If you see a red pilled woman you should actually put a ring on it.Most girls really can't accept some facts and they would rather live in their imaginary world.Is empathy so strong in women and that makes them politically autistic?Yesterday I got called a "psychopath" an "crazy person" a "rape advocate" a "man pig" a "hard person to be around" and a "sadist" and most of these comments came from red pilled jokes I made I was not even going into the deep shit.Are women really that fragile and/or retarded?I can talk politics with a guy 1 minute after I meet him and if we disagree we either laugh it off and throw jabs at each other or we hit each other and then we laugh it off
Why are women so blue pilled on every issue?
Other urls found in this thread:
>If you see a red pilled woman you should actually put a ring on it.
You don't see red-pilled women, you make red-pilled women.
Υοu have to try really hard and find a humble girl that accepts debating and exchanging opinions.Most women are really stubborn nowaday
What I did to my sister, gf, mother etc.
well, that is why you have to be sneaky about that shit
subtly, without debating, point things out that will red pill them. Takes time, but once the rock starts rolling its hard to stop it
>Still bothering with the vaginal jew
Not even once desu.
Women's are just like low IQ niggers. Very easily manipulated and socially engineered by our education system and media.
So stupid and gullible
This. females are only "blue pilled" because it's easier for them socially.
Once their opinion is in the minority they quickly change it. they have no ideology, only a need to fit in.
Women are much more emotional than men and tend to fail to see the world logically. This is why it's easy to persuade them with fake dead kid pics or other shit like that from the Middle East.
>Why are women so blue pilled on every issue?
have you met women?
Just like men?
Look at all the nu-males
yeah but that pussy feels good desu
There are no women here you don't have to white knight boi
>Υοu have to try really hard
That's exactly the point.
Women are the true redpilled, they chose the most alpha male to get good genes for their child. You betacucks are not redpilled, you are trying to dilute the gene pool with your shittty genetics. You guys belong on r9k.
Nearly half of white women voted for Trump despite the pussy grabbing tape and the bias of wanting to see the first female president. There's more redpilled women than you think.
die sand nigger scum
I don't believe he has
this mostly. Every girl is different obviously, but for most women, especially attractive ones, social status is everything.
Why become a social pariah over some topic they probably don't even care about in the first place?
OP is 16 years old sage
didn't answer my question
yes, obviously. what's your point? they're just as bluepilled and redpilled as men
instead of parroting the words blue pill and red pill, why not say:
ethical relativists and materialist reductionists
intellectually honest and morally consistent
you have a whole range of words to describe what you want to say without resorting to the same type of group think that got things to this terrible state of ignorance and self-contradiction.
it doesn't pay to speak the truth in the age we live in. I could say to a fat loser browser Sup Forums: you should stop browsing Sup Forums, go lose some weight, get a better job through networking with likeminded peers or go back and re-educate yourself, learn relevant skills that pay well and contribute to society, build a stable circle of friends and colleagues who you can share political views with if you find that still to be a passion once your life is successful.
or i could say: lul, women are so dumb, haha!
do you want someone to agree with you or do you want to be challenged? nobody except the very best of people want a challenged. given a choice between waddling to your fridge and picking out some snack or getting up right now and doing 50 pushups, you consistently choose the former, and so do millions and millions of other people. and we get physically fat and intellectually lazy morons, a population doing what they are told because it is easier than thinking for themselves.
this is to be expected, we have no more wars to fight, no countries to conquer. a handful of zionist billionaires control all political leaders and corporations, it took them many generations but it's over and they won.
not an argument
he's right until you come up with an argument
op is 20 years old don't sage
OP, if you don't make your own red pilled girl, there's a 100% chance she's playing a bunch of other "red pilled" guys at the same time. If she didn't get red pilled by a man, then she's a slut. There are no exceptions. Single women who gravitated toward the movement on their own are merely seeking a place where there's as little female competition as possible.
