What is a nuclear gravity bomb?
What is a nuclear gravity bomb?
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A warhead that does not need an attached delivery device, see: Fat Man
drop it on north korea
A bomb that falls with nuclear gravity i guess
>nuclear gravity bomb
It's very lethal to roaches.
It's a bomb without a guidance system, dropped from a plane.
*Nuclear bomb
Unguided bomb, basically a free fall bomb.
Calling it a gravity bomb sounds cool though.
A made up weapon!
A retarded Nuke?
>nuclear gravity
I like this idea.
waaat, we tested that back in 1945
It's just a bomb, but nuclear. Dunno why they try and make it so dramatic sounding.
It's fake news.
My weiner
>He never read up on the nuclear gravity theory
The idea is to juxtapose this story beside the story of the US being agressive towards north Korea for testing nukes, framing the US as hypocrites.
Which they are of course. That shouldn't matter to you little roach since you are in NATO. You are their ally in hypocrisy.
>reading RT unironically
It's what your mom calls my ejaculation
It was not real, just like this weapon!
With the multi-trillion budget they have, why would they have just created this type of ''nuke''? Because it's fake!!!!
were getting closer to our terraforming weapon that we weill unleash upon the middle east
dont know what im talking about just google that shit
>A new energy source will be created and global hunger will start to be eradicated between 2025 and 2028. A manned spacecraft to Venus will be launched.
>From 2033 to 2045 the polar ice caps will melt, causing ocean levels to rise. Meanwhile, Muslims rule Europe and the world economy is thriving.
>During it’s attack on Rome around 2046 (which is under control of the Muslims) U.S.A. uses a new method of weapons.
Said to be terraforming of the sort.
You know how a bomb conventionally explodes?
This bitch implodes. Everything gets sucked into a center point.
just a regular bomb but they call it gravity in the header to generate more clicks because people are retarded
desu so are shoes
Fake news
hint hint
Top kek
Maybe we're getting ready to drop nukes from drones?
Trump is just waving this in Kim's face, taunting him like a child. This was meant to push North Korea over their limit, so we will have an excuse to trigger WWIII.
Free fall bomb. You do an "Idiot's loop," (or LABS) let it detach on the upward of your loop and fly away as fast as you fucking can and hope you fucking escape the blast.
Just a normal bomb that is unguided, like the ones you see being dropped from aircraft in WW2. The only difference here is that it is nuclear, you don't need precision when your intent is to nuke a city or an airbase.
>nuclear gravity
does that make it fall faster or slower?
Doctor Thomas Brown once described a gravity bomb. It uses the warp of space to create ripples destroying anything in the wave. The benefit over nuclear is that the waves propagate on their own at the speed of light, unlike a nuclear weapon which does a lot of damage with an air burst.
Gravity bomb = just drop it from a plane and it falls
>Nuclier gravity bomb
WTF it dosen't make any fucking sence.
Roaches can survive conventional nuclear bombs, this solves that problem.
>Source: your anus
Maybe it's like the plot of MSG1 where foxhound was trying to develop a rail gun to deliver a nuke instead of using a ballistic missile to get around international treaties.
The only thing thats sure is that it sounds bad ass.
Give sources
Sounds like tinfoil bullshit
It's okay.
this. updoot if you love based muslim Assad and have always hated drumpf
t. oldfag since 2002
Hey you filthy roach stop stealing the screenshot I took and posted on /sci/ and reposting it on Sup Forums
But it is true, we tested a Mark 12 B61 without the pit.
Sweden just tested the 'Wife's Son of All Bombs' this week
gravity kek
So...a bomb?
No, being hypocritical would be giving Taiwan nuclear weapons.
but the real question is would the bomb just hover mid air if someone disables the atom?
Its some shit about that Baba Venga, someone whos predicted many things, these being some of the things she's predicted. Take it with a grain of salt, however it would be pretty damn coincidental about the things shes predicted and gotten correct.
what did they test? not the warhead, that's for sure. were they ensuring gravity is still in place? must have been an exciting test; yes, it falls!
wew that was a darn fine thread
Nukes are vulnerable to EMP counter measures. This one wouldn't. It's not a message to Korea. It's for China.
Pretty sure a gravity bomb is just a unguided bomb dropped from a plane.
it bounce back a few times, exploding everytime and rips a new grand canyon into your country
no the new bomb is now falling manually
That would be pretty amusing
You're the one posting it. You tell us, nigger.
>Doesn't post archive
It is a nuclear bomb that takes advantage of gravity in it's descent onto it's target.
I.e It falls.
Here's one source
Americans have the best comebacks.
It's a proven fact.
The name makes it sound like a nuke that has a blast that initially sucks you in with tornado-like windpressue right before it vaporizes your ass int eh rapid expansion. Just to cause an extra amount of total destruction I guess.
Like a vacuum that after ripping your flesh from your bones, shotgun blasts your bones off into orbit as they turn into irradiated ash.
Wouldn't mind getting wasted by something like that to be honest. If you gotta go, might as go in the most metal way possible.
>still no source
yall in a slide thread
wait until you see the german comeback from WW2
Include me
They're testing nuclear delivery systems for scenarios where electronics are wiped out. Think they'll dust off the Enola Gay as an EMP contingency?
>nuclear gravity
France, folks.
They're not fucking around anymore.
Bombs are insanely accurate
They almost always hit the ground.
Sorry guys. The article was a typo.
nobody is guiding it? amazing!
>nuclear gravity bomb
Misleading headline. It was an inert, non nuclear device mock-up of the real thing.
The test was to see how well it preformed when it was dropped from the plane.
"An F-16 from Nellis Air Force Base dropped an inert version of the weapon over the Nevada desert last month to test its non-nuclear functions as well as the plane's ability to carry the bomb."
No propellant like a missile, purely a "free falling" bomb. Granted with GPS tracking and slight fin adjustments.
Wait, does the EU need to bring ships to USA shores now that they're testing nukes, or how does this work?
Regular nukes cause a sunction effect anyway, CBRN drills specifically tell you. after the blastwave has gone over you, not to stand up and start walking about because the cunt's going to come rolling back in at the same speed in the opposite as the atmosphere rushes back in to replace the air displaced by the detonation.
That's why you get a mushroom cloud, it's all the dust and shit that gets sucked back into ground zero and then thrown up into the upper atmosphere because it has no where else to go.
We have 3 of those.
They are useless if the plane is fucked.
>dat French education
>allahuakbar! allahuakbar!
wellp thats all folks
Research is your friend.
Come on Sup Forums,
Old Sup Forums would have been able to find this shit in an instant.
>nukes dropped from f16
>it's totally okay for monarchical dynasties to get their hands on the nuclear codes, we should just give every dynasty on earth the nuclear codes, this will work out well!
are you retarded? do you really not understand the inherent danger of nuclear proliferation?
>almost always hit the ground
>there are bombs that miss the ground
Guys... a famous philosopher once discovered that flying is just throwing yourself at the ground and missing. How do we handle rogue bombs flying on their own?