Literally me

>literally me
will you accept me as your country's citizen, Sup Forums?

what skills do you have other than being good at childrens video games? we have enough unskilled shitskins desu

Sure, when we establish Korea as a British protectorate.

I was going to until I saw that thumbs up emoticon or sticker or whatever the fuck you call it.

No, you fucking faggot.

If you have a problem with where you are living, then go outside and fucking fix it or die trying. Running away helps nobody but the people causing the shit situation in the first place.


Do you eat Dogs?

are you a protoss or a Zerg man?

You will fit right in at Toronto!


Lol, wut. Asians can't be compared to shitskin niggers at all. They don't commit crimes, and are often go into STEM. They are probably one of the hardest working minorities in America

currently college sophomore, studying politics and int'l relations

like how your ancestors, being productive citizens, served the english king in england? lol.

I'm not a full on racist, yet. But will you help us fight against the Dark horde? If so then you're welcome. Bring QT's and i'll fit you up with a western woman. The price is a bag of chips and an pint.

Hows Dut Dut-Chan doing? our media doesnt cover him anymore


>Android phone

Yeah get ur ass in

Tell you what. If you are willing to defend my store with a rifle from the roof, you're in.

no, we already have too many of you slants here already

not ever since your mom got a yeast infection

which dark horde?

Can I rape your sister?

Terran, protoss or zerg?

No please go join the North Korean military at once, your people need you. Pathetic westernized Jewcuck

>which dark horde?

Shitskins. Swarthys. Muds. All the same to me.

good to see you coming out of the closet

Sorry, you´re not refugee-ish enough for us. Maybe if you get a tan and an unhealthy relationship with your cousin.

Nobody would know that you're an immigrant

Do you have any rooftop firearm experience?

>You will fit right in at Toronto!
>Can I rape your sister?
well that escalated quickly

oh nice. sure I would

asking the real questions

yes, if you bring your [hot] female relatives

Take a couple of years of HRT and get back to me Tae-Hyun Park

응 빨리 가 이 김치 새끼야

그럼 한국으로 오는 외국인들 무조건 욕을 먹고 ... 나 같은 저질 원어민강사 새끼들 문만 아니라 대한민국을 지켜 주는 양키 군인들 까지 욕을 먹으면서 호구 같은 서양국가들은 너 같은 한남충 병신 새끼 무조건 받을거야

빨리 탈조센이나 해 꺼져


thats hot

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ영어를 더 잘가르치던가 병신아

yes yes i know how much you wanna nuke us

sure, but bring your sisters, too :^)

Sure, why not? You look decent.


At first I was going to say yes as long as you do it legally.

It would be unpatriotic to turn away someone who wants to peacefully and lawfully become a citizen of my great country.

But then I saw that you're being a huge faggot to everyone in this thread for no good reason.

You will hang if I ever lay eyes on you.

Enjoy the artillery bombardment North Korea is going to give you when they decide it's time to start expanding.

I am unskilled, never worked, humanities degree from shitty uni.
Can i into korea?

Get your fucking moon runes out of here! You want to be a citizen? Assimilate!

That's a great idea, all asians should do that.

America is a bad place, you are better off in Korea.

ㅋㅋㅋ 이 병신 새꺄

난 김치맨 아닌데 조센에서 갇힌 양놈이야

적응했어 난 ... 오히려 너무 잘 적응했으니까 후회해

Nope, we onry take Japanese Aryan

I don't think anyone in america atleast has an issue with Asian immigrants. I love going to the asian parts of town and going grocery shopping.

Fgit, they eat dogs like savages

씨발년아 여긴 소라넷 아니거든 병신아 영어로 말해라

>Country's citizen

Literally nothing but a political gesture. So, yeah, you can become my country's citizen, but you can never be part my nation. Nat - from the latin natal - meaning birth.

In closing, we can be neighbours, but we can never be family.

think again Chang


>worst Korea
>not honorary niponeese


Only if you become a ladyboy

If youre ready to change your name on "Victor". Yes. We have a couple of former koreans with name "Victor"

U got a link of her triss merrigold cosplay?

I'm sure this fag just shipped out of 9gag or fb

no asians


yeah you're in

Those eyes im the only one that thinks they look creppy?

Sharpie in the pooper

So how many jews did die in the Holocaust?
I'd like to know what this websites views are

We already have a Korean community in Russia, they are literally the best Asians we have.

Asians and Whites are the only productive races on the planet, which is why the jew is attempting to emasculate Asians and destroy whites. So by all means come, but don't turn into the r/AsianMasculinity type :^)