Women who exist in mostly male circles with no female friends are not red pilled. They're attention whores the same way girls who hang around GameStop and skateparks are sluts.
You assumed quite a bit about everybody on this board.Most of us work out,we have a job,and most of us try to educate ourselves as good as possible
you put a ring on your sister?
It depends on how dominant you are perceived by said woman. It's 10 times easier to redpill a chick if you can deadlift 400 pounds and are financially independent etc.
What is this bullshit?
Shitty bait or retarded normie that ended up here on accident?
shill.There are quite a few lately.They pop up 1-2 at each thread.Most are leafs or australians
So long as women are reading articles from buzzfeed and listening to music made by apes you will get about as much sense out of them as a brick wall.
you still havn't provided any counter agruemtns.
I originally asked ''prove it'', but all I'm getting is bitter males throwing buzzwords
But they should care about the survival of their culture. The only reason they don't have to worry about anything else is because for hundreds of years, patriotic women and men fought for the interests of her people. And I thought women had maternal instincts? Shouldn't they feel bad that their children might not live in a country they can claim their own?
no, redpilled her
That's not how a debate works though.
But I can easily come up with a counter-argument.
Women don't just choose the most "alpha" male to be with, they choose from a large amount of criteria which differs from female to female. Many of these criteria are based on culture and social norms.
Saying women are redpilled because they follow instincts and go for the male who's "most alpha" is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time, and the fact that you even choose to use the term "alpha male" to begin with makes me wonder if you're actually a robot yourself.
again, you perceived what i wrote about a hypothetical person browsing Sup Forums into a personal attack, which makes no sense since i don't know what you look like or what your life is.
it was to illustrate how almost everyone no matter what they believe seeks a group to belong to and other people to re-affirm them, rather than being challenged and disagreed with constantly.
saying why are GROUP OF PEOPLE so X, is self evident.
any group of people is by it's very self-selection going to be in favour of things they reached a consensus on and be against new ideas, which have to fight for representation.
Disprove this.
I don't care about disagreeing with people,I care about disagreeing with people I want to fuck,it just makes everything more teedious
Fucking kek
What if I know a red pilled woman but she's my cousin?
Only taxpayers should be allowed to vote.
Also, I have no problem with welfare as I'm not a lolbertarian
Social conformity. The worst thing for a woman's psyche is to be ostracized. This makes them sad and makes them turn into crazy cat ladies or they double down and become Rad. Fems
I found a condom wrapper in the trash when I picked up a shampoo bottle for reading material while taking a dump. It was only my fiancée and I living there and we didn't use condoms. I was heartbroken and when I confronted her later that day she told me that she found one while cleaning our "adult drawer" and wondered if she could put her foot in it.
At the time it seemed to be a perfectly reasonable explanation, or I was just so afraid of the truth and heartbreak that I desperately wanted to believe something that wouldn't be painful.
We married a year later, and after 5 months of marriage I caught her in a web of lies that led to a co-workers house. Even after getting upset with her and telling her it was over I had a change of heart and asked her to see a marriage counselor with me. She refused and left me for my coworker.
desu when I speak to women about politics, first they offended by my views but when you start to explain in depth they just don't have any counter arguments and just end up saying "lol I don't care about politics anyway"
So they just follow what the masses think, or what their husband tells them to think
>If you see a red pilled woman you should actually put a ring on it.
No you shouldn't since they are more dangerous then the blue pill women are. If red pill women know all they need to do to fuck your life up is to call 911 and throw you in prison then divorce you to get rich then they will do it.
Redpill women are far more dangerous then bluepill women.
>Most girls really can't accept some facts and they would rather live in their imaginary world
Why do you think Christianity is popular among more women then men? because the women want to live in bullshit fantasy.
>Yesterday I got called a "psychopath" an "crazy person" a "rape advocate" a "man pig" a "hard person to be around" and a "sadist
Go fucking roll with it then you are a psychopath, you are fucking crazy, you love rape, you are a complete pig, your completely hard to be around and you are a massive sadist and give no fucks what they say back to you.
