Why are muricans always making jokes about european countries that are 85+% white when this is their situation?

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because it's divide and conquer shills or non whites looking to talk shit about Euro whites out of jealousy

I understand the severity of the situation

love you European anons

this and checked

I was ready to rant about burgerniggers for hours, but you just had to and be reasonable.


Because we aren't actively choosing this fate, we were damned in 1965


we were once 85+% white but then this fate started occuring to us, its not long until europe has the same fate. America is the warning to europe.

thank you brave soldier
your glorious nation will lead all the whites towards a glorious future of whiteness and superiority

how can europoors compete? theyre starving

438 million (2050 projected burger population) * .4 = about 175 million white people.

Tiny European countries like Sweden with only 8 or 9 million white people aren't going to survive being swarmed by muslims and blacks. White Americans are the future of Europeans.

>nog population decreases
That's good. Right?

Percentage not population

I give up on this fucking shithole

We have the most corrupt government the world has ever seen and the population is turning into a bunch of fat mexicans


>white and black both both decreasing
When will ebony and ivory unite against the eternal taco? Do you not see that the Jews keep pushing abortion and anti-family values onto both of our communities? We are both being replaced.

lol, I'm European born but it's still so plainly obvious what OP said is true even Amerifats could understand it.

I guess it's equally important for the Euro anons to remember the id (US) flag doesn't always give you the full identity of the person. A lot of nonwhites know that so they purposefully talk shit to sow division between whites in the US and Europe

no more brother wars, ever
not in rea life, nor on the internet.

Go home white man EVROPA is your land.

>the population is turning into a bunch of fat mexicans
I'm sorry to say this, but that sounds hilarious.

By Hispanic, does that include both white and meztizo Hispanics?

We're laughing because what happened to us by accident, you're letting happen by your own will.

its pretty funny but unfortunately once the fat mexicans take over and make this place even more unbearable they're gonna hate it here and you'll be next, leaf. i'm sorry.

>fat mexicans

By the time that happens Canada will be 100% Asian.

I think the vice that created the problem in the US was PRIDE
It's impossible to see the flaws and fix them if you have pride
it's like when you see kids about to fight and the crowd starts to incite them

>he insulted your xyz
>you're not gonna let him get away with that

America is a big Chad encircled by inciting whispers from the (((crowd)))

It all started with the slaves. Since we didn't/don't do that shit, I don't think europe is in the same boat as you

>Australia and Canada become full Asian
>America is ruled by fat Mexicans with a nog underclass
>Europe is a caliphate
So this is the world...without white people

No you fucking idiot, it was leftist fucktards who created deliberately lack immigration standards.

What went wrong?

This is a good point actually. Assuming the average age on Sup Forums these days is probably twelve, when you reply to an American flag here, there's a 50% chance you're not even talking to a white person.

how can I defy the digits lol
I'm coming home brothers
but seriously, I actually was starting to realize I can't live here because it feels alien and foreign. I get along and never had issues even though I live in a 65% non white city.
You can set roots anywhere here because they want you in constant motion and disarray
Everything is a facade and everyone is fake.
Not to mention I want a wife and family, there are no white women here. If I'm going to move I might as well head home.

see, you think you know and can't even process anything else
muh liberals and republicans

>Introduced in the House of Representatives as H.R. 2580 by Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY)

>Emanuel Celler (May 6, 1888 – January 15, 1981) was a ____Jewish-American____ politician from New York who served in the United States House of Representatives for almost 50 years, from March 1923 to January 1973.

your pride makes you easy to control

you **can't** set roots anywhere here..

why aren't we funding abortions for spics?

look at how well PlannedParenthood did to with negroids.

dare i say it, is PP /ourguy/?

yeah we are FUCKEDDDDDD

please do not make our mistakes

end all non white immigration

Because we do more with less OP, you limey fuck.

Haha murica Is more Blacked than Sweden

US is already 40% non whites; Lol, The greatest superpower will be predominantly Latino/Asian in 20 years without even lifting a finger; This is the greatest timeline. I will be moving there with my 200 cousins and their families soon.

I'd say it's close to 65% white anons (US) on the average thread but when the topic is ethnic it's a great opportunity for the subversives to infiltrate

they'll do a quick "Swedecuck" or some shit and let the rest pile on.

look at these pathetic fucks

bitches the white man doesn't go out with a whimper

we'll set this whole fucking planet on fire before that happens

moab your shitholes while having a beet on the golf course

You did this to yourselves burgers.