Is Sup Forums satire?

Are you guys actually unironically racist. Am I just too stupid to understand the level of irony you're on? Or is it all for reals?

everyone here is racist but no one has the balls to act on it in real life

I can't remember

Obviously Sup Forums is satire. Do you really think there are enough people who are unironically racist to support a website of this size?

Lots of people are lots of different things.

>not realizing that everybody is secretly racist.

To quote Rene Descartes:

>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

shut it, Estonian kike.

Yes ;)


Racism to an extent can be healthy and normal

As long as it is primarily focused on those dirty kikes

Sup Forums is a board of peace

Fake as in Descartes didn't say it or as in it doesn't apply to Sup Forums?

Faggier than usual.

There are some genuine racists on here, most are memes though.

Real question is, which flags are the most racist?

100% real here

We all have politically incorrect thoughts, here is one way of venting them. If you look closely there's a broad range of people from all over the political spectrum.

Define racist.

That's where you're wrong friend, at night I do drive by shootings in the ghetto to spark drug wars. Nobody ever really investigates so as long as I make my getaway without getting shot it's a perfect "crime".

Depends what you mean by racism m8.

Most poltards don't consider themselves racist despite the fact that they are clearly predjudiced towards every single minority out there.

You see

Everyone is racist. Racism exists for a reason.

Nobody really blindly hates people just because they're different. Stereotypes have a basis because for a stereotype to form and then persist, people collectively have to agree that the stereotype exists, otherwise they wouldn't recognize a stereotype as a stereotype.

And that's why people who are around niggers hate niggers.

Niggers hate niggers the most; why do you think black on black crime is 9x the rate of white on black crime?

As in I looked up that quote on the internet and the quote can't be confirmed.

The sage that saved Sup Forums

started unironically turned straight jew hater

That's actually a really good quote

Why do you think I'm jewish?

Like, do you actually hate black people and muslims?

Started off as irony and edgy. Believe it or not, "fer teh lulz" was more of a silent agreement rather than a meme spouted off by retarded.

Now, we're so far in, I can't tell anymore. People joked about being racist and liking Hitler, idiots and new people didn't get the joke, and there's been a mixed bag ever since.

Just always remember: Sup Forums isn't one person.

racism is prejudice + power, ergo whites can't be racist, only the kikes can

> Am I just too stupid to understand
Yes you are, thanks to the kikes who took over Estonia after Germany lost the last crusade.

This board is filled with racist beta basement dwellers who gets made at Tyrone for cucking them with all the white women they can't have.

>Sup Forums is prejudiced against minorities reeeeeeeeee
fake news.
I'm a dirty half-breed you dumb faggot. But niggers gonna nig.

Sup Forums is a board of peace. Gas the kikes, race war now tho.

if you knew you wouldn't ask that question

Sup Forums is a board of peace.

I hate niggers and they should all be killed.

I am not a racist.

If you don't see how both of these are possible at the same time, you are a monkey nigger with a peanut brain. Eat the curb, nigger.

When you say racist, do you actually mean racist, or do you mean "white ppl been meen," because racism would include that turk prick who keeps crying about white people and all the anti-white women threads posted by non whites and leftie fags. I consider myself realist, probably racist by some standards, but less than they are.

Shitty satire

>checks flag
wierd its not a leaf

Fake or not, it's 100% accurate when it comes to describing Sup Forums

Sup Forums started as a troll by Sup Forumstards but pretty soon became flooded with actuall neo nazis and white supremacists.

>Like, do you actually hate black people and muslims?
No, I just don't want to live with them. That's all.

>implying we're a hateful group of racists and bigots
What are you talking about?
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
digits confirm.
thank you.

No, as a Christian I do not "hate" anyone.

At the most I hate the sin and not the sinner.

Keep in mind this does not mean I endorse immigration.


I dont hate anyone, I just highly prefer my own ethnic group. also, africans are dumb.


It's another "user changes the broadly accepted definition of the word 'racist' to justify his hatred towards people who don't look like him" episode

Racism? This board is only for worship of prophet Kekus Maximus ( pbuh). No racism here, lol!

So? Sometimes they are right about things. I'd rather be surrounded by a diversity of thought than wallow in a pathetic writhing hugbox of censorship.

Sarcastically racist. Though there are a few stupid fucks that don't realize it, and go on and act it out IRL.

pic related

what do you know about being dedicated

it used to be irony. then pic related happened. although Sup Forums is a containment board and its racism was always unironic.

they are actually racists. but they can't say that in real life. so they come here to scream out :D

>implying racism is bad
crime is whatever the state (in this case the jews) reserves itself the right to do

Top kek

These fuckers are scared of Muslims and Jews irl

Found the jew.