>Are women really that fragile and/or retarded?
You can't call women retarded because that means there is a standard of intelligence they have to standby and compared to men women are retarded.
Just call them women.
gay, didn't read
a lot of women base most of their political decisions on feelings, and the feelings of others. they are naturally more empathic than men, which is good in some circumstances, but catastrophic in others.
as we all know, democracy is the absolute worst way to get a uniform legislation that everyone accepts/wants. a representative republic isnt much better. when you have sleazy politicians using demographic-baiting bullshit to get people to vote for them, its easy to get whole chunks of society to set aside logic for a moment, and vote with what their heart says is right. this is particularly easy with women of all nationalities, because there are quite a few issues that exclusively affect women. abortion, birth control, paid maternity leave, wage gap bullshit based on skewed statistics etc.
this is why you see huge chunks of women voting entirely uniformly. they vote what is obviously in their own interest, and the interest of others more oppressed, without caring about the economic and societal stress that comes along with said decision. the politicians, particularly progressives, know this, and have been utilizing it for their own gain for decades now.
thats not to say that ALL women do this, of course there are outliers. if you ever meet a girl that values logic above feelings, marry her.
>I wanted to see if I could put my foot into it
Marries her 5 months later
Your fault for being a gullible chump.
Ey man, can you post an imgur to this? The image quality is really shitty for me. Thx
Redpill the women NOW!!!!
It's a duty now
If you make red-pilled women, wouldn't it be possible to also make a redpilled woman bluepilled?
Can women into logic and principles?
Self-preservation instinct, more prevalent in the female.
This. As long as you keep your cool and wait five seconds before speaking when talking about politics, you'll win easily. Women are unbelievably dumb when it comes to forming compelling arguments. Don't tolerate it, but don't try to stifle it either.
Just treat attractive women like children and you'll be fine.
Men tend to be less open and agreeable and score higher in intellect and assertiveness.
Women tend to be neurotic and agreeable and score higher in openness and compassion.
These traits appear to correlate strongly with political ideology and moral values.
They need to see the world as a nice place, they're too sensitive to deal with reality.
>If you make red-pilled women, wouldn't it be possible to also make a redpilled woman bluepilled?
You better believe it's possible. Women don't have agency.
Literally because they are being contrary to how they perceive men (the ones they want to fuck) to be. It's just another shit test.
maybe you are just a loser
>So they just follow what the masses think, or what their husband tells them to think
Like dumb sheeps
the majority of them were married
Except for adultery. They are definitely red pilled on that front.
>Self-preservation instinct, more prevalent in the female.
Biology dictates that this is so. It's a simple fact that women (particularly of child-bearing age and younger) are biologically more valuable than men.
This guy knows his stuff. Always take anything offensive by a female as a shittest that she throws at you and expects you to pass. The harder the shittest is to pass the wetter she'll get after you do it. "Chads" are simply good at passing shittests
How do you know if they're redpilled?
women are manipulative chameleons and will learn about the man they intend on manipulating, they will learn how his mind works and adapt to it for their own gain. You could end up with someone who pretends to be redpilled
Women prefer reality that they can imagine, not what it is. That's why they aren't even interested about history, because it pictures fcked up things that actually happened. They rather deny everything and say they know better. Because feels.
What happened to her tits?
Because being red-pilled gives them no evolutionary benefit. If their country (or tribe, if you will) gets conquered, their genes still have a very decent chance of surviving (through rape, forced marriage, or simply surrendering to the conquerors). This simply is not true for men, for whom such a chance would be greatly diminished if conquered.
>You could end up with someone who pretends to be redpilled
Women aren't really capable of this on anything but a superficial level.
>Why are women so blue pilled on every issue?
Lol, women are not bluepilled. Your problem is that you think females desires are the same as males desires. Women are red-pilled by nature. It is the betas that are bluepilled, men like you. Keep in mind, civilization is encoded on the y-chromosome. Just because YOU like civilization, does not mean women does.
