We have a map of the wall sections now


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what it will look like

Why is there that one spot without a wall? What if mexicans decide to come from there all at once, this spot near Texas?

>natural obstacles

That is where they are putting Big Tex's Big Game Hunt and Family Buffet.

It's a buffet and all the illegals you can shoot.

why are there massive gaps? texas doesn't have big mountains

Natural terrain acts as a wall

>It's a buffet and all the illegals you can shoot.

>No guard towers
>No automated turrets




Since the citizens of the US is going to pay for it it had to be done cheaper.
The walls are made of aluminium and we have to use some natural obstacles to hide it in the budget.
Business ya'know

Is anything actually moving on the wall-front? by which I mean, are companies placing bids? Are deals being signed? I would expect this sort of thing to be starting long before the plan for the wall even being built is finalized because that is standard with government work.

I'm guessing the River is too wide there or something.

They're building test walls in San Diego.

>No mexican-fueled giant nigger mechs patrolling the border


the farthest one in west texas is big bend national park and part of king's ranch (owned by ultra mega filthy rich family) who told trump to fuck off with his wall and they'll shoot the illegals themselves.

what a waste of money. the cartels have plenty of heavy ordinance to btfo this wall whenever they please. the distances are so vast theres no way any breach could be secured before the perps are allready long gone.

oh sweetie... honey... you thought there would be nuke proof snake pits... cuppy cake...

I'm pretty sure that's a national park

read the fucking picture.

lol I thought the brown fence were beaners not being able to get past it before I expanded the image

>natural obstacles
Most illegals come through the Rio Grande Valley... so there will be no wall there? WTF?

Just fucking invade Mexico and kill every cunt that might give you trouble.
It won't be cheaper but it will be a permanent solution.

>we're supposed to believe that huge stretch of riverland is impassable

The fucking Mediterranian isn't enough to stop immigrants here


it will have 24/7 patrols my man, besides most checkpoints are in Texas right?

because the rest of the world uses metric

its enough we're just helping them come

tfw the drumptards keep getting drumped
literally paying tax money to put up a wall that is ALREADY UP LOL

there are big barren mountains around el paso

Yeah how about a legit source next time.

It looks so beautiful.
The big empty spot is the site of a national forest that I think the CIA moves their cartel products through. Its blurred by google.

>that pic
>source Al Jazeera


The problem with expensive equipment, personnel, and barriers is that guerrilla tactics are used to
Overcome them with simplicity
Make the opposition use more resources (e.g. purposefully set off as many sensors as possible to keep personnel on alert for false alarms).

Why? San Diegos terrain is nothing like what theyll be building it on

I'll post what I know about walls and borders.

Some people are confused.
>What about visa overstays
They too will go back. Visa recipients will have to be subjected to NSEERS with both biographic and biometric data used for both entry and exit, and an expanded and enforced EVERIFY.

Visa holders who try to marry their way in or service their way in to citizenship will find greater scrutiny and barriers.

On the matter of the border, the U.S. should institute or otherwise increase

>some sort of marine, terranean, and subterranean defenses.

The "wall" may at its least amount to:
>corrosion-proofed double-fencing along the border, with
> surveillance
>barbed wire,
> "ink and stink" (dye and malodorant markers) between the fencing to mark unauthorized entrants,
>rebar drilled into bedrock to thwart tunneling
> malodorants introduced to suspected or possible tunnels as well.

More sizable options may include:
>corrugated sheet metal walls
>Bremmer Walls.

Dude, I used to live in Del Rio! That place is absolutely horrifying!

I may be coutersignaled on this, but guerrilla tactics include focusing on expensive opponent equipment and structures,
>continuously batter them
>force the opponent to spend more time, money, and resources replacing, repairing, and maintaining them
>decrease morale and support for such a project among the opponents' population and political class.

From that perspective, it might actually be better to put up doubled-up Israeli fencing instead.
What about legal immigrants? And tunnelers? and Rio crossers?

At its most substantial, border security may appear as follows:

> 1.

A wall, with height and razor wire substantial enough to thwart climbers, ladders, ropes and pulleys,


A wall, with depth, seismic sensors, and aforementioned rebar and malodorant measures to thwart tunnellers,

> 3.

A wall, with thickness sufficient enough to thwart rammers and drillers,

> 4.

A wall, with a length all across the border,
> 5.

