What are your thoughts on legal Latin American immigrants?
What are your thoughts on legal Latin American immigrants?
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All of them need to go back.
Fake tits are disgusting desu senpai.
We don't need them. How the fuck can a country survive a never ending flow of random foreigners into its borders?
These can stay, the rest have to go back.
They hate Mexicans.
fuck 'em all
no nigger can stay, nigger
If they have a good fucking reason to be here I don't care that much.
If they are a doctor of sorts then fine, come in you are a valuable asset. Why do you think the indian stereotype in america is doctors even though most indians are poor and uneducated? its cuz we only take in the smart ones
If you have no education and no skills that you can provide to our country, which most of them don't, fuck off
I don't like them much desu but at least they aren't breaking the law and they're much better than niggers.
Not now. Our birthrate is 1.9 with the illegals' children. Now that we're enforcing the law, steps must be taken to increase the national birthrate as it'll drop even more. We need normal couples to have a minimum of 6 children RIGHT NOW to bump up the birthrate.
We'll talk about legal immigration after we fix the domestic birthrate problem.
>trusting a foreign doctor
Top kek
Can I at least stay?
i look Irish for some reason and i don't break any laws and i love this nation to much
all nonwhites must be removed from america and europe. anyone who can pass for white but has nonwhite DNA must be sterilized but they can stay as long as they dont comit crime
I wish they never would have come here. Disgraced cowards, all of them.
Ok Hitler
t. 46%black
The legal immigration quota is a bit high at the moment
How about just law breakers get sterilized?
Not everyone has to die for being non-white, just let the criminals get sterilized
No immigrant is good. As individuals they can be ok, but as statistics they are overall bad.
how about we give the non-whites texas and they just live there are no where else
No. Most will never admit it but they all know at some level that you are a blight on the nation, an invader that should never have stepped foot on these lands. You have brought nothing but crime and chaos. Just know that we all feel this way deep down, even the ones that smile in your face and share good times with you, you can never be an equal. Leave.
Lul we are not going anywhere guys. Your women love our salsa and bachata lessons.
Lo siento, papis! Las cosas son como son.
If you don't sterilize spics they will overtake whites in population and turn America into Brazil/Mexico tier shit holes.
Spics breed like rats they have no concept of family planning, they need to be all sterilized.
I like Texes
But i was born here
and my mom and dad actually contribute to the economy, and pay Taxes!
Can the ones with the highest iqs and the best use stay?
I'm totally ok with Argentinian immigrants: they are white, cool, and smart.
i know, texas is a nice state, very big, and we could fit the non whites in it. then whites could have the rest of the land, that way nobody has to leave and we could have both civic nationalism and white nationalism at the same time.
Can't we just give them Puerto Rico?
Not much of a difference with in locations of what they are used to
Did you even read my post? It is not a minority of whites (fuck, even niggers can't stand your kind, get it together) that feel this way. On the deepest cellular level we are programmed to despise you, doesn't matter if some are better actors than others. To your other point, I don't care if your mud-factory mother dropped you from her cunt on my land, that does not mean that you belong here.
What if it's the best of the best breeding?
puerto rico is already an ethnostate for puerto ricans, i don't know too many other groups living there. may as well let them have texas because it would give them enough land, plus it is nice and warm so blacks and mexicans would feel at home.
(((They))) won't allow it. We can't have good things until (((they))) subvert and own every individual human being like livestock.
i have long supported making texas a spic ethnostate, that way they don't have to leave. so they would support having their own land and then we whites could keep the north and southerners could keep the south.
I welcome all immigrant. Latin, African, European, legal, illegal, import them all.
Both of my parents are white though
What about the whites who live in these shitholes? Would you accept them, or would you rather let them racemix in their shithole?
jews are being bred out though, something like 50% of jews are marrying outside their race, in a few years the jew genes will be gone. plus many of them are moving back to israel.
once they are gone, we cut a deal with nationalist non-white americans to let them live in texas, as long as they agree to allow whites to keep the other places. maybe we could throw in new mexico too since it is already non-white.
