So Sup Forums, have you taken the Yellow Pill™ yet and if no why not?
Freedom is the only way
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Did someone say DANK OC MEMES?
Ancap here converted from antifa "anarchism."
Memes much more spicy on this side of the fence.
Ancap pls, hoppe is hope
Glad to here it brother.
I was a leftist 2 years ago myself
Who are you talking too?
Im disgusted, but I still welcome you as long as you don't give me any of that "communists are people too" bullshit. The NAP doesn't apply to self proclaimed NAP violators like communists.
>When your political ideology is literally a meme.
Now bend over shabos goy! I got a nice circumcised dick for you!
That's why we rule.
Our memes are untouchable, No other ideology can even attempt compete with our monopoly on picardia memes.
>tfw you're so shit at competing in the free market you blame all your failings on Jews
You fags are the same as Commies blaming successful people or Feminists blaming the patriarchy
Thats why go Hoppe, not Rothbard, i don't need to do the echos, it does it for me
Rothbard is an Honorary White.
But Hoppe is def my boy
Freedom like in Somalia
Just take it dude
looks tasty
Because unbridled capitalism is every jew's wet dream
and why is that,exactly, hanz?
more like every NEET's worst nightmare. get a job you pussy.
I am not a communist, but an unregulated market is dangerous
I sure have.
And I also like roads
>no roads
did you mean better roads?
> but an unregulated market is dangerous
for you
John Adams was tutored by a Jew from his british banking father, he made the modern government, but also made the post president as a way of creating pseudo monarchy, the point is any jew can pass a damning thing under good things, but that my inherent jew alarm going off
you could probably afford a cheap one man helicopter without all the taxes and regulations. no memes implied.
I simply want my food free from cancer inducing shit
looks like Pinochet missed one
Yeah, you gotta see how they keep pushing for the right of association, unregulated markets, private property, and so on. Oh, wait, they don't.
Is there something more retarded than talking about how terrible Jews are without even understanding what they're actually pushing for is mercantilism? Which by definition is the antithesis of libertarianism?
What jews want is your total dependency on banks, which is what the state accomplishes, you fucking blue-pilled mong.
do you think the cancer-food industry will be booming? or do you think they'd get a bad reputaion and maybe they buy food from someone else?
Because supermarkets would love the publicity selling cancerous products's not like they would make sure their products are safe for their own fucking interest or something.
Seriously just start thinking and reading something before you get into debates.
>Implying business owners benefit from their costumers dying from their products
>implying that quality standards would harm us in any way
Within AnCap, what's wrong with creating a micro nation of volunteers who all agree to live according to NatSoc principles?
so are other people
this makes it unprofitable to have cancer inducing products
Or you think that in ancap society there will be no standards or careful food monitoring? That's a lazy strawman right there
Implying regulations aren't ment to be cheated
>mcdonalds pink slime
libertarian philosophies are at this point self-defeating unless something can be done about the demographics trends.
The fact of the matter is that "natural rights" and "Universal human rights" are not natural or universal, but simply a byproduct of Anglo-Saxon culture. While we can sell these values to other people, it is pure folly to expect them to adopt them on their own.
Friendly reminder that libertarianims/anarchocapitalims i a jewish scheme to prey on the autistic
So long as they don't fuck with anyone else or their property, same goes for commies. But if they start expanding its likely people will get together to remove them.
regulations are always used by corporatists to create monopolies
Then let's create a government directly controlled by the people and shoot anyone that violates these standards
>i a jewish
busted kike, you slipped and now you are paying the price.
The people disagree with you, so you will be the one shot if you were to give them that power.
Because we are not going to win the culture war with muh freedom of speech! The right have been Libertarians and the left have been authoritarian. The left are winning. Fuck freedom. Instill Facism now and get rid of lib scum.
last two should do *autistic screeching*
Archbishop Fulton Sheen should be our Patron Saint.
I a person not in the government would indeed shoot them have the government not have its monopoly on violence
>ifunny are you winning? Last I checked Trump won and gen z is conservative.
Pol btfo
i swear i've never been on ifunny, I don't even know how their watermarks get placed on my memes.
Minarchism is best anarchism.
>physical removal
Y'all niggers are fucking retarded.
hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal
hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | the argument (右翼死刑囚)
h o p p e w 𝓪 v e | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | end democracy
Based Hoppe physically removes democracy
Drop it like it's Hoppe
Let's Get Physical
I Need a Pinochet
Hoppe's Kitchen - How to make Wiener Schnitzel
Leftists getting Physically Removed, So To Speak
Y'all don't get it man, communists are incompatible with a libertarian society. lets look through the bullet points;
>Violently oppose the concept of property
>degenerate beyond belief, will surely rot your culture
>incapable of existing without leeching off of your labor
>because they can't survive without leeching off of you they are incapable of minding their own buisness and must aggress upon you.
its paleolibertarianism
The piss pill?
O-oy vey, I’ve been found out.
Commies and fashies try and take you're property (nationalisation) or harm you are completely justified in responding with force in self defense
>owning rights
Chose one, retard
>implying the mexican will not kill you
hello my white brother
Hello mate
Freedom is the only way to:
>getting cucked by open borders
>getting cucked by free trade
>getting fucked by the 1% of the top 1%
yeah no thanks
This is why I support Minarchy with militias used to protect individual rights. At least until the society is stable enough and the NAP is widely accepted as the best principle for personal and societal prosperity.
>What is the tobacco industry
>Fast food sells cancerous disease food cheap as fuck
Ancapistan sounds awful mang
mfw I made this one. Feels good.
OK luck with resisting an (((empire))) atack with those militias
And you can choose not to buy those products if you think the damages to your health are not worth the enjoyment. Congratulations you've learn't how to act like an adult human being.
because I like the environment and don't want to see it raped to hell
Also I don't to have to engage in guerrilla warfare against googles private army
>I need a private military to enforce my good ideas
degeneracy and homosexuality were explicitly illegal in the ussr
You said businesses won't do it. I proved that they do, in fact, do it. Are you retarded?
private nukes
>1% of the 1%
>he can still win amiright?
>let's give people permission to sell nukes to islamic terrorists. what could go wrong?
kek dont try to discuss with an american, thay are retarded nowadays (leftist, dont give a fuck or autists) What went so wrong with you :/ ???
implying somebody will pay them as a charity act.
implying people will own weapons without builing an empire and raping owning rights