What's your excusse?
quite a few killed by drugs as well
the wall is about smuggling
Mexico would have built it years ago if not for the fact that their country is run by cartel shills
>lets combine three things to make this one problem seem less severe
you forgot diseases from unscreened illegals, drugs, illegals committing rape and murder,and drug gang violence, intellectually dishonest shill SAGED
>hurr you can die from X so why do you get mad when i increase the possibility to die from Y
Like everywhere in the world
Sure, better air would be cool but I'd like some statistics about American people actually dying from it.
>toddlers with guns
If somebody is too dumb to secure their weapon they deserve to get shot or their kids taken away, in this situation kids take away themselves.
>But let's build wall...
Yep, for the same reason your house have walls, to keep undesirable elements out, or if you're soviet, keep desirable elements in. But you're free to remove doors from your house anytime but then don't complain when you find packs of nigs occupying it when you return from your Starbucks job.
Just be glad illegals are not shot on sight under some 'kingdom' doctrine.
>More people are killed by toddlers with guns than terrorists shitlord. Let the refugees in!
>Open boarders
>Terrorists killings rise a 100 fold.
>Terrorists kill 20 times more people than toddlers with guns
>Holy shit most of them are good people shitlord. Terrorism is part of living in a city asshole
accidents, pollution and toddlers are threats of roughly constant size
muslims are a threat that can increase without limit as their immigration continues, just look at the state middle east is in
this makes the muslim issue especially problematic
besides, its not like US can care only about one problem at a time, is it
>More people die from cancer than from aids so let's just stop making condoms
no excuse.
one does the best oone can to prevent unneccessary deaths.
especially murders / deaths by criminal action.
sure u dont get that. ure obviously just a leftist (mentally retarded person) or a women (mentally retarded person), or worse : both
>you're more likely to die from X than from Y
>wtf we shouldn't try to prevent dying from Y
Most american deaths are caused by black people. Ban black people instead
>you're more likely to die by A, so why do you care about me increasing the chance of you dying by B?
>thinks the wall and banning muslims is strictly to stop terrorism
> Things you can prevent
> Thins you can't prevent
if you respond to flatout retarded arguments as if they were good objections, your IQ drops
this is why this board makes stupid
all the "really activated my neurons" or "pol btfo" threads just make you dumber everyday, because they present stupid statements like they are killer arguments and bait you into responding to them because you find it so obnoxious and or disagreeable what is being said
i feel like the american army should go over to mexico and kill all the cartels and if the mexican government has a problem with it we will just kill the mexican army also.
Snakes are not people.
Is that info taken from that one bar graph that claims only four people have been killed by Islamic terrorism in the last decade? If so, go fuck yourself.
Mexican criminals arent considered terrorists, and thats whats the wall is for.
Mexican murders greatly dwarf "dumb accidents, pollution and toddlers" kill numbers.
Muslims are not people
>Women have almost no rights in places like Saudia Arabia, Iran. etc
>But let's focus on how you can't get free birth control or unlimited abortions
One thing is an accident, the other are attacks committed with ill intent by fanatics and criminals like:
>Muslims in CARS
>Muslim KIDS WITH GUNS indoctrinated to kill non-muslims
>Bombs and so on.
Of course people will be more afraid of them
Jesus Christ, get it together, dipshit.
WTF? I hate toddlers now.
i think youre the sum of our shitty schools as you evidently have no idea about the workings of the world
I hate this stupid fucking logic. Just because something else is more threatening doesnt mean you completely say fuck it and forget about it. I don't go and let my kids play in a radioactive pool full of razor blades and syphilis because "its okay, heart disease kills more Americans."
Cant prevent all stupid accidents from happening. You can however prevent people who are not supposed to be here from killing people by simply not letting them be here.
You're right, foreign shitskins are worse than snakes. They're decidedly more violent, more sadistic, and carry diseases and pathogens that are easily transmitted to non-shitskin humans.
More Americans are killed by hammers.
But let's ban guns anyway.
You willing to let a terrorist kill you because you might have as well died in an accdient ? Go to Syria
So we should just keep adding to the death count that comes in from mass hysteria fuel SJW retards that don't understand shit about the world and let all these freeloaders and people who hate us into the country for no reason?
Nigger why are you so retarded?
>>sage in all fields
Most accidents, pollution, and armed toddler incidents are caused by muslims and illegal Mexicans, look it up.
I hated that one time when I tripped on a terrorist and he shot me.
I knew that it could happen, a friend of mine lost control of his bike on a sandy patch of road and a terrorist killed him.
Accidents, I guess.
Feels good that contractor put a bid in for the wall. He basically said he had a great engineering breakthrough design that would counter anything those beaners attempted and would basically cut your hands up trying to climb it while being made of a polymer 100 times stronger than concrete.
you take that back.
Fuck off and die, leaf.
You liberal idiot, terrorism is only ONE of DOZENS of societal problems Pisslam causes everywhere it has ever gone; it's NEVER peacefully coexisted with anyone. Now run along OP, you sound hungry for your diet of muslim semen.
>number of accidental gun deaths is 500
Wow, nice bait
I'd trust a rattlesnake over a mudslime any day
Hold on, letm e clarify
>200,000 early deaths from pollution
>136,000 deaths from accidents
>500 unintentional gun deaths
Really making me think OP
Are you trying to push some agenda?