Will women start approaching men since more men are avoiding women?
Will women start approaching men since more men are avoiding women?
Yes, they start approaching niggers and muslims
lol i fucking wish
Really? lucky for me then
>Leaf larping as a nigger
Get out, Mehmet.
Canada has lots of niggers, Finnshit.
They already approach men. They just don't approach men that look like me.
No, they'll just become miserable and unhappy, while men drink beer, play video games and jerk off.
Women being the sexual selectors in humans is hard wired from millions of years of evolution, it's why they make men so nervous.
Yes, when they're 30, almost barren and not worth the hassle anymore even by 1950s standards.
Up until then they'll be riding the cock carrousel and voting for higher taxes, pretending that men won't notice.
Glad to answer yet another one of these bot threads.
yes, but not you
Never gonna happen. Women will drop hints but they wont confront you about dating. If you dont initiate you're weak and not worth procreating with.
Women can't deal with social pressure or rejection. You will NEVER see a society where women approach men as often as vice versa.
They will just become even more whorish and will spread their legs to the first migrant subhuman that groups them.
They already do to me and they act autistic as shit.
No, but when we finally invent some kind of Holodeck type technology (it will probably be some kind of mind-connected virtual reality) women are going to be FUCKED.
Seriously, why would you date a real woman if you can come home to a virtual woman that can you touch, fuck, and give any personality and appearance that you want?
>Sup Forums is the number one board where all canadian niggers flock to
American education
you bet and you wont like it
Interesting, what is the reasoning behind that claim of sexual selectors?
The bastard fucker is fucking them all
They will go back to stable whites when they have bastards they need to feed, their pussy fried or fucking or dry of age.
>Will women start approaching men since more men are avoiding women?
Only if they are hot.
I suggest you go to /fit/ and read the sticky.
I've never asked a woman out they have all came to me.
It does happen though though maybe its because I am a musician.
I don't know how to ask women out I'm a huge pussy at it and I am in my 30s now.
I didn't realize I couldn't ask them out til recently.
Guess I got lucky never had to ask.
Been a single awhile this time though. Fuck.
They already do that you're just too autistic to see it or you're ugly
No. Man up and approach women yourself. Or else other men will do it instead of you MGTOW faggot.
No, they will just throw their pussies to the highest tier male. Harems are a thing in nature, you should study them.
It's cringy AF if you get 'approached' by a munter
never, a woman would rather die alone and miserable than risk rejection or loss of plausible deniability
Women would rather date other women than risk rejection
don't know what a munter is but user is right
>because I am a musician.
A guitarist who can only play chords over and over, or an actual musician?
Women always approach me. Its not a good thing though its made me lazy and unskilled in that department.
>Will women start approaching men since more men are avoiding women?
No. The small number number of men who don't approach women are betas or lower. Statistics for tinder and other apps show that most females get laid on tinder but the vast majority of men don't; a small percentage of men are fucking a large percentage of females.
So no because most women will, at some point, get approached by an alpha Chad stud.
Nope, Chad will make time for the extra girls
>Will women start approaching chad?
They already are.
this is nothing new, a friend of mine is easily 9/10, very good looking face and good body (no homo), women approach him all the time.
If you average (like I am) then forget about.
women are happy to share an alpha male. women will never start approaching beta males. chads will just keep getting more and more pussy.
you're a sissy
Im autistic and rarely approach girls, but they have been hitting up on me quite a few times.
Also I should add the women do not think or care about sex anywhere near as much as men do.
For women, sex is like ice cream; they usually enjoy it and would like to have it but it wouldn't bother them too much if they were never allowed to have it.
For men testosterone not only increases sex drive but also men connect their self esteem and sense of masculinity to being able to get laid. Women don't have this burden.
no and anyways men should reject women that pursue them.
I've had 6/10 and 7/10 women approach me but I was a pussy and nothing came of it
Women already approach men. It's just that those men are usually really tall or otherwise attractive.
they do if you're high value enough
>tfw work with professional footballers, sadly I'm not one, but i've seen their whatsapp
I'm convinced they do this to try and get the white guys who are tired of their bullshit to start approaching them again.
It won't work.
Women have always been the sexual selectors. Women have a genetic average that's very close to the mean, where as men have a wide genetic variance, which means selective women get to increase the genetic quality of the population.
They are the bottlebeck to sex and babies, men would fuck all the time if they could, but women have the danger of pregnancy and child birth, where as men have none.
Do woman not approach you?
Happened to me too. I just don't know how to flirt I guess. I am extremely introverted but I look good.
Conversations with girls get awkward because I prefer talking about politics and history rather than social drama.
Talking with women you have to pretend you're someone else, it's fucking weird.
they flee me
No. Girls only like outgoing and muscular guys. Shy and average guys don't get women.
