Fatness is genetic. Stop the shaming please.
Fatness is genetic. Stop the shaming please
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left would be decent if she wasn't fat
There's no fat people in North Korea (except dear leader). Check and mate.
I can hate you for your genetics.
You really can't even make that determination at this size, though. Even her face is distorted by the fat. Besides that she might have naturally floppy tits or a vestigial tail or something.
I wonder whos behind this post
Getting this fat has nothing to do with genetics. Get fucking real. There weren't fat people in paintings. There haven't been any fat bog mummies found. Fat is a fucking recent body type for everyone but Inuit. Are you a fatty indian from the north? No? You're fat.
Yeah, you're right man.
nope. Genetic factors can increase the likelihood of being fat, but ultimately its a result of laziness and poor diet.
no it's not lose some weight fat cunt.
These sisters were taught bad eating habbits.
It's their stomach, their rules. Plus, what's considered fat is just a social construct. What if I say their not "fat" but "nutritionally enriched", you'd all be btfo, haters.
>we must secure the futu
No. It isn't and I won't stop until I'm dead.
Sexy BBW on the left
You brilliant bastard
It's not you fat cow , eat less
She looks like an uglier version of my ex wife to be honest.
"All genes deserve love."
- Darles Charwin
ugh the Midwest
He's right - it is genetic. Fat moms are more likely to encourage their kids to be fat
>ingests 4000 calories a day
>never exercises
>tons of processed food
>500% carb intake
>buckets of HFCS
It's glandular/genetics guys.
Obese people are fucking pathetic.
Wrong. It's the processed food, and shitty lifestyles. I guess you can say it's a little bit genetic because these people have slow metabolisms and really can't handle the shitty food
I was talking to my mother about this issue the other day and she was telling me there was no such thing as fat people when she was a kid. There would be like one heavyset(not fat, just chubby/husky)person in the whole town and when she saw an actual fat person at a carnival it was like the 8th wonder of the world to everyone there
i'm not sure why but your thread and pic made this pop up in my head
It's inconsistent to associate certain sociological behaviours with racial genetics and not do the same for a characteristic like obesity
it's true. The Nazis specifically sent skinny people to the Holocaust Centres and left the fatties out
That explains everything:
>people in US used to be skinny long time ago
>people started breeding with fatties instead of skinny people
>skinny people didn't pass on their genes
eh i've always considered fatness to be comprised of 3 components.
25% Genetics
25% Food Culture / Access to healthy foods / Cultural lifestyle
50% Personal Choice
Sometimes genetics are enough to keep you thin, most of the time not.
Sometimes the food culture is such that you will be healthy because your people don't eat shit that will make you easily fat. Transportation and air-conditioning play a role here too
>See asians getting fatter and fatter with western food
>See countries with lots of public transportation and walking
>See the American south full of fatty fried food, AC, and no public transportation, no viable bike lanes, so everyone drives everywhere
Most of the time it's you being a fat ass with no self control or will power who chose a sedimentary lifestyle.
>"I sit in an office all day" - go to a gym
>"my family eats like this" - cook your food separately
>"I don't have time to cook healthy" - yet you have time for other pursuits and to whine about your situation
My apologies.
If fatness was genetic I'd be a fucking balloon.
no its not, I'm fat because I eat alot.
ever think this is why super skinny guys are attracted to big women? Kind of a genetic correction factor programmed in to humanity?
I think that's more like super skinny guys tend to be beta so they have to settle for scraps, meaty as they may be
>fat cousin is always posting body positivity/fat acceptance shit on facebook
>she's not just fat actually she's legitimately morbidly obese, 450 pounds, 30 years old
>our uncle is a heart surgeon
>he replies to one of her posts about body positivity and fat acceptance
>"Do you want to die before 35?"
>sparks a huge flamewar between her dumbass liberal friends calling him fat-phobic and bigoted
>he's literally a heart surgeon though so he knows what he's talking about and he posts pictures of the hearts he has personally removed from morbidly obese people
>you would think this would be a wake-up call for this annoying tub-of-lard liberal cunt
>she just blocked my uncle and still posts fat acceptance bullshit multiple times per day
One time I ate 3,000 calories/day but burned 4,000.
I still got fat because my genes make calories ex nihilo.
That's the final redpill kiddies.
Fat genes are God.
i dunno about that, you look at the guys that have that fetish, it goes beyond settling for scraps..
Real women have curves. You virgins just can't handle it.
i-is that a man?
Nice try you fat nigger.
I don't care with an ass like that.
T H I C C is genetic.
Fatness is degeneracy.
Fat sympathy. You should be shot as a collaborator you filthy pig fucker.
you getting fat easier is genetic, being fat is not
t. lost 40kg over the last 6 months
fatness may be genetic but if they stopped eating enough they couldn't be fat. Thermodynamics >> Obesity.
pure genetically I see....
>yfw the mass famines in Africa will leave only a race of Africans who can summon forth calories from the ether via their genetics
>soon, every military in the world will be comprised of Supermen that don't need to eat
Yeah that's how it was before the Jews started mass producing convenience foods. My grandma is a vicious fat shamer
"Proud cucks"
Any woman, I repeat, ANY woman is fuckable if she is within her BMI. Literally easy mode
>the law of conservation of energy and mass is genetic
*slurps starbeetus frappe delux*
Fat girls are the kinkiest in bed
>vestigial tail or something.
I used to finger blast this chick with one of those, i even tape it.
"fat acceptance" is only a white girl problem.
no man posts this shit. 100% "men don't find me attractive wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I IS PURDY 2!"
If fatness is genetic, poor people consistently have inferior genes.
No, it is not.
pics or it didn't happen
Why do I feel the urge to use them as projectiles
But you see Sup Forums, being lazy and having no willpower is genetic, so technically yeah, being fat is genetic.
I don't want to get banned again man.
yeah it is psychogenetic. you pass on to your children a psychology with zero self control they will be as fat as you.
International Red Cross documents confirm 271 thousand Jews - not 6 million - died in labor camps. Most died toward the end of the war from typhus and starvation when supply lines were cut off.
Adolf Hitler was trying to do what had been done 100-plus times before in other countries - kick the Jews out.
Jews have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies. Jews mass murdered tens of millions of non-Jews over the last century but they've seized control of the media so you won't find out.
How do you know, have you been there?
sweet god...
Or maybe they just have the same diet and lifestyle...
Tendency to be fat is genetic, being fat itself is not. Literally anyone can maintain a healthy weight through proper exercise & diet regardless of their genetic proclivity towards being overweight. Your genetics only determine how hard or easy that is to do.
the sad thing is all 3 of them would be at least a 7/10 if they weren't fat, getting rid of fat people would blow the fucking lid of the dating market, 5/10 guys could get 7/10 females (females are disproportionately overweight)
mandatory fat camps when?
How you did that lad?
actual pic
She's a big girl
actual pik
If you want to understand why fat people keep eating despite being fat, remember that you dumb fucks can't stop responding to bait threads.
>Fatness is genetic
For one in a million people
You know, I'm sure there are particular genetic combinations that could make it easier to become obese, but it's pretty ridiculous that these people can't just admit that they, and their parents (if they've been obese all their life) are the problem. Truly strange.
Is this achievable natty?
But would still fuck
whale whale whale, fat do we have here?
She can probably arm bar the fuck out of someone
Sure you can fight it but I never understood why people push back so hard against the genetics angle
Most everyone agrees that it's easier to get fat at 35 than at 21 because of a slower metabolism right?
I have to work to stay around 190 in my early 30s. If I reenacted the lifestyle of my early 20s where i was 180, I'd probably be well over 250
Some people are born with a shitty metabolism. In their teens they have a worse metabolism than I'll probably have in my 50s
Maybe she's just a good example of Nordic genes though.
What style is this
For you.
>Bad habits and poor life choices are genetic
I remember this video. Here's the full version. Pay special attention to the swimming, it's comedy platinum.
I know somebody who has fucked an even uglier verson of the girl on the left.
>nutritionally enriched