>over privileged white liberal woman says White Men are the most dangerous people in the world and must come to an end
>does this by promoting pro-black/anti-white propaganda and often volunteers to help renovate nigger housing projects
>one day she got jumped by some random dindu and brought to his basement where he stabbed and tortured her for days until she gave him her credit card pin number so he could go buy a car
>she bleeds out and dies days later
Anti-White Male activist tortured and killed by Black Man
why would you make a bike out of plywood
That's a good nigger
It was art made from an abandoned bike that was still chained to the pole but had no wheels. (it was blight).
Here's her website, her family/friends are taking down all her pro black/anti white social media lol
Also some tits.
Forgot link.
>hold out on your pin number for days
What a dumb cunt.
No she gave it up almost immediately apparently, he just kept torturing her in the basement though and driving her car around til he could buy his own.
He went to 7 different ATM's.
Here she is putting on layers and layers of clothes for some awful art reason.
Ah right, the OP was misleading.
She "deserved" something like a beating and/or a rape.
Not to be tortured for days.
I love stories like this.
Evolution proves to be the greatest natural culling device on Earth.
Nothing of value was lost
He was a black muslim as well lol
>sympathy for an anti-white racist
get the fuck outta here
bleeding heart liberal
This brightened my day OP, lol BURN THE COAL PAY THE TOLL
dude you are stupid
>He went to 7 different ATM's.
lol why? any bank worth its salt limits the money you can withdraw per account and not just different machine
poo bad for that Liberal, huh?
It wasn't just that she liked black men, it's that she thought white men were the absolute worst people on the planet and that the world would be a better place without them is killing me.
now that's a black guy who truly dindu nuffin wrong
The saddest part is he didn't stream it on facebook. For ever nigger that doesn't stream his crimes, more people die because they buy into the egalitarian agenda.
Please, spread the message, niggers need to livestream
A fitting end for an anti white.
Nigger logic, probably thought if he took too much out of the same ATM it'd look suspicious.
>from chattanooga
Not even remotely surprised.
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
She is the proof why we need slaves, some people are not intelligent enough to comprehend freedom.
this is what college education does to you. glad she fucking died, useless scum
like pottery
This isn't something to celebrate you morons.
>This isn't something to celebrate you morons.
Why not?
top kek good stuff
This is the most obnoxious fucking intro I've ever seen. Couldn't even make it to the 10 second mark. Why the fuck do Youtubers do this cringy shit?
Didn't know Sotomayor had Panamanian roots. That's definitely one of the reasons he's based
quality leaf posting
She died the way she lived...
He is extremely red pilled and is one of the most popular black figures that is getting the truth out there.
Because these special snowflakes need to reinvent the wheel
What a great thread to start the day.
>good nigger
>not dead
Nothing of value was lost. She would have probably still blamed what happened to her on White Men
this is beautiful
What was her name again, Sup Forums?
Just did, he is my new leader.
TNNRaw2 is one of the only outlet that have a strong black audience. It is in pols best interest to make Tommy our ally.
With a bleeding heart?
So Tyrone doesn't steal it.
>all art needs to be marble statues and paintings of conquerors
typical male.
Are there more nudes of her?
>Murray bike
I used to want the bmx Murray so bad when I was younger shit was so cash.
I didn't know they still make them.
>good nigger
>spurts out democrats r reel raycists and other T_D tier shit
Yeah no. This whole "liberals are the real racists" thing is retarded and only started because PC right wingers don't want to ask the jewish question so they blame the left.
Sometimes the redpill is the hardest pill to swallow. She wanted to take it so bad she had it shoved down her throat.
> DC Police are still refusing to disclose Toure’s immigration status.
Where is there evidence of her hating on white people ?
Good. We need other people of color to follow him and and gradually become redpilled.
Top kek.
She deserved worst.
Then she would have made a feminist blog about how all men are rapists and hate women,
Fuck this race betraying whore. Glad she's dead.
I really wonder what she was thinking during her last moments. Do you think she was rethinking her life choices Sup Forums?
>B-but I defended your race on the internet!
Rot in hell, bitch.
that isnt how females think
Yeah, definitely. She probably even tried to bargain with God and a White Jesus figure.
>muh liberals
>democrats are real racists
>civic nationalist
You have to go back.
She advocated for this kind of stuff. She got was she kept asking for.
But liberals are racist. The Democratic plantation wouldn't exist without it.
That's hilarious tbqh
Mmmmm sweet justice
wtf hilarious hahaha wtf
good riddings to the nigger loving race traitor.
Can't find any evidence of her being anti white, links ?
And nothing of value was lost.
No lol. She died cursing white men.
No wonder why you guys are all virgin NEETs. You may have different political beliefs, and she may have been insane, but she did not deserve to end like that. You should not laugh about this.
Blacks aren't trapped in a Dem plantation, they are dumb subhumans that can't function properly in western society, that's why they're at the bottom of the social ladder and always will be.
God damn T_D is out in full force today.
White women have such a hard life. It breaks my heart!
womyn aren't logical and are also not thinking.
Pretty sure that she still blamed white men until the moment she died.
You have to appeal to the demographic you want to target. In this case, he's trying to appeal to niggers.
>shariablue thinking they're fooling anyone
Burn the coal, pay the toll. She learned the redpill in the end, didn't she?
good goy
Around blacks
>liberals are racist
/our/ people
Yes, keep trying, I'm sure you'll change Sup Forums's opinion eventually.
Justice was served.
This is poetic justice. Anyone remember that Swedish feminist U.N. official who went to Africa and ended up getting tortured & killed last month?
I hope this does not discourage other young white women concerned with social justice from reaching out to young black males, everywhere. It is certain that her beliefs helped her to endure this experience.
save screenshots, find archived stuff, sucks she died horrifically, but her life should not be allowed to be sanitized. This is the price she pays
anyone got the link to her BLACKED.COM video?