Just found out that the side of my family that I'd thought was from Germany is actually potato nigger. What do?
Plz help
Start drinking. But really who gives a shit im Irish and Scottish background in todays age theres a lot worse you could be. Be grateful your white and your american
Valid point. When do I get my blarney Stone and shalaley stick
why does it matter? you're still not german or irish
Here's an interesting tidbit. One of Ireland's heroes Padraig Pearse wanted to put a German Prince as head of state in Ireland. He thought this would stop Anglicization and allow Irish culture to flourish.
Might make you feel better.
Heritage and culture my friend
Kill yerself
That actually does. Thanks man
You don't have irish culture or german.
>Implying Irish are white
Ethnically irish culturally american.
Whiter than you, you paki piece of shit
Learning about the culture the Irish have and asking the right questions to my still alive family grandparents. Customs, rituals, beliefs etc.
Commit suicide, plastic paddy.
Having German blood is worse than Irish
Krauts are the menace of Europe
>culture the Irish
What spousal abuse, drunkenness, and dying from lack of potato?
>his real ancestors is Ashkenazi Jew
Fuck of with your potato nigger shit kike
>white isn't a race
Ok, I'm irish
>no you're not
I pity the Brits who didn't seek the new world. Didn't have the balls to leave.
Nobody cares about your life faggot
Check ur DNA (((potato nigger))) no discernible difference between the Brits and Irish.
Corse your either a paki or kike.
Be glad that you aren't German
... yes?
>Might make you feel better
Go fuck yourself jew.
Weren't driven out you mean
>begorah the bastard brits have had all the tatties, best flee to the Americas, to be sure
300 yrs later
>muh ancestors wuz pioneerz n shiet
This is what I need. Someone please explain..
Sorry, of course you're right. We are the same family after all, pic related
Kill yourself.
Yet you'll tell anyone who'll listen how your Irish on your half sister's uncle's side.
Underrated post
Literally this. Every moronic yank thinks he's intrinsically linked to europe when he's never left his city, let alone state.
Good pic but stop acting like a paki
I guess you're expecting me to say how Irish my immediate family is.
You'd think people referred to as white niggers for centuries would be slightly less discriminatory.
Its just a talking point for americans to discuss among each other you fuckin idiot. no one who talks about irish or whatever ancestry they have as meaning they arent american
Fuck off letypol
Sup Forums is infested with a ton of autistic colour blind kike shills. Most of them think the Irish flag is Italian.
They are responsible for all the divide and conquer threads..
They target the Irish as (((potato niggers))) in order to undermine all English speaking /poltards/ because all English speaking countries are full of whiteswith Irish anscestory. If you can undermine the Irish as (((non white))) you undermine white nationalism across the board.
Secondly they went full tilt with this shit on Sup Forums in order to undermine and discredit the obvious Irish American influence on the Trump white house..Flynn, Bannon and Conway..corse they got their way and have (((kushner))) in charge now.
>mfw can trace the ancestries of 3 of my grandparents far back
>mfw all ancestors of said grandparents are 100% Anglo and only Anglo
>mfw Ukrainian grandfather
Kill me, Sup Forums.
I pity Americans more. Every one of you like to say how proud you are of your country yet in conservation you can't resist saying you're 1/32 italian.
Obvious Kike.
I though you inbred cunts had high IQ? Corse (((you))) did push that meme the whole time.
>mfw my ancestry goes back 1000 years in Britain
>amerifats will never know this feel
Science senpai
>Irish flag
Man I hate the Irish.
>mfw can trace ancestry back to Edward I, and, therefore, back to all Anglo kings before him
Feels good.
Holy fuck, is this what it looks like when a racist experiences racism?
>JewSA mutt kike cunt things he is undetectable
Did your mother cook your foreskin or just eat it raw?
I think that's awesome I wish I could have that. I am however proud to be American.
But you love Israel right
The only british people left in the UK are the welsh the rest of them are german in heritage, The rest got sent here when the monarch was ousted by German military.
Nah, I don't like them either.
What area do you live in I will tell you if you are German or not.
Israelis hate us m8, you'd think they'd be grateful for having a slice of our empire.
Be you
>the anscestor of Irish and Brit convicts who got deported for being criminal masterminds..who committed offences such as stealing bread.
Or are you a chink?
Get to drinking and blame it on the leprechauns.
If you drink a lot you'll leprechauns and you will fuck em.
Smoke cigarettes?
Of course I do, they're our greatest ally.
Most of us Welshmen are the descendants of Anglo colonists from the Medieval era who came over here after Edward I conquered and colonised Wales.
Yes I am 50% British 50% Irish.
Corse you don't. Filthy lying kike cunt
>the lack of passion in your reply was a dead giveaway kike
>Getting triggered over memes
Fuck up Paddy
The reason Americans like to know their ancestry is because we have all been lumped together as white by (((them))) and then demonized.
Then you are a True Englander, Keep fighting the German occupation force for our King.
>oi bicks naad begorrah potaters
Fuck up, McFinnegan
Cromwell missed a few it seems
Yeah your the result of the most inept criminals from these parts.
>admits to being Brit/Irish decent but thinks it's funny to undermine his own blood.
Your either kike or fell for the Jew coolaid. For your sake I hope your a kike.
Bollocks, you just reminded me I'm out of fags. I just put the kettle on too...
>Didn't deny being an obvious kike mutt cunt
Suck my uncircumsied cock ya filthy Jew
If they're descent people and you like them, why does it matter user.
Don't bully the Irish!
And Hitler missed you
Would you rather have a white burger or another Paki in your country?
Neither, we're full.
Hitler loved the English. We should have allied with him, and colonized your land with Englishmen.
Fuck of You filthy big nosed rat
>it's only memes when it doesn't hurt my feels
>filthy Jew
Callate fucking mick. Hijo de la negros
No, no , NO, NO, NEIN, NEIN.
I BTFO out of Americans so bad here that Ireland is a constant source of butt flustering to them.
i thought i was ukrainian and polish but it turns out i'm more french.
Actually seems you are unaware of the history, I will not defend my attackers.
>kike hiding behind a Brit flag
Like I said your a kike and an obvious one.
>Can't handle Anglo banter
Has Great Britain been able to control even on of their colonies either financially, militarily, or politically?
Micks are as American as I am.
I found out I was a potato nigger heritage too. At first I was exited. But potato niggers always talk shit about Americans that want to show pride in potato nigger culture. Like they really hate it. So why should I show pride in a self hating culture that hates me. Fuck that I hate them. And I hate myself too just to spite them.
Pic related it's every prime minister of Ireland
lots of anglos here hmm
Now you know why your penis is so small.
Nothing you can do...
Except kys
keep worshipping the german jews from Frankfurt that sit on the British throne.
Sure mate. Whatever you say, Paddy.
Damn it, faggot, I'm trying to make a point here. You know that your garbage politicians are going to keep importing bodies to prop up the debt-fueled economy. So, which would you prefer, white Americans or commonwealth shitskins?
>inb4 "white"
We might be loud and obnoxious, but the kids will come out fine.