Simple criteria:
1. Emigrate LEGALLY
2. Learn ENGLISH
If you can't do what EVERY OTHER IMMIGRANT DOES, then you can fuck off back Spicland!
Fair skin isn't equivalent to white, you are still a seperate race.
You're a fucking retard and delusional, too.
But i'm whiter then King George's For Christ Sake! and most Hispanics don't even Consider me Hispanic!
What could legals like me even do when it comes to that!?
why, it is much more realistic than a fully white place everywhere, that's just not going to happen. let them live in the non-white areas, that will be good for us while we keep nice states like the dakotas and montana.
Legal Latin American immigrant here,
I don't give a shit about what you skinny fat faggots think about me. I most likely contribute to this country more than any of you cunts working for less than $14 an hour.
Give me your qt latina sister
lol none of those girls look like latinas at all
>legal Latin American immigrants?
They should actually fix their countries instead of flooding the US.
But if they're here legally, I've got no real complaint. Unfortunately in places like Texas, 4 out of 5 Latin Americans (aka spics) are here illegally or are the anchor baby children of wetbacks.
As such, even though those anchor babies are all grown up now and are "legal" they've completely ruined the state and we'll probably tip blue within a generation.
My sister is fat and has no future prospects sadly. I promise you wouldn't want her.
Show me one. Every Latin American person I've seen is staunchly dedicated to and proud of the place they came from.
Fuck. Why'd she have to be a stereotype?
texas should be a hispanic state though dude, if you are white, you probably shouldn't stay there because your grand kids will probably have to race mix to find a spouse.
You are not "white" just a pale spic, what is so hard to understand? What can you do? Go back to your parents homeland, your very existence here is an absolute detriment to real citizens, anchor baby.
Both are extremely unlikely, do you think white Texans are going to give up their homes and land? Stupid suggestion.
no the white texans could stay, they would just need to accept that their state is for everyone (most of them already do)
> they use their nationalities before calling themselves "american"
this is the problem with multiculturalism
they have to gtfo
At that point you walk into a minefield, Texas will basically be it's own country apart from the states yet still attached to the umbilical cord.
How can i be a anchor baby if both my parents are Legal and had there citizenship when they came here?!
>implying that wasn't the plan all along
well they have always said they wanted to be independent from the US
besides, i think we should focus on holding what we can. there are a lot of nice white areas in the us, particularly up north. we can keep those white through limits on immigration, but let good non-whites stay in the non-white states like texas, new mexico, and the like.
>texas should be a hispanic state though dude, if you are white
Texas was over 80% non-hispanic white prior to ww2.
The faggot ww2 generation and their shithead boomer children RUINED this state by opening the door to "cheap labor." Now the state is swirling a brown drain thanks to their actions.
But you're right, it will be a spic state, but you're wrong that it "should" be. The state was betrayed by a bunch of assholes. Thankfully, I already have plans to move the fuck out of this sweaty brown asshole.
This is something everyone should realize
Full cultural assimilation is required
eat a dick faggot, texas is 60% german
If you don't like LEGAL Latin American immigrants, you might be a racist, protectionist, xenophobe faggot.
Perfectly fine as long as they have some sort of valuable skill, or are coming here to get a better opportunity to learn a valuable skill and use it.
Molymeme did a video on them.
"Conservative" spics are a meme.
The point is that you will never be accepted into my (not yours, immigrant anchor baby) society fully. You may think you are but everything is smoke and mirrors, Paco, you are still (and forever will be seen as) different, an outsider, not a true citizen of the USA. Some, mainly the mentally ill, will pretend to accept you for SJW points but will toss you to the side and forget all about you before you can blink. You will never fit in and no matter how pale your skin is you will never be one of us.
>you might be a racist, protectionist, xenophobe faggot.
Oh no, not muh virtue signaling.