In what way do you think women are blue-pilled?
yeah its sad to see that so many people on here have such a low opinion of women. the caring, nurturing nature of women is entirely necessary to a functioning society. we need them, and they need us. its just important to know that because of this increased empathy, they are often easily manipulated. there is a reason the ideal family consists of a man and a woman. you need both sides of the coin in order to properly raise a child. and both perspectives are valuable in every decision, from personal ones, to political ones.
>Is empathy so strong in women and that makes them politically autistic?
Kind of, but you have it backwards.
We are the ones who are politically autistic, and our autism helps us see reality as it is.
1) Their empathy causes them to be somewhat more liberal.
2) Their value of group cohesion causes them to be more offended when someone breaks that cohesion, e.g. with your red-pilled jokes.
Such is the fate of the tolerant.
because if you were coddled, and given everything just based on your looks all your life like women do.........
you would assume that the world is puppies and rainbows, and everyone should have puppies and rainbows just given to them without hard work
women don't dig ditches, build bridges, build skyscrapers, mine coal, fight wars for those puppies and rainbows, they believe it just falls out of the sky for free.
Beta male.
You sounds like your a RAT JEW. Your tribe will get your REAL HOLOCAUST this time.
I can barely find red-pilled men in this country
I could make it IRL
-Sweden find a Truck that drives through people in the middle of the city
>What's that Ahmed?Is this Jihad?Are you not integrating?
>Nah don't worry about it they are not REAL MUSLIMS we are the religion of peace
>Sweden:ahhhh okay I got worried for a bit
top kek
Yeah, makes sense. I have redpilled my wife, she is still kinda socialist now, but I am really afraid she might become a scary natsoc fuhrer
>be OP
>expect women (or anyone in general who's not mentally ill) in real life to treat you like a nationalist/authoritarian extremist circlejerk board where everyone agrees with you and is equally subhuman
You're joking.
>I am really afraid she might become a scary natsoc fuhrer
most women couldn't give a sh*t about politics, and they tend to believe what they are told regardless of the whether or not what they are told seems based in factual reality.
It's because women are naturally inclined to fit in. The definition of blue pulled is believing the same lies everyone else does. Even if a girl becomes redpilled, she'd keep it to herself, and eventually get blue pulled again.
Women care more about what people think of them, if everyone around them is calling every single thing racist, sexist, or whatever, they will do it too. Men on the other hand find a pleasure in being different from the masses, we also feel good when we stand up for what we believe in. Women will only stand up for what they see other people standing up for.
Their pscychology is literally trained to console men and be the voice of hope when shit goes wrong. Women have been comforting men who have to face hardships to provide for hundreds of thousands of years.
Put a ring on her, Cleetus
>she is still kinda socialist now
Women are socialists by nature. Every single time in every country where women got the vote, taxes immediately rose. The answer for that is really simple. Women can't produce shit themselves, they evolved to leech on men, so when one gives them power, they use that to take men's wealth. Here is the funny part. In Denmark, when women first got the right to vote, they were more right leaning then men, and somehow, taxes still went up! Aint that a fucking mystery!
Well, not really, but for some men, it seems like they will never get it.
This is also why men commit suicide a lot more. Men are genetically programmed to worry, women are genetically programmed to hope
Woman are creatures, that have completely stopped developig / evolving somewhen around stoneage or way way earlier.
REASON : Me have begun protecting them and caring for them ( way too much ).
RESULT : The natural force of natural selection was completely kicked out of effect on women, so they never ever evolved any further.
this is most Obvious in the mental (dis)abilities of women;
They are like very small n little children intelligencewise.
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
r a r e
[citation needed]
>Sup Forums in a nutshell
>women cant produce shit for themselves
Have they ever had to for hundreds of thousands of years? Only recently have women been forced to be providers
Women are useful idiots to the Kikes and Islamic takeover,