We've created a society where rape is not okay and the subjugation of women has become less and less tolerated over the past ~1000 years
In Western society men have approached women and done their little mating ritual (bought them a drink, tried to make them laugh, impress them, etc) in the hopes that the woman will select them as a sexual partner
I dont think they really suffer from shortages.
You need three things: decent income, a car and a social circle. They don't go for migrants either like fags here say, thats why they rape them.
>No. Girls only like outgoing and muscular guys. Shy and average guys don't get women.
Nah this is the oldest stereotype in the book. This might be true in America though.
Oh ok
Women approach me alright, but as soon as they get in nostril range, and get a good look at my face, they soon run off again.
>I prefer talking about politics and history rather than social drama.
aren't there females out there that prefer these conversations more than drama?
if you are at least 6'2
>Will women start approaching men since more men are avoiding women?
No they just invite a bunch of other men, aka, The Migrant Invasion.
Dude this is bs. Don't fall for the chad meme. Plenty of tall dudes in my school were single because they looked like lanky faggots.
nope. either be assertive or you're a cuck. besides women love it when you take the lead, decades of feminism can't eliminate base instincts in the bedroom
America and Canada are basically the same, as far as social interactions go.
They always did that, and always will do that.
What is new is betas avoiding women, hence, let's invite in a bunch of other men into the country.
I'm 6 foot 6, scrawny, but still get approached bluntly now and then. Gotta rely on the personality to drive 'em off.
My friend from childhood is 6'3 and signed with a modeling agency. When we go out, girls make excuses to approach him and flirt. They always ignore me too and I am above average looking myself, but not model tier.
Yes but they will approach above their weight class. So a 6 will ask out a 9 and a 7 will ask out a 10. If men start adopting to this pattern of mating you will start to see a lot of chads with ugly ham planets and this will be bad for men overall as their value will go down. So in other words if this trend continues if you're a man who is 5 and below you'll never get laid (despite what you think now even a 5 or 4 or even a 3 can get laid).
Nah we will just go for other women then
>They don't go for migrants either like fags here say, thats why they rape them.
Oh yes they do. But since you don't fuck the ugly and oldies, you don't think about them. Trust me, I seen my fair share of a 50-60 year old woman walking the streets of Copenhagen with a young refugee. I agree though, young and fit women don't.
You're right m8. You ever had a girl try to get your attention by flirting with someone in your crew or generally someone beneath them nearby?
>You ever had a girl try to get your attention by flirting with someone in your crew or generally someone beneath them nearby
YES. Worst part? It works.
>since more men are avoiding women?
Is that true? I thought this was just me.
I don't want them to. I'd rather remain womanless or become a gay
>Taking the b8 and not doing it to them in reverse, especially to one of her friends
Women do approach men. I'm not a Chad but I've perfected what I call beta game. Present yourself as the perfect beta provider chump and you will have milfs and cougars throwing themselves at you without any kind of dignity. The best part is that they are used to pump and dump by then so they won't pursue much after you ghost them.
>I rejected all woman that approached to me when it was cute and good
>mfw Now i am ugly and alone
Times fixes all problems except cancer.
i tried that. the guy got bored easily. no thrill of the chase.
i have aproached many girls with little odds in my favore, it is an effort for me though it is reworded rarely, when a woman aproaches me im just happy and cosider it a gift from the gods
I think women project what works on them and what they find attractive onto men.
There was a girl that kept bragging to me about how much male attention she was getting so I figured that she was all set and out of my league and I wouldn't want to have to compete with all of that all the time.
Then people asked me why I ignored her and never flirted with her and that I was dumb.
I don't know how to flirt anyway. Never sure if they just want attention or truly interested. Probably attention.
Thank god I have a waifu.
they cant be successful nor do anything on their own, so yes, in time
I still have my v-card but some women have approached me. The thing is I just can't get myself to fuck them. It just turns me completely off. At this time I believe that something is wrong with me.
It might be all the shit women has given me over the years.
No, they will wait until CHAD approaches them and takes their viriginity until they wait for the next CHAD to approach them.
Meanwhile YOU masturbate to other people having SEX on the internet and wonder why you're still a VIRGIN
>Thank god I have a waifu
This post was pretty incomprehensible m8.
I have approached women in the past and got rejected brutally. Seems like if you're not a 6'2 thor looking blonde chad women want nothing to do with you.
it's because you're gay
5'10 slender dude, rate myself a 6/10 and I've fucked 8 chicks, all of which have approached me except for one. It's pure luck of the draw
Seems correct based on what I read here.
no just more depressed childless women who feel unattractive and give up
ARE U ME????
This. My entire life.
women approach good looking men
now, you are always better off approaching
but a good test if you are good looking is to go to the bar and drink at the bar with your buddy and wait to see if any women come up to you