Is this generation of women capable of being loving, caring mothers?


Women never have been

Who cares

Miranda Kerr is a loving, caring mother

to another man's son

Well previous generations knew how to cook and clean and raise a baby, most millennials wouldn't have a clue.

Are this generation of men capable of being strong fathers? If not, then why would women want to submit to cucks?

Women are shit because men white knight and tolerate it.

Fix society? Purge nu-males.

Do they still teach home ec/domestic science in school?

They did when I was there 10+ years ago. We learned cooking and sewing.

These are the correct answers. If not for having children or being fucktoys, they'd be worthless. Pretty much mindless creatures designed to propagate our species and nothing more.

who the hell puts their cooler this close to the waves? it's going to get knocked over and sandy if a big wave comes

Maybe the tide came in?

it's a jewish conspiracy

god those are the 2 ugliest people ver

They're hard-wired for it, but their conditioning makes them conflicted and miserable.

There are ~3.5 billion women in the world, I'm sure you'll find one that can be a good mother.

Not really, no.

Some rich Alphas might get lucky and catch a 8/10 who dreams of being a homemaker, but most men will get bitter Alpha widows who resent them for not being Chad.

Why do those two pretty much have the same body?

How can they be loving towards their children and husband when they're too busy loving themselves on social media?
How can they be caring towards their children and husband when all they care about are likes and positive comments on social media?

They can't.

>tfw gf is 26
>all her friends are having kids left and right
>gf never wanted kids anyways, but feels remorseful at times and even buys realistic dolls
All instinct.

no. We are in the end times so I will not be subjecting any new children to this

only 10% of those are suitable since they would need to be white and of those 10% the vast majority are indoctrinated with propaganda

mfw you are dating a worthless infertile 26 y.o top kek

Yup. Millenial women are a generation of alpha widows and millenial men a generation of betas raised by feminists. Doesn't bode well. Marriage rates keep going down and divorce rates are still very high (especially when you don't take into account those getting married and divorced many times over (because that happens less often now)). The bad economy makes it even worse. I wish I could have a family some day but I realized it's a losing proposition for people like me.

For a women, being attractive is 90% not being a fatty.

sad and true user. Now that Trump betrayed the country I am thinking it is best to enjoy life instead of subjecting white babies to whatever hell the world will look like in 30 years

This is by far the worst generation yet. They are the end of humanity. Fuck ya'll niggas.

Keep using buzzwords, I honestly feel like this muh redpill shit is a hidden meme at this point luring in absolute loser adam lanza types like yourself.



faggot you are a virgin fatass.

Can't have kids anyways as we only make a combined $45k annually. We don't want to burden the American taxpayers.

I knew i girl who get pregnant in high-school. Heard later she was a stripper and literal whore.

Supposedly she took great care of her kid.

Finding a caring mother is about getting a bitch pregnant.

You can easily raise kids on a budget like that

Hell, one of you could probably stop working and you'd still be fine. Consider adoption, nigga

Oh idk maybe people who want to have anscestors?

This is your home


Maybe if the babies are brown. To their rightful kind their heartless monsters

>Consider adoption, nigga
Yes Goyim make sure to adopt a black kid.

you're fucking damaged OP

Yeah... I was gonna say I don't want to be a cuck. White babies tend to go for more.

>Is this generation of women capable of being loving, caring mothers?
no but they are capable of being cruel harpies.

progress tm

You can't have kids, so there isn't shit you can do but give some white kid a better life.



To answer your question OP. I found a condom wrapper in the trash when I picked up a shampoo bottle for reading material while taking a dump. It was only my fiancée and I living there and we didn't use condoms. I was heartbroken and when I confronted her later that day she told me that she found one while cleaning our "adult drawer" and wondered if she could put her foot in it.

At the time it seemed to be a perfectly reasonable explanation, or I was just so afraid of the truth and heartbreak that I desperately wanted to believe something that wouldn't be painful.

We married a year later, and after 5 months of marriage I caught her in a web of lies that led to a co-workers house. Even after getting upset with her and telling her it was over I had a change of heart and asked her to see a marriage counselor with me. She refused and left me for my coworker.

>hurr durr al womens are degenerate sluts nowadays

Go outside, OP.

Teaching is one thing. Having a culture built around women filling that role is another.