Fuckin hell go outside
Some of them are actually really based. Working class, strong moral/religious background. Don't get easily offended and are often right wing. Second generation can be hard to distinguish from white.
I've got no problem with those guys. If they're legal and haven't been convicted of any serious crimes let them stay.
Exactly my point. Every other nationality that comes here assimilates(O.K. maybe not the gooks, but, most of the others do.
And gooks aren't running drugs in to the US)
eww you checked if your sister is sexually attractive?
texas is not even 60% white, let alone 60% german
and i believe most texans are of anglo ancestry, only in the hills will you find the germans
Honestly though
Like this is going to stop me from breeding with a conservative white guy to make sure my babies come out white ,friend
>texas is not even 60% white,
Fun Fact: Less than 39% of newborns in Texas are non-hispanic white.
This state is F U C K E D.
It's usually only 2nd generation people that say that.
By the third gen the only thing they know is America.
This is why you will never truly assimilate. Always looking for someone to leech off of (the white man, as usual). It's interesting that no one immigrates here to purposefully get knocked up by an American nigger, always riding the back of whites.
Most Latin Americans already adopted American culture at their own countries
They eat mcDonalds, watch Hollywood, use Facebook, etc. They also come from a traditional westerm culture including celebrating christmas, having an indoeuropean language, praying to Jesus, being patriarchal, etc
only in texas though dude, i don't want every state to be latino
She got a hold of nigger culture.
It's not leeching if i was just clearing out my gene pool to assimilate and if i'm ONLY teaching them about American Culture.
Plus i always had a preference for white guys anyways
And no one wants niggers, they are ugly as fuck.
Or just kick Latinos that commit crime out that can work too
Now you're just being ridiculous
It should be illegal to have mixed children, no one benefits (in fact, everyone suffers for it). Every single mutt I have ever met is a maladjusted freak, totally fucked in the head.
have your mixed kids, but stay in texas, ok
If they have light hair, light eyes, white skin, and are fit, they can stay. Other, natives need to stay on their reservations.
As long as they're not uber poor amerindios then sure. If they're not stupid poor they probably have no more native blood than you're average American. And culturally they're very Western.
Sounds reasonable to me.
I already hate soccer and support the Denver Broncos.
Also I play folk music.
See you soon friend.
Also I already know English and Italian as an extra.
I can tell that these come from very well off families.
Bulgaria here, came here at the age of 1.
I work two jobs, I'm a semester away from my bachelor's, I own a car, just got got approved for a mortgage, I'm physically fit, do MMA, Brazilian jiu jitsu and long distance running, I read literature and philosophy, I have an active circle of close friends and get laid fairly often.
I hate Jews, niggers, faggot, and Muslims, I'm orthodox Christian, I'm marrying a white virgin and having many children who are going to get redpilled like I was as a kid.
I, as a DACA immigrant, contribute more to this country and am more of an American than you are. I, as a Bulgarian first, live out American ideals principals better than you do. You don't follow the ethos that our founding fathers worked for, you don't have any culture or backbone or work ethic, you have no physical or mental constitution to defend your country from profligate scourge or to draw your own women from being coalburners.
I, with my half retard slav fucked mongoloid roach Macedonian steppe people genes, are more American than you will ever be. Go back crying to the_donald about your "muh Merica"
I was getting lectures about George Soros and how Hitler was a victim at 8 years old, faggot.
gooks who assimilate become SJWs, go to college you will learn this very quick.
assimilation is not always a good thing, particularly if they assimilate and start to act like white SJWs
Not if their raised around white kids.
The only people that were nice to me as a kid were whites.
Didn't even know about my parents nationality.
The ones that did where other spics and blacks.
I was treated like shit for most of my life after the nigs found out, Treated me like trash for years
If the kids don't know where grandpa and ma came from and other specs don't know.
There won't be a problem
The one in the image can stay.
Beyond that.......we'll have to see.
Which definition?
I don't mind you, you're legal. But who did you vote for?