Day and infrared camera surveillance,

> 6.

Lookout from tower sentries,
> 7.

Foot patrol on the U.S. side of the border, as well as a joint sweep by U.S. and Mexican forces for such things as drug cannons and illegal crossings,

> 8.

Manned and unmanned air patrol,

> 9.

Vehicular patrol,

> 10.

Water patrol in the Rio Grande,

> 11.

Water patrol in the Gulf of California


Water patrol in the Gulf of Mexico,


Water patrol in the Pacific Ocean,

Redpill us.

Directly the costs will come from a combination of legal and financial claims the U.S. government has against those nations South of the Rio

Increased tolls coming into Mexico

Increased visa application fees, especially for dignitaries like politicians and businessmen

Seized revenues of criminal operations

Taxed remittances

The remainder coming from funds we already have set aside from border security

>all of CA, AZ, NM covered

looks good

>*Assumed locations

Thanks for the made up bullshit from Al Jizzonya, faggot.

Indirectly, the SORG (South of the Rio Grande) countries may cough up aid in the U.S. border security, and the wall may be paid for in the following ways:

>By sending back these people who left their countries because they were so shitty, they will build up pressure to activate for change

>The costs of POC annually on Federal, State, and Local government levels > the costs of the wall

Coupled with border security and travel restrictions, we should also remove the magnets: which attract people here, and those which keep

people here:

Cutting off "sanctuary" jurisdictions", firms, and institutions from funding, services, projects, grants, and appropriations (as well as ramping up investigations and prosecutions therein, or even setting up or allowing some, for a time, to operate as "flytraps",

Regulating, taxing, and/or seizing of remittances,

Restricting or qualifying the provision of welfare and public services on all levels of government,

The controlling, legalizing, regulating, and taxing of various controlled substances (as they relate to drug-runners' and drug dealers' incentives for operating in the U.S.),

The expansion and enforcement of E-Verify for employers, and

The repealing of Birthright Citizenship, even if it requires a Constitutional Amendment to repeal the 14th Amendment, grandfathering those here already to prevent legal and administrative concerns,

>7 et al.
More confederate flags. Less affirmative action. More hiring our own people. Fewer bilingual schools and city governments.

To reiterate:
>What about the tunnels?
Seismic sensors.

>What about planes?
Expanded NSEERS with biometric and biographic data used for both entry and exit
Visa waiver restrictios
Travel restrictions

>What about the Pacific/Rio/Gulfs?
Expansion of personnel
Expansion of manned and unmanned surveillance, e.g. sensor buoys

>Like this is so hard. You expect to get to the moon?

Chance of this ever actually being built: about zero, sadly. Trump doesn't have enough political capital.


drones can fill in the gaps.

f it doesn't happen at the federal level, it should happen at the state level.

Previous pic related, though. We have to
Create blocking units to force the politicians to advance
#RepealHartCeller #Repeal1990INA


build that shit man, but also start growing your own shit, leave Mexico and Colombia alone fucking yankee FUCKS, cucks, motherfuckers

My PC BSOD. Retyping on mobile.
We can use an Article V Constituinal Convention of the States. Even if unsuccessful , the threat of doing it has forced the congress and president to act .

We can look to history
>Draft riots, veteran riots
They got pushback, but ended up getting paid
>Labor, Soc, Com, An agitation
They got pushback hut ended up being met halfway
>Ghetto riots, MLK riots
The government capitulated with more "Civil Rights" and smashing White Restrictive Covenant Housing Associations.

We push fundamental changes to the system.

Think about the Vietnam War
From the Right Libertarian side we had the introduction of better paid war fighters
>General to Friedman: do you want an army of mercenaries?
>Friedman to general: do you want an at of slaves?

And the voting age was lowered
>Gravel to opposition : 18,19, and 20 year olds are being sent out to die in a war they had no representation in

+release of Pentagon Papers
+news reports
Led to major shift in perception and conduct of the war for better or worse.he have to do the same with immigration. And border security .

We have to institute a form of eugenics and ah their organized crime syndicates though or the problem will pop up again

>He does not know the wall is actually mexicans all along

>A wall with a bunch of gaps and holes in it
American construction everybody

It's not Mexico

Mexico literally has the same problem from every Central American country and some South American, and just recently Cuba thanks to their new relationship with us

one can wish though