Sup Forums claims to be a christian board

Sup Forums claims to be a christian board .
when Christians went all through Europe and killed all the pagans or converted them into Christians . why would you like this ?

>tree worshiping child fuckers


Society changes, the Bible has the same meassages in it today as it did 1000 years ago.

It's all so simple in the end, user.

Deus Vult


Only the strong survive. Allah wills it.


How'd they get BTFO so hard if the were strong?

>worshipping a dead jew on a stick

>child fuckers
the church?

because the Christians had better technology in weapons and forced them into submission . just like the jews and america is doing to everyone since ww2.

Do you think it's possible that paganism is incompatible with the civilization necessary to craft those weapons?

Outnumber, you couldn't BTFO Prussians and you had to run to Germans, Then Teutonics couldn't BTFO Lithuanians.

They were outnumbered*

Which weapons have Christians invented?

i don't understand your question.

Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.

Always the same line.

Do you actually know the estimates of abuse cases in the Catholic Church?

The problem is not the abusers within the Church, they are demonic pigs who will be dealt with by the Lord, as Christ said it is better to be cast into the ocean than to harm a little one. The problem is the corrupt Church authority figures covering it up, whom many believe are simply demonic paganistic worshipers anyway.

Pope Francis most definitely does not worship Christ behind closed doors.

are you a nationalist?


Pagan patriarch Varg rejects Christianity in favour of paganism because he believes Christianity is an engine of Civilization, which he views as degenerate.

Christian morality, as opposed to north European paganism, created stability and the ability to develop larger cities, fortresses, populations and armies.

My political ideology is more nuanced. I don't fit in to any one group.

Although, just in general, I would say I'm a clerical fascist, similar to Codreanu of the Iron Guard, mixed with monarchist.

But yes, I am a nationalist just in terms of my country.

Now you're going to make up lies and say you can't be a nationalist and a Christian, in an effort to separate the two, because you hate God. In which case I'll redirect you to leftypol where you belong.

you're gonna bring up child fuckers?

you sure that's the road you want to go down?

he's right

how is islam btfoing christianity so hard?

massive numbers

Might as well go back to living in mud huts.


ayo I heard you like blue pills

I don't see any muslims here.

pagans had culture and civilizations.

The Brotherhood denounces "faith" as "a poison that paralyzes the mind." Members are taught to "seek knowledge."

The Odin Brotherhood claims an unbroken historical lineage from 1421. Although the movement "bears the teeth marks of Christianity," we have survived persecution.

Sin is denied and "contrition" is denounced as a "totem of decadence." Odinists see repentance as a mark of weakness because "only the terrorized repent."

Slav IQ is too low for Jews to see it as an immediate threat the same way they see Germany/England.

Just wait a generation.

You can't be pro-violence if you're a Christian.

False, population declined after the spread of christianity. Scandinavians always had low population because of weather, there is no correlation with Christianity.
Also Pagans had all those things, Chinese had even more of those things.

What exactly is in Christian morality that would cause all of that? in Christianity life is just a test, so why would God even want to develop nations?

>Sup Forums is a fan of genocide
In other news water is wet

Ah yes the famed inquisition and the progress of the middle ages

>in Christianity life is just a test


Jewish tricks.

what is it then?

it seems to me that it's a matrix wherein the only true purpose is making it to heaven


Psalm 144:1
"Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight"

Ecclesiastes 3:8
"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—

A time to give birth and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.

A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up.

A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.

A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing.

A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep and a time to throw away.

A time to tear apart and a time to sew together;
A time to be silent and a time to speak.

A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace."


The young here are even more nationalistic than their parents, me included. I'm not worried.

When I say paganism, you know I'm talking specifically about North Europeans, the Chinese didn't revere strength either. Also, look up works of faith.

What exactly was the death toll of the inquisition? Also, pic related.

>burger O' Dean worshippers.

fuck off, nigger

Sup Forums is all upset about how immigrants are destroying europe but the original ones that destroyed europe were christians .

>the young here are nationalistic

so are they young here

they elected a zionist shill under the guise of le wall

enjoy your country while it lasts, subhuman

1. Pol isn't christian
2. Those child sacrificing nut cases had it coming

The original ones who destroyed Europe were pagan Germanicucks, idiot.

Our nationalists are ethnic nationalists, not pussies like yours.

Uneducated fedora tippers, fake christians and other vermin

Here's a protip for all of you: Look up on google Christianity Arianism

bury your head deep in the sand, kurwa

You mean saved.

The original destroyers of Europe were the homo-sapiens, who genocide the advanced neanderthals.

Pretty much this, I can't submit to a Jewish god

>1. Pol isn't christian

But that's a lie user

Pick one. Asians have more neanderthal DNA than Europeans btw.

What should I do? Be a cool defeatist faggot like you? No thanks.

saved from what?


>t.Minnesota white trash

Weeping and gnashing of teeth

You should teach your children the ways of their ancestors instead of a book that teaches them that the Jews are the chosen people of God, to avoid the inevitable future of your country.

>a book that teaches them that the Jews are the chosen people of God
Now I know you've never even touched a Bible. Why on earth would the people that rejected Christ be God's chosen?

no they installed Christianity to replace paganism because the nwo goes all the way back to then.

Hitler could challenge "the world" because german society was structured by pagan principles: Race, blood, unity, hierarchy and etc

Look at us right now: Weak, submissive, cucked... niggers coming to fuck your woman.

Ironically any ways of your ancestors that can still be taught have been preserved in traditional Christianity. Neopaganism is made-up romanticism mixed with occultism. Gudio von List even thought the Germanicucks invented the kabbalah. Baltic neopaganism rips stuff straight out of Buddhism and Hinduism.

>a book that teaches them that the Jews are the chosen people of God

How in the world can you be this ignorant?

Christianity claims that the world exists in a broken state and is ruled by Satan. Everything evil that exists is a tragic result of sin, not an obstacle put up by God to test people. Christ's purpose was to defeat death, deify man and give people a way to leave this world and reunite with God who will eventually destroy this world and bring a new perfect one.

The general idea is that man (and with him, the world) somehow managed to fall from perfection and in this mortal life we attempt to heal ourselves. Death is seen as unnatural and a tragedy in Christian theology.

>Pagans weren't already killing each other
>The vikings didn't slaughter Christians


From their own responsibility.

Christians didn't do that, catholics did.


Uh oh, someone hasn't read Mein Kampf.

You ever read the old testament senpai?

You ever wonder why (((the Vatican))) leaves it in the Christian canon?

they should have slaughtered the christians.

they were an invading force into their lands

are you telling me that euros should bend over the the muslim hoards that are coming in right now?

>You ever wonder why (((the Vatican))) leaves it in the Christian canon?
Because it gives context to the New Testament. Plus the wisdom books are pretty good. Theologians like Origen viewed the OT as a giant metaphor way back.

>what is the New Testament given by the Lord Jesus Christ

Quit larping this "pagan" bullshit and grow the fuck up

>Christians were invading Germanicuck lands
>Germanicucks weren't invading Christian land
Holy shit you're retarded.

why would i NOT like this?

Said by the guy who tried to redefine Christianity into something more "Positive" to uncuck the german people.

Good luck senpai.

They've watched Vikings too much and have absolutely no real understanding of Christianity.

because hitler was a jewish agent and ww2 was staged to make jews look like innocent victims forever.


Catholicism has always been positive, the modern perversions are what has begun to damage the Church.

Christians didn't kill all the pagans or forcibly convert them here, it was quite the other way around actually.

I wanna believe Christ was Aryan, I see so much good in Christianity, but i can't overcome the obvious Jewishness and weak, submissive, meekness and humbleness that it espouses, passages like that make me believe that perhaps he was, but then when you read that quote in the context it was said, you see he was simply talking to the Pharisees not the entire Jewish population which he claimed to be King off. "He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him" Does this not express how the Jews feel about Christ? For the Aryans received him, those quote must not be talking about them.

You have no understanding of Christ at all.

Rabbinical Judaism is pharisaism. Those are the only "Jews" left.

>Hebrew bible

Scandinavian still had low population after christianity, they still had mostly wooden buildings. looked it up, don't get it.

You don't really explain how it isn't a test, it doesn't have to be put up by god, although technically it is put up by God, because he created satan and is all powerful and controls everything.


umm sweetie, your question is stupid

There is and has never been anything venerable about being weak and submissive towards anything that offends God.

No, christianity is exactly the same. The key difference is where at history the element of manliness and european culture prevailed. Now both are destroyed... What Christianity is doing anything about it? Replacing europeans with refugees because "we are the same under god".

Fuck you.

>nation rejects Christianity
>imports shitskins
This is Christianities fault!

>when Christians went all through Europe and killed all the pagans or converted them into Christians . why would you like this ?

It's weird how Sup Forums will defend Christianity for the same things it condemns Islam for.

>Christians massacring white pagans? yayyy braise cheez-whiz, deus buld :DDDD

>Muslims massacring white Christians? noooooo muh wide genocide DDDD:

The Bible says you reap what you sow. Guess what you guys are about to start reaping?

Yes, it is.

Then elaborate? Dismissing my question without answering does nothing.
Jews has a race are the problem not rabbinical Judaism, It's just a tool they use, look at Zionism
"Anything that offends God" is a very vague description, what offends God? The bible never talks about the white race going insticnt being offensive to God, only an attack against Jewish race is offensive.

>Replacing europeans with refugees because "we are the same under god".

What are subverted churches.