what does Sup Forums think of refugees hanging out with their women?
pic related: my fiancé and her urban friends she hangs out with all day at my apartment
what does Sup Forums think of refugees hanging out with their women?
pic related: my fiancé and her urban friends she hangs out with all day at my apartment
>my fiancé and her urban friends she hangs out with all day at my apartment
She's not even white who cares.
Umm they rail that bitch when your not home
You're getting cucked.
These guys look like beaners and that bitch aint even HuWhite.
Thread is bullshit!
>their women
senpai you aren't entitled to white chicks.
The guy in the middle is a porn actor
Nice try nigger
I don't give a fuck because my life is shit and I'll probably kill myself soon.
>friends she hangs out with all day at my apartment
You crack me up mr. op
Ok. Moving on.
That sand gentleman on the right appears to want to be an ear/nose/throat doctor to make a lot of money.
Good for him!
Don't just kill yourself. Do something people will remember.
SO many options for a man on the edge.
>my fiancé and her urban friends
Bruh, I have a bad new for ya.
>Taking the bait
Jesus Christ, Sup Forums
She looks like a Mexican with bleached hair
Babys first bait
1/10 you could try harder
>You're getting cucked
no they're very respectful of her. I have never seen them even touch her. sometimes I'll walk in unannounced and they're almost always either toking up or watching netflix
how are these refugees?
Women destroy nations
I'd be down with this pic if she was wearing pants.
In my experience (despite memes) this is rare. Your average girl does not care about them beyond egalitarism, the superficial sympathy is what fuel their care - this stems from their spoiled upbringing and high living standards.
Obviously I am not defending their stance, I merely hope you will understanf this is a symptom of a well off society in combination with the fall of Christianity.
>one estrogenic dude cucks another
This is so forced that it's cringeworthy. Neither male looks interested in women.
I recognize that guy in the middle
It's that spic THICC COCK pornstar that bang 80% of all chicks on mofos, bangbros and other related shit
and how could i forget this classic
I'm pretty sure those puerto ricans
fucking lol
>or watching netflix
is your laundry getting done? food getting cooked? how many days a week are they there?
she'll get what's coming to her.
but don't we all?