I would be surprised if 10% of the women in those classes took it seriously enough to understand it is a good character trait to have.

>tfw they spend the whole class day dreaming about chad and waiting to group up with them to bake a cake and fuck after class.

Is this woman considered attractive in the USA?

There's good white children waiting for adoption out there. Cuck memes can get fucked as far as this goes.

No but neither are any of the past generations.

>GF is 26 and all of her friends are having kids

That never ends well anyway. Most of them are going to become mother way to fast and fall into an insane depression while they try to let go of their dreams and aspirations all while taking care of a child while you work

Once they let go of their goals they make new ones about the child, and everything becomes about their child. Waking up, sleeping, eating, going to the store, etc... Everything,

They slowly spiral out of control and blame you, they cant blame the child for their loss of a life, its YOU. you go out with your friends once a week? YOURE A MONSTER SHE USED TO HAVE FRIENDS TOO BEFORE THIS CHILD.

Then eventually she hits 30 like a brick wall and leaves her kid in the bathtub by itself for a couple of hours hoping the thing drowns. She divorces you, wins the case and the kid then goes off and fucks anyone who looks at her funny.

Depends on the environment that they are raised in and how they are taught.

My sister has had 6 children now to her husband and has been a stay at home mother who has raised them while her husband has worked. She followed in the same footsteps of my mother and grandmother.

Then you have my cousin who is nothing more than a whore who has slept with countless men, has 3 children to 3 different men at this point and will never settle down as the government and child support payments fuel her lifestyle. Then again her mother was the same as her as well as that families grandmother, she was a hippy from the 60's.

Unfortunately environmental factors determine how much of a whore or homemaker a woman will become and with the way modern (((hollywood))) influences tv show it is making more and more millenial women into whores and less homemakers.

"She refused and left me for my coworker."



>6 kids

I'm jealous and mirin your sis
Wish I had 6 kids desu

Yeah man you are right but it still broke me.

>wondered if she could put her foot in it.

Unfortunately you have no one to blame but yourself for that terrible decision

He learned his lesson guy. If he was here saying "not all women are like that" then if laugh. But as is, it's just a sad story of a man smacked by reality

Don't let it define your life. At the end of the day she was the one with no honor. All you did was learn an important lesson about women.

I actually do feel bad for you user, I just have to flame you because its Sup Forums.

Honestly if such a thing happened to me I would probably go into a rage unlike any other and hurt myself/other people.

>asked her to a marriage counselor after you caught her cheating
>not stopping right there and beating the everloving fuck out of her
You are a fucking beta, not only did you get cucked by a coworker and not kill him, but you didn't even beat the woman for cheating on you. You deserve everything you got.

Thanks bro. I did rage a lot but then I was just sad and then I just forgot about it.

Life goes on!

>I found a condom wrapper in the trash when I picked up a shampoo bottle for reading material while taking a dump. It was only my fiancée and I living there and we didn't use condoms
You should have left right then and there gringo.

shit dude, this generation of women are men. the generation of trans. I hate it so fucking much

Only if they bring out a childcare app

yes, but they have to expend it all for their manchild boyfriends instead of children.


I'm sorry, Aquafresh. Go with your gut next time.

All of my brothers and sisters have had large families, I have 4 children of my own and my two brothers have 3 children as well. Thankfully I have a great partner that I found in church that I had known since Sunday School.

I will say this, you do not need a church to find a good wife but it certainly helps, the most important thing is the family that your partner has been raised up in, there is a fair chance that if the grandmother and mother have been whores then the daughters will be whores as well.

> being this mad about having to raise another man's child.

Look, we get it. Life handed you a bad card. A more fertile man got with her before you, she held his cum in her body for 9 months, and the aftermath is your responsibilty.

Different people are better than other people at doing different things. He made a good lover, you make a good father-like figure.

Just because she thinks of him wbile you attempt to have what you think is a sex-like activity, doesn't mean you need to shit-troll all over an image board like this.

Just raise his kid and don't be so hard on your self, cuck.

Cucking omegas a low ranked betas within the same race is eugenic

Cucking omegas and low ranked betas within the same race is eugenic

>Alpha widows

But what did he mean by this?

>It was only my fiancée and I living there and we didn't use condoms
>We married a year later

you are just fucking retarded