Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
I called a half caste kid a black bastard once
Oftentimes but I guess it doesn't count if you're friends with em.
yes but just as a bit of banter
Used it in front of them but never really directed at one. White people can be niggers too, it literally mean less than or uneducated. At least the original meaning
Why do you keep posting this same thread?
I still can't figure out why this picture of this random guy is fucking perfect for this thread.
Always, me and my coworkers always joke about the racial nonsense.
one time a Filipino dude asked an actual African dude 'where's your chains man'
always makes me laugh when the africano bro calls me white.
No, you fucking autist
Actions speak louder than words, so lynch them instead.
is that a black mans dick behind him
I've only ever talked to one non aboriginal black person, and im not about to start
Fuck niggers but do we need this thread every hour on the hour? Some assblasted niggers must be trolling the board after being redpilled about their savagery.
It doesn't count if you're dark yourself, mudslime
>White people can be niggers too, it literally mean less than or uneducated. At least the original meaning
Found the redditor cuck.
I've called a lot of black people niggers/niggas. Not surprisingly,white liberals were more offended then the black guy, because blacks often understand the context of the word.
never got the opportunity, no niggers here
but some guys did in dubrovnik, they called that Foxx nigger a crncuga, a racist slur something like blackest black or something
Yes here saying nigger is not an insult more like a compliment desu.
The context has always been they are subhuman animals and brought into the white world against their will.
The original meaning is a bastardization of negro, why do closet racists insist on trying to make nigger a politically correct term? Just embrace the fact that you hate black people, I do.
Yes but he tried to steal my headphones from my dorm room and everyone else there was white and half of them are racists as well so he got out of there right quick. I don't think I would do it if I didn't have the numbers on my side.
yes, when a black guy tried to steal my bike
They are fighting cognitive dissonance and psychological barriers constructed by the jews for decades. They don't realize they are disarming themselves.
>muh stormfaggotry
Whatever nigger.
Do it all the time, cause people aren't sensitive little pricks in my area
When I was a little kid I used to call kebabs pakis to their face because I didn't know it was racist because that's what my parents called them and they never corrected me because they thought it was hilarious and I was too young for the pakis to do anything.
>saying a group of people are less evolved due to living in a more forgiving environment for millennial offends my socially aware sensibilities
Any time somebody says there's a difference between black people and niggers I die a little inside. Niggers would never imply there was a difference between crackaz and white people. The hardest redpill to swallow for liberals is usually that blacks don't give a single fuck about them despite constant white knighting.
Yeah. Luckily I already had a dentist appointment set the next day.
No. I don't talk to niggers.
>muh diversity
How's that Somali dick working out for you?
I always called the black kid "browny" in second grade
I'm on Sup Forums you faggot. What social sensibilities do you think I have?
yes, both pejoratively and friendly, it's "negro" here
>projecting this much
America basically started the movement and have taken it so far that your colleges and other institutions discriminate against white people. Yet you call me a SJW?
>i'm on pol
so edgy with your redditor starter pack
Fuck off Sven, you're high on nigger cum again.
if I had to talk to a wild retarded monkey would I call it a wild retarded monkey?
No, I wouldnt.
But that rather tells more about the monkey, not me.
>user jumps to the you're a plebbitor card
Yeah fuck off.
and that card can be played as long as you don't go back to your fucking forum
Nope, I only call em "black diamond" when drunk. They really can't comprehend is it a compliment or insult
Stop trying to ruin the word nigger then and accept the fact that they're subhuman garbage for the most part. When has a nigger ever jumped to your defense bro? That's right never, so just let that shit go and embrace it before your country is totally overran.
I swear i saw this thread a few days ago, what's weird is half the replies are identical too
I only call white frat boys that
Same image, same text
Yes a few times. Two ended in fights. One was to a former friend who I thought would take it as a tongue in cheek joke, but nope.
We had a black dude in high school that hung ariund for a little while, but eventually couldn't handle our race humor. Called him a "shimmering beacon of niggerdom" one night, didn't think he would ever recover. (For reference, I live in Mississippi.)
I was quoting Blazing Saddles when I was a bit tipsy and I said "nigger" and the leftists I was with basically treated me like I slit a baby's throat. A few of them honestly stopped hanging out with me after that.
I didn't write the movie, fucking Mel Brooks and Richard Pryor did, no one ever calls them racists.
I've never been to reddit, but to prove it is impossible so make like the french and surrender
So if the word nigger becomes normalized, niggers suddenly become average? Are you fucking dumb? Of course they're subhuman, thats not even debateble, sub 80 IQ etc. I've had plenty of black guys jump to my defense, but they all held western values.
Seriously, he just looks exactly like the kind of guy to ask the question.
You are in denial. You are so trapped by emotion that you won't take the rational way out.
Here's the thing, science does not agree with you in so much as it does agree with reality. The matter is logical and you operate your logic on false premise that was intentionally constructed to keep you trapped. There is a way out and you c saga n do so by prioritizing your presumptions and let more facts guide you to the truth your captured bad brain desperately yearns.
If I go to america and say nigga like an endearment term, will it be ok? Here people say it in jokes and stuff
I used to be a hiphop-fag in my youth and always used the word nigger when the lyrics called for it. It's insane that a word from a song can call for peoples head.
I called a jew a greedy yid once. His face literally became pic related.
>Trying this hard to fit in.
You'd better try speaking proper English first.
Honestly, one of my best friends is black and one evening he wanted to steal a bottle of expensive vodka from a houseparty we were about to leave. In my drunken haze I accidentally asked him not to be a nigger and not only did he hide the bottle for them, he also thanked the host for having us, but also bought me a drink at the nearest bar and thanked me
>look at muh fancy wording and scentences
Jesus christ you sound like a dick. What science on what? That white liberals are faggot white knights here to save every minority? That black people have evolved a lot slower due to Africa?
>you sound like a dick
Now who's projecting?
>You'd better try speaking proper English first
>You would better try speaking proper English first
Nice made-up bullshit.
with friends and strangers
I am not an aggressive retard so no.
at least 50 times in road rage incidents with taxi drivers.
Answer the questions you faggot. What truth don't I know after lurking this board since the Boston bombings, Dorner?
Yes many times, im mixed race btw (half black)
I love how they disown you as "Black" as soon as you call em out on they're Niggerism
i called this sheboon a nigger and knocked off her cars mirror for almost killing me while biking. surprised she didnt run me down
Thanks for proving my point.
but i prefer 'coon' or 'black cunt'.
'nigger' with an australian accent sounds too much like 'nigga', and doesn't feel as offensive to say.
You can't be this dumb?
>be in high school
>black kid is dating my degenerate sister
>see them in hall together in between periods
>walk past them and mermer under my breath loud enough so both can hear....
>He looks shocked.
>she looks horrified.
>neither of them do anything
>i keep walking
>sister throws a fit when i get home.
>I give minimal responses
>they brake up 2 weeks later
>i regret nothing
>Lurks since 2013.
>Genuinely believes he's one of us.
God I hate newfags.
I show many displeasure of my manner of being and that's not being aggressive.
In elementary/middle school I somehow wound up with a large proportion of black friends despite living in a 95% white neighborhood, I could call them whatever I wanted and it was fine.
They are all either in prison or druggies now though. Pretty sad.
>since the boston bombings, dorner
Trying this hard still?
The truth is that our races are not meant to be in such close interaction and we are now on an evolutionary pathway contrary to our ancestors' DNA. We are devolving whether you'd like to believe this or not for your emotional agenda. Contrary to what god intended, we will step away from our pathway to spiritual enlightenment and return to the savage animal reality.
You were probably here when moot started this place, weren't you. So cool
I like how in this thread most of the people who admit to have done it, use it out of annoyance at a black person's behaviour.
That's the correct usage for it.
>it literally mean less than or uneducated
no, it means "black man"
Yeah. Back in high school in the cafeteria around the time the Iraq war just kicked off.
We were on the subject of arab diets, he said he didn't like chicken very much and I said "What kind of a nigger are you?"
We all laughed heartily, including him.
He later stabbed a man and is in jail right now.
Never trust a nigger.
wow, youre so brave. Thank you for your service. OH SAY CAN YOU SEEE
I use it for their identity, I do not like their people.
>Writes broken English.
>Tries to correct people non-mistakes.
Looks like libtards really can't help themselves looking like faggots in front of everybody.
But if you go up into a burger joint for example and are served by a black guy and say Hey Nigger gimme a burger and fries, u deserve a ass whoopin
Don't you know swedes pride themselves on their English? It's part of the false construction they live in.
>not meant for close interaction
>on an image board
>with poster from every corner of the world
Fucking morons.
>as god intended
Yes, white people came from Adam and Eve.
Who's the moron?
I did once when I was 12 years old. I was improvising a song, making up words for something and I used bigger next to a black kid that was 12 bigger than me. He busted my nose. Next day we were back to playing GI Joe's in his front yard.
I've said it to a 14 year old when I was 14 and whooped his ass in my front yard and once at 26 or so at a 711. Dude double parked and cut me off so I got out and started cussing him out. When he didn't see he wronged me I said "ok nigger". He came on a bit but it was only an act
I'm a big guy he didn't have a chance.
How is it incorrect?
Plenty of times, but with subtelty.
> litteral translation of nigger in french is "Nègre"
> somehow, "Nègre" also accounts for a ghostwriter.
> everytime I get the occasion (and I do my best to do it a lot) to write a paper or whatever with a basketballkin I explicitly say to it : "You'll be my negro, ok?"
> And when they act offended, I act offended as they don't know the meaning I 'meant'.
> Then we proceed to fake laugh about it and move on.
> In the process I'm always able to call a pig a pig while reasserting my intellectual superiority :^)
No, it's an easy insult that only dimwits would use.
I like calling the lower classes "dog"
Im calling them animals but they just think Im talking normally. Its mildly amusing
redditor leaf badbrain detected
>Sup Forums users calling a black person a nigger
>most can't even say hi to a grill
never talked to a black person