I cannot fathom that so many can be racist in 2017.

Like I mean, its the current year, get over your white privilege, we're here to stay.


For those who aren't satirical, you're stupid as shit. You conveniently ignore the real issues like Islam and the globalist media, and instead go on aboUT "muh aryan blood muh degeneracy muh gay marriage muh kick all da nigs out da mofuggin country it's that's easy Xd."

You're fucking useless most of the time and you only function as a perfect strawman for the media to attack and distract people from their schemes.

Ironic considering that Sup Forums is basically a far-right hugbox.




Well you're stupid, but we are most certainly racist. Fuck multiculti estoned posters



Inb4 they accuse you of being a jew

of course it's satire. i literally cannot tell the difference between a transgender Somalian terrorist and an ethnic german they look exactly the same in every way and are just equal equal equal. this is bulletproof science, and all of our policies should be based on this fact.

There's no such thing as racism, you dumb Kurad.

>as if villages didn't vent on the next village, even

It's a trick by weaklings to exert the tiniest amount of power over the strong. And these days extort money out of Western governments and corporations under the pretext a Gender Studies degree is worth the paper it is printed on.


You're the jew, jew.

> disagreeing is trolling

How exactly is Sup Forums not the same as SJW's?

Why can't baltics be multicultural???!?!?

i am a jew and they can't

>Am I just too stupid

If this is true this board is immensly compromised and I should leave.

>hurr pol is a conservative hugbox
Dude, I was shilling for Bernie in the election, and then switched to Stein when he got Jewed out of the nomination.

If you think Sup Forums is a hugbox you are retarded. If you look at the catalog 90% of the threads are slide threads or leftypol "raid" threads

You are dumb as shit. But then you come from a country that arrests people for "troubling tweets". Your country needs to be fucking nuked with faggot losers like you locked inside.

And they say Germans can't into humor

you asked for it

Apparently not wanting foreigners flooding my country makes me a Nazi so I'm unironically a Nazi now. That's fine by me, they have cool memes and stuff.

Is recognising niggers have lower iq a racist thing?

>everyone here is racist but no one has the balls to act on it in real life


>not checking links

Absolutely I am exactly the same as a Somalian there is absolutely no difference between us. Biology is a social construct and our DNA is the same in my heart

nuclear codes, Assad is based etc.

You have 10 second to explain wile being racist is a bad thing, without stating "bcause it's bad"
>Protip: you can't

Also the racism is real everything else is virtually impenetrable levels of irony CIA spergs are still trying to decipher
Me myself f.e:
Spoke of against naziaboos
Voiced admiration of traps
Trashed mgtow
Outed myself as homo
Etc etc
Guess what was real and what's larp

A bit of both, but its likely you don't understand what being racist actually means.


>Your country needs to be fucking nuked with faggot losers like you locked inside

Yeah you totally don't sound like a right-wing nutjob or anything pal.

>Never saw the tits
>calling the faggot "she"

Do you want Estonia to be 100% ethnically Russian?


Congratulations, you are racist as well.

Welcome to Sup Forums.

I love diversity

why do you fallow us?!

>Sup Forums is a hugbox because it doesn't have polite police like reddit

Just fucking wow.

good memes
good people
shill memes
filthy foreigners

good choice

>Stating facts

We're beyond your stupid concept of racism, and no, for the most part Sup Forums is not satire.

It's not "foreigners" that you don't want, it's non-whites.

I doubt right-wingers would protest if a bunch of middle class white christians moved into their country.

Most of it is not satire. Sup Forums is more worried about economic issues and immigration than about people.

If I were a right wing nutjob, I would eviscerate you with my bare hands for saying stupid shit like that.

But instead I would just cut your eyelids off and make you watch in a mirror as I surgically removed all of your limbs without any anesthetics

she admitted that she was trolling here in that same thread from yesterday after I blew her bitch ass out with links and facts

I've seen her before but don't have the links

all she does is troll, contrarian shit

You seem like a nice person. Good for you.

>I dont hate anyone, I just highly prefer my own ethnic group. also, africans are dumb.
That's fine if you prefer people who look like you. But why do you say that Africans are dumb. There are definitely some who are intelligent and can be reasoned with.

That's not me. Stop making shit up. I don't even post on Sup Forums, I'm an Sup Forumsellectual. Only came here because it's Easter on Sup Forums.

That's because there are no girls on the internet my friend.

There's too many overly sensitive faggots in this thread. Start posting gore.