le Christian Bible is a Jewish book! Jesus was a jew! What now racists?

some of those names are not Jewish, e.g. Bella/Isabella/Isabel, which is Latin. James i think is also Latin.

Oh, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red,
Who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead

>Tell me then op what isn't a jewish name

Guy on the pic for exemple. Adolf has no hebrew roots

>names found often in the Bible
>muh joos

Look user, I hate kikes as much as the next guy around here but even my name is kiked. Its due to the spread of Christianity, not anything to do with (((them))) aside from the biblical texts.

meant for

They are anglicized. We take something and make it our own.

>(((Christian))) names

Reminds like central Asians all calling their kids Mohamed since they're Muslim now. It's a shame so many European names were supplanted in favor of Jewish ones.

Societal issues are always politics you dimwit.

There are a lot of names in Japan.
Because It's easy to make new name with Chinese characters.

Simple, pick an ancient name (typically Greek or Roman) before the Bible became popular and Anglicize it to be masculine or feminine.
Achilles, Aemilius, Alexander, Antonius, Apollo, Atticus, Augustus, Caesar, Cassius, Claudius, Demetrius, Dionysos, Hannibal, Hector, Julius, Lucius, Marcus, Persephone, Petrus, Sabinus, Scipio (nickname is Skippy or Kip),Theodorus, Titus, Ulysses, Valerius, Venus, etc pop to my mind as candidates.

>who is eva braun

hell FUCKING seger

Just Biblical names, because we have a Christian society and culture. Germanic names are coming into fashion too, even if it is because of Marvel.

>tfw Jewish name, Hebrew-sounding surname and big nose but not actually a kike

Names have power.

This has no relevance to anything. I was named after Isaac Hayes (a black soul singer) by my father with Scottish ancestry.
People literally don't give two shits about this.

too many fucking Daichi however

Jesus was not of this world, therefore not a Jew.

>tfw my name is a typical Scandinavian name
>tfw I'm not even from here

englishmen are naming their kids Ernst, Friedrich and Jorg now

>Be a Jew
>Name is Reuben

Checks out, senpai. I'm guessing the hebrew names are anglicized for this.

My name is greek, my kid is going to get a nordic name like my father.

>First Name Old English
>Middle name Welsh
>Surname Irish

100% not kike!

Where are you roots my friend?

Sounds like a name for a hobby.

Well yeah. These names are based off biblical names. How is this even relevant to politics?

>tfw named Vidar

My last name is Cree

lol XD

My name is Cicero



That's cuz Europeans used to get their names from the bible.

>tfw when you have a based greek name

There's no (((biblical))) names in my family for this reason.

They're Hebrew names. Christians traditionally use them about as often as Jews do. What is so difficult for you to understand?

Most white people names are Hebrew, been this way for thousands of years. You've all be cucked by the Jew for a hundred generations.

the are fucking Hebrew means. Daniel literally means "God is my judge" in Hebrew. You don't even have to mangle the pronunciation. It isn't anglicized, it's pure Hebrew.

The best Hebrew word is Israel, which literally means "fights with God". Really tells you something.

Besides, Daniel in the lion's den is one of the most well-known stories from the Bible.

Probably it's because those names are loaned over from Christendom and not some hairbrained Jewish conspiracy that no smart person believes in.

Stop being an idiot. Europe from 50AD onwards is founded on Christianity and most names in some way come from biblical texts of officially sanctioned gospels and unsanctioned gospels that currently exist only in the Vatican archive locked away.

You really think we're going to name our kids Aethelbert,Hilgard,Ainslie,Adalgard and Beowulf?

All the names also have meanings aswell if you bother to look and research them.

Anyway my 2 twin boys are called Roman and Gabriel and my 3 girls are Kristen,Isabella and Aurelia.
A mixture of English,Scottish,Irish,German,Italian and Spanish genetics.
My wife is Spanish/Italian. I'm English,Scottish,Irish,Spanish(distantly 15th century) and German.
The kids names are a mix of ancient Latin and Biblical Hebrew.
Niggers have stolen those. You don't want to be associated with niggers.
It is indeed irritating that you see a west african ape with the name Cassius